Chapter 6

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I make it to work on time. The whole way I couldn't get what happened last night out of my head. I feel so bad, and I am still embarrassed by it. "I am never going to live this down." I whisper. I can feel my face heating up. "Ugh." I say into the empty car. I sit there for a few minutes to let everything calm back down and hopefully let some of the red drain from my face. I knew my face must look like a sun ripened tomato right now because I can feel the heat radiating from my face. I waited a couple minutes longer. Then I grab my purse and keys and make my way into the clinic.

Apparently I didn't wait in the car long enough because as soon as I walked in the clinic Daisy asked me, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine, why?" I hedged out.

"Because your face is a beet red woman."

I laugh, let's just say I was reliving a bit of an embarrassing, more like mortifying moment I had yesterday evening."

Daisy giggles and says"say no more."

After that we both go on about getting ready for the work day ahead. I was in the back getting the examination room cleaned and sterilized, ready for the next patient to come in. When I hear a familiar male voice. Oh it couldn't be could it? I think half mortified and half excited. As I made my way out of the examination room, up the hallway to the reception area I heard "Please do tell because if you're talking about yesterday evening I do believe I am the injured party." Liam pretends to be hurt, to Daisy.

"Well if you wouldn't be going around giving innocent women heart attacks then they may not have reacted so." I say coyly and lean against one of the columns that separates the reception area from the hallways. Liam looks up at my voice and smiles. One of those smiles that makes his eyes shine and crinkle up at the corners. Yes, that is just a super fancy way to say he has a really nice smile. I try my best to stay calm and not react to him on the outside, but on the inside everything is going haywire. "What are you doing here?" I ask keeping my tone professional for the most part.

"I came to give you a message from your father." My brain goes into overdrive trying to figure out what could be wrong.

"Is he okay?" I ask, my voice only a little shaky.

"He's fine so you can relax and not stress. He just wants to have lunch with you." Liam said some of his saucy-ness was gone , replaced by sheepiness and maybe a little regret.

I let out a breath. "He could have just texted or called me. I would have gotten back to him as soon as I could have. Why did he send you?" I asked just as much to myself as to Liam, well except that last question.

"I volunteered." He says with that damn smile again making my insides turn to goo. There is no denying it now, I feel some sort of way about him. There is this pull to him that I can't deny is there.

"Why?" I asked him confused.

He looked me up and down for a split second leaving a hot trail in the wake of his eyes. He met my eyes and gave me that damned smile once again and said "maybe I wanted to." He leaves with a wink. I'm just standing there trying to get my brain to function.

Daisy watched the whole thing in silence, but every now and then I saw her react a couple of times. Got to give her credit though she didn't say anything as the whole scene played out and knowing Daisy I'm sure that was super hard for her.

When she knew Liam was well out of earshot Daisy looked at me and says, "damn girl he's hot."

I just snort and say "yea." Thankfully the next appointment is here and I didn't have to go too much further into any conversation about Liam. Which is good considering I really don't know much about him, and really don't want to talk about him to Daisy. I'd rather keep him and all topics of him to myself, at least for now. I took the animal back, got the vitals and settled into a crate. I took advantage of having a few minutes before the procedure to begin and text my dad setting up our lunch date.


I met with dad at a cute little cafe that was only a few blocks from work. I should have known he would have beaten me here. This man is early for everything. "Hmm come to think about it, it's probably where I get it from." I think as I walk up to the table my father is sitting at. I sit down across from him and as soon as I do a waitress comes up and asks what I would like to drink. "Sweet tea please." I say. She nods and walks off.

"How is school going pumpkin?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It's going fine so far. If I can just keep it up for a bit longer then I will be doing great." I say at the end of a long sigh.

"Are you nervous or anything about the Dragon Awakening ceremony coming up?" He says and right then the waitress brings my tea and sits it down in front of me.

I look up at her and say "thank you." She nods and goes on about her job. "No, should I be? I pretty much know what magic I am going to specialize in. I mean I am happy and excited for Tyler to meet his dragon, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous." I finished with a bit of a pout. The waitress comes back and asks if I am ready to order yet. "I would like a cheeseburger and large fries."

"What all do you want on that?"

"Mayo and everything."

"Coming right up."

"Don't count yourself out yet." Dad said with a mysterious intrigue and his mischievous smile. I can see Mandrem's eyes shining brightly together with my fathers. I raised an eyebrow at him but he didn't give me any more information. He just left me to scratch my head and wonder if finally my dad was losing his mind. I wanted to ask him about his and Madrem's eyes shining together but before I had the chance the waitress came back with my food and sat it down in front of me. I began to eat when they brought out dad's food which was a huge steak, baked potato, and a salad. I swallowed the bite I was chewing.

"When did you even order that?"

"When I got here." He said with a shrug.

"Dad, if you ruin your appetite for dinner, Mom is going to tan your hide." I shake my head at how much food he ordered.

"No worries, by dinner time I will be famished once again." I don't know how he eats so much.

Surprisingly it doesn't take my father long to finish his food. I enjoy the silence and comfort being around my dad brings me. I finish what's left of my food and reach into my pocket to cover my part of the meal. My dad shakes his head at me and refuses to take my money.

I shake my head at him and stuff some of the money back into my pocket leaving the rest as a tip for that nice waitress. I walk to my dad and give him a kiss on the check and go back to work. The rest of the day went smooth and quick. We weren't jammed pack with emergencies, just regular check ups and the routine procedures. Tired and sore I made it to my car and went home.

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