Chapter 4

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I shot up out of my bed losing my towel in the process, with a scream still on my lips. The tears are still freshly falling. "What in the fuck?! I say out loud. It was just a dream so why in the hell did it freak me out so damn much right now. I look around just to make sure I am home. "Damnit, I hate that shit." I mumble out and decide to get out of bed and start my day.

I have the day off and no plans. I should probably let my mother know I have the day off. Instead, I decided to get a shower to buy me some time. The shower didn't buy me much time, nor did it help me with the crazy feelings I was having from that wacky dream. I do, however, feel more human.

After getting dressed I find my phone and call my mother to see when and where she wants to meet to go dress shopping. I have a few hours before I go meet my mother. I go sit on the couch and binge watch a series. I don't want to think. I just want to be numb. The effects of my dream are messing with me more than I would like to admit.

It's getting close to time to go meet my mother and start this god's awful torture. I think she rather enjoys torturing me. We go from shop to shop trying to find the "perfect" dress. After we finally found it. She looks at me and asks if I want to come over for dinner."

I will meet you at home." She says and just goes on about her way.

You know it's times like this I am glad my mother doesn't pay me any attention. I would have to explain to her what's been going on with me for about a week or so now. I have just been feeling off. A couple of my friends told me that I needed to go to a doctor, but I didn't have time nor do I really want to go. Not that my mother would care if I was sick or anything.

Mom fixes an early supper. I was wondering about it but I got an answer soon enough. She started on how the ceremony is going to go down. She goes on about what everyone's position is going to be and how everything should turn out. I tuned her out.

After around a couple of hours mom let everyone go. I helped her clean up and then left. Instead of going. I'm not sure how long I was walking around but I ran into my friends. There were a bunch of shrieks and squeals. We really don't get to hang out as much as we want to anymore. Life gets in the way, especially since I don't live on clan lands any longer. Though my friends didn't blame me, at least I don't think they did for moving off the lands. We walk to the park just talking and getting all caught up on each of our lives. On our way I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry." I say looking up. The guy seemed to tower over me.

He looked at me with a smile and a wink saying, "No problem. So, what are you beautiful young ladies doing out and about?" I knew he was talking about all of us, but I couldn't shake the feeling he was talking just to me.

"We are just out walking." Viv says with a huge smile. He looks at her with a smile and nods his head.

"Any particular destination?" He asked, looking directly at me once again.

"To the park." I say with a bit of a flutter. Why is this man getting to me so bad? Yeah he's good looking and all that but there is no way he should be affecting me this bad. I think to myself.

"Have fun ladies." He said with another panties dropping smile and left. We all giggled and chit chatted about the good-looking guy as we made it to the park.

We made it to a couple of benches to watch the sun start to lower in the sky.

"So, why haven't we seen or heard from you in forever Yasmin?" Audrey asks me.

"I am so sorry. I know I haven't been talking to you guys in so long." "I have been so swamped with work and school." I say really kicking myself in the butt.

"You went and moved off and now we don't ever see you or talk to you." Audrey said with her typical pout. I laugh and shake my head at her.

"So when will your brother be back?" Viv asked. I looked at her and laughed.

"I should have known you would know. I don't know how you know the things you know." I say at the end of the laugh.

"I have my wicked little ways." Viv said with a mock devil's grn. Well I think it was a mock grin anyways.

"He will be back in a week." I said before she could argue or press me for the answer. She raised an eyebrow at me but let the conversation go.

"I know you may not want to talk about it but how is the ceremony going to work?" Mae asked in her ever quiet voice.

"Are you nervous about it?" I ask feeling like an ass for not considering the fact that anyone could be nervous about it. Mae just shakes her head. I take her hands in both of mine and give them a slight squeeze. "There is nothing to be worried or scared about. You are just going to be officially declaring your magic specialization."

"What if I don't know what it is yet?" Mae asks with a bit of a shake to her voice. I smile knowing how nervous she must feel.

"It's okay Mae if you don't know it yet. It's okay if you don't know it till the day of the ceremony." I smile at her. "Once you call your magic up it will show itself and you feel it stronger than ever. And before you ask, no one is going to notice that you didn't know what your specialization was before now, and they aren't going to make fun of you either." I finished. She takes in the information I just gave her and I see her shoulders relax some. "Better?" I ask with a slight giggle. She just nods at me. "Good."

We all get up and start walking back to where the housing part is located. Everyone's life continues tomorrow despite how good this evening turned out and despite the fact I wish it could have gone much longer. I really do need to be better about keeping in touch with my friends. When we got to the outskirts of the housing district we all went our separate ways.

I am not focused on the ground I am walking on. I have walked these grounds so much I know where every hole and bolder is by heart. I am focused on my thoughts and emotions which are raging out of control. For whatever reason I am having major difficulties getting control back over them. A hand reaches out from one of the dark alleys and grabs my shoulder.

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