Chapter 3

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Thankfully there were no crazy residual side effects from the dream last night and I really don't remember anything from either time. Now to focus on this laboratory techniques exam. I really would like to be able to finish school and get my degree.

I went out to my car and checked my phone for any missed calls or texts while I was taking the exam. My mother sent me a text asking me to call her at my earliest convenience. I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. I call my mother and steel my nerves for what this conversation is going to hold.

"We need to go dress shopping for the Dragon Awakening Ceremony."

"Mom, you don't have to buy me a dress. I can buy my own dress or wear one of the ones that I already have."

"No, it must be brand new. We can't afford anyone to see you in something that you have worn before. It is tradition."

Mom starts on a tirade about long centuries worth of traditions and I tune her out like normal. There is a beep on the line, and I realize I got another call trying to come in.

"Mom, I have to go, someone is trying to call me."

"I'll wait."

"Of course, you will." I say as I put her on hold before she can say anything. "Hello."

"Yasmin, I am sorry to do this to you, but can you come into work? Serena had an emergency and can't come in."

"Sure, just give me a few minutes." I answered my boss.

"Thank you so much." And before I can say you're welcome there is a click on their end. I switched the call back to mom.

"Mom, I am not going to be able to go dress shopping with you today, I just got called into work." I say, thankful for the excuse.

"It's okay as long as it has something to do with work." She answers. Then there is a click from her end. I looked at my phone in a bit of confusion and then decided to not look into it any deeper.

At least my mother didn't throw a big hissy fit about me not being able to go dress shopping with her. She must admire my work ethic. "It's the only thing about me she admires." I grumble. I can't help but feel a little dejected about being all but rejected by my own mother. I shake the useless feelings away and make my way to my apartment so I can change into a set of scrubs.

At least there were no surprises at work. The usual stuff. The only thing was we were constantly busy. Balls to the walls type of work. It at least kept my mind occupied on something other than the disapproval of my mother.

Once I am back at my apartment, I sit on my couch for a bit just to unwind and catch my breath. I bend down to untie my shoes and my back screams at me. The muscles are tight, my feet hurt and are a little swollen. So, a hot bath is in order for me.

I ran the bath this time with no bubbles but some Epsom salts. Once it is full, I strip off and slide in. Instant gratification, the hot water massages the sore muscles at the same time it is relaxing them. I sink down and lay the back of my head against the end of the tub. I close my eyes and take in how the hot water feels and the steam rising on my face.

I close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake up sometime later confused and feeling lost.

"What the hell?" I say. I let the water out of the tub not really thinking about much except the dream I had. It was so vivid, but I don't remember any images or pictures, just sensations and emotions. I make my way to my bed and crawl in it, not even bothering to take my towel off. I hold on tight to the emotions coursing through me so maybe I can finish this damn dream and feelings will go away.

It didn't take long for me to fall back to sleep. This time instead of just intense feelings I can at least see things. Well, I see myself. There really isn't anything or anyone here, but somehow, I know if I stay just a little bit longer, he will show up and everything will be like it is supposed to be. Then I heard it, a voice calling out to me. I smile and look around but there is nothing but darkness. I walked a few steps in one direction and there was no one there.

"Come to me." The voice calls out.

"I can't see you." I call out but my voice gets swallowed by the darkness.

"Please, I want to, but I can't see you." I cry out starting to get desperate. I am worried he will leave me again.

"Come to me." he calls out to me again, sounding farther away.

"NO don't leave me!!" I scream out falling to my knees in tears. 

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