Chapter 30

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I am nominated this time to get drinks. I laugh as I hear the girls making a fool of themselves. It feels really good to just be able to have fun and forget everything for a while. As I am waiting for the bartender to get the drinks, a strange guy comes up to me and asks if I would like to dance. I smile and politely tell him no. To my surprise he doesn't push the subject he nods and goes in search of someone to dance with.

I pay the bartender and go back to our table. The girls are chatting away about everything, but mostly about the potential one night potentials. That would be when we noticed the Cheshire smile across on Mae's face.

We turned and looked behind us and saw her Earth Clan guy coming up to us. We all look at Mae and her smile starts to fade as she starts to fret.

"I'm sorry guys I invited him. I can tell him to leave or that I will meet him later."

Viv: "Don't you dare."

Me: "Go dance with the guy already."

Audrey: "Yeah go on."

Mae: "You guys sure?"

Me, Audrey, Viv: "Just go already.

We all laugh and Mae smiles and just about jumps out of her seat to go meet her guy. Not too long after Mae and her Earth guy goes to the dance floor a sandy blonde muscled and tattooed guy comes up to Audrey and asks her to dance. "Let's go." She says. He grabs her hand and she turns to look at us and wags her eyebrows. Me and Viv laugh and give thumbs up.

It's just me and Viv now.

Me: "Dom't think I didn't notice how easily you brushed off Audrey's comment about knowing more than just rumors."

Viv: "I answered her."

Me: "Not what I said. I said you brushed her off."

Viv: "Well what I said is also true."

Me: "I know, but obviously Tyler has gotten comfortable enough with you to vent about clan business." She is giving the deer caught in the headlight look.

Viv: "Look Yasmin, I.."

I cut her off before she could finish the thought. I laugh though at the look on her face it was epic comedy.

Me: "Viv, don't. I don't get involved in my brother's business like that."

She smiles at me.

Viv: "We aren't serious. We are just kind of seeing where it goes I guess."

I snort laugh at that.

Me: "I swear you two are the same freaking person." This time it's her turn to snort out.

The other two girls are back from dancing. We decided to play quarter and now we are starting to get drunk. We are laughing and stumbling. This time a clean cut business man that loves the gym asked me to dance and I decided to go for it. The girls are whistling and laughing and cheering us from the table.

I am a little beyond tipsy. Not full on drunk, but not just tipsy either. The alcohol in my system is working and enhancing my emotions. To put it plainly I am horny. It happens everytime I drink and it's been a while since I got laid. Maybe tonight will be my lucky night. I laugh to myself at my own irony. Little did I know what was in store for me later tonight.

I am dancing a slow and seductive dance with this guy who still hasn't told me his name. Do I really need his name if he is going to be a one night fling? I wonder. I lean my head back. The guy is staying back just enough to be respectful but close to entice me. My hair falls back against his chest and I hear him laugh. It was a nice baritone and that echoed in my chest. I feel his hands close to my shoulders and running down my arms without touching me. The lack of physical touch from him is starting to irritate me.

I zone out and just enjoy the closeness and teasing this dance brings out in me. I then felt this hard tug in my emotions. Something is trying to kill the good time I am having and I won't allow it. So whatever it is I decide to ignore.

The guy steps closer and turns me around. I decided now would be a good time to take in my dancing partner. Not a bad looking specimen of the opposite sex. He is clean cut with a very defined jawline. Light colored eyes. I really can't tell what color they are. His shirt was rolled up to just past his elbows and what I could see of his arms they looked good enough to eat defined and chiseled. Broad shoulders and I can count the abs through his shirt. His thighs look like they are going to burst through his jeans. Well maybe with all of that working out maybe he can pick me up and fuck me against a wall. I think to myself getting my hopes up some.

The first song ended and the next one played seamlessly after. The longer we danced the hornier I became. You know if this guy doesn't ask me first, I am going to ask him to take me home with him. I decide.

I felt a slight change in the atmosphere but didn't see anything out of place so I didn't stress about it. I just go back to enjoying my dance and my dance partner. After just a few minutes I feel someone watching me. That turned me on more than it should have. I enjoy the dance and the feeling of someone watching me. Maybe the guy will get the hint soon and ask me to go home with him.

Oddly enough Joseph pops into my head. I know he could pick me up and fuck me against a wall and then keep going. What would it be like to have sex with Joseph? I wondered. I would love to run my fingers down his chest across his stomach down to his cock and grab it. I bet it's huge considering how big the guy himself is. This strange guy is big, but Joseph is so much bigger. Well I can imagine it's Joseph instead of him and enjoy it even more. I thought mischievously.

Well now the guy steps closer to me leaving no room between us. Instantly I knew this wasn't the same guy I was just dancing with. Joseph leans down and whispers in my ear "thinking about me? I promise that guy wouldn't have lived up to your expectations. You still would have been needy and only I can take care of that need."

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