Chapter 10

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I woke up still a little peeved at Liam and his offhandedness thinking he had a right to tell me he didn't like how close a random guy was getting to me. Even though, if I told myself the truth, I liked it, maybe a little too much. Since I have finals this week I am going to have to buckle down and touch up on some weak points. But first work then studying.

I get to work and everything is running smoothly. I couldn't have asked for a better day. We are all chatting waiting for the next appointment to arrive when my contentment is disturbed because of the man that walks in. I watch as Liam walks over to the receptionist desk where I was leaning against and instead of talking to him, more likely would have wound up fighting with him I go back to the examination rooms. I heard his grunt of frustration at me not talking to him and just walking away. I then heard the bell above the door jingle. I didn't bother to look back.

It didn't take long for Daisy to come find me. So that just proves Liam left. She wouldn't leave her desk if a customer was here.

"So you want to talk about it?" She asks with a concerned look.

"Talk about what?"

"About the fact that this good looking man obviously came in here to talk to you and instead of talking you looked at him and walked away. Did you guys have a fight?"

"I don't know how we could have a fight when we aren't dating. I barely know the guy." I say my frustration at this whole Liam situation building.

"He obviously wants to get to know you better."

"I don't know, maybe."

"Girl why are you being so damn bullheaded. It's obvious to anyone with a pair of eyeballs that this man is crazy about you." She scoffed.

"Things are just complicated." I say and my shoulders start to sag. Thankfully the bell above the door rang indicating our next appointment is here saving me from this conversation. I go to the room I had prepped to make sure everything is ready.

I go on about the rest of the day on autopilot. I can't seem to get my brain to focus on the task at hand, because I am so focused on Liam and why he makes me feel the way I do. I know I am walking around with a frown on my face but no one seems to notice and if they notice they don't seem to care.

Being on autopilot gives me the opportunity to get lost in my thoughts and then that gives me the option to be able to push the troubling thoughts to the back of mind to deal with later. I am super glad that I have an understanding boss who let me take off early today so I can finish taking the last of my finals.

I rush to my apartment after taking the finals and grab a quick shower and then head to my moms for a small family dinner before the ceremony takes place.

I made it to my parents house in record time. Most would say I am early except my mother of course. I am early enough to see that my mom has already started cooking. I walked in the kitchen to see if she wanted me to help.

"Set the table and make sure everyone has a drink ready."

"Yes ma'am."

I thought about trying to make small talk but decided against it. My mother never was the one for small talk.

"Would you like me to do anything?"

"Get the towels and put them on the table so that I can set these pots on the table."

"Yes ma'am." After mom gets all of the pots and pans set out on the table she starts to get the drinks out of the fridge and sets them down. I make a move to go fill the glasses when my mother grabs my arm to stop me.

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