Chapter 34

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"I hope Viv can get Tyler straightened out but I highly doubt it." I mutter. Still aggravated with him for being an ass.

I put on a pair of sweats and a baggy tee shirt. I just slipped the tee shirt over my head and sat down at my table when there was a knock on my front door.

"Come in." I listen to the footsteps walking towards me. I look up and see Liam. He is smiling at me but it's a tight smile.

"What's wrong?"

He sits across the table from me and says, "I'm trying really hard not to be an ass like Tyler but."

"Wait what do you mean not trying to be an ass like Tyler? Were you there when he called me?" Not real sure how I feel about this.

"Well yes, but not in the way you may think. He was in my office when he made the call. That's how I found out.

"Oh. Why was he in your office?"

"I don't know. I never got the reason. He left after you hung up on him. Why do you insist on going to a place that is dangerous?"

"Why do you think I can't handle myself? Better yet why don't you or Tyler tell me why the nightclub is so dangerous instead of trying to keep us away?"

"It's an ongoing investigation."

"It's bullshit and that is a bullshit answer. Besides you and Tyler don't need to worry Joseph was there." I said as an afterthought.

"I know we said to take it slow and start as friends but I can't fight this feeling to protect you. Wait, why was Joseph there?"

"I don't know he just showed up."

"He just showed up? Yasmin?"

"What?" I ask, starting to get a bit fidgety under his scrutiny.

"What exactly happened between you and Joseph?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I can smell another man's scent all over you. What happened between you two?"

Instead of answering I buy myself some time by standing up and going over to my sink and leaning against it with my arms crossed across my chest. I didn't buy myself much time because Liam stood up as well and started stalking towards me.

"What exactly happened between you two?" He asked each word with a bite. Then he trapped me against the sink by having one arm on each side of me.

I meet his eyes but still refuse to answer. I didn't cheat, so why do I feel like I did?

Liam takes a couple steps back and just stares at me waiting for me to answer. After a couple of minutes his arm shoots out and he grabs my face by the chin.

"Did you let him fuck you? Is that it princess? Is that why I can smell him all over you? Did you like what he did to you? Did he make you feel good?"

"Yes." I rasp out. I can't believe he put his hands on me, and even though he did he's not hurting me. He is degrading me and yet it is turning me on. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Liam turns my head to the right and buries his nose in the crook of my neck. The hand holding my face trails down my face to my throat. He grasps my throat but doesn't squeeze. Just the contact of his hand around my throat makes me gasp. It just makes me more wet. My eyes roll in the back of my head with pleasure. Did I mention I may be a little fucked up?

He leans his head down, his hand still on my throat and says, "maybe I should go and find someone to make me feel good so you can smell her scent all over me."

My eyes bulge out at his words. Anger and jealousy flood through my system.

Liam must have felt the change in my demeanor because he said, "don't worry princess they won't be as good as you." he then gives my neck a squeeze making me forget the emotions I was just feeling. All I could think about was his hand around my neck and where I wanted his other hand to go.

He lets go of my neck and leaves.

I managed to squeak out, "Liam." He stops and looks at me.

"What were you going to say, don't do it? I can't do that? Seems to me you are the one that wanted to take it slow and start as friends. Besides you already went and got fucked by your guardian of all people. What's to stop me from fucking someone else?" He sneers.

"Look I don't regret what I did, but I didn't do it to hurt you. I do regret that."

"It's a damn good thing this bond isn't fully intact or I would have found and fucking killed him. You understand that right? It isn't fully intact now and all I can think about is ending him and fucking you senseless until all you can see, taste, and smell is me." He growls.

Oh gods, those words did not help the state I was in. My nipples tighten to hard little nubs. My panites were soaked to the point it was leaking down my legs and soaking my pants. All I could think about was begging him to make good on his words and fucking me beyond my capabilty to think about anything but him.

"Liam I'm not going to tell you that you can't go and have sex with someone else." I managed to say through my sexual haze. I was hoping to calm him down or reassure him. I start to walk towards him.

His eyes are amazing. I see his and Razzy's both. I gasp softly. It's rare to see both the human eyes and dragons eyes at the same time. That means they both are having trouble staying in control. Hopeli panics some at seeing Razzy's eyes.

Please just loose control and fuck me hard right here right now. I beg in my mind. He stalks back towards me, grabs me by the neck firmly and walks me backwards into one of the living room walls.

"You don't have the fucking right to tell me I can't go and fuck someone. You spread your legs for you fucking guardian.

Despite the fact his actions and his words are turning me on beyond belief I will not let him talk to me like that at least not right now.

"That's enough Liam." I rasp. He just laughs.

"Enough? What's the matter, princess don't like being called out? Too fucking bad.

"Liam, let me go now and leave. We will finish this conversation when you are more level headed."

"Fuck that and fuck you and your hypocritical ass." He gives me a little shove with the hand that is still on my throat and walks out of my apartment.

I watch him leave. "Fuck."

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