Chapter 2

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I was finally able to sleep in instead of having to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to make it to work on time. As you can tell I am not a morning person. Unlike my brother. He drove me crazy while we were growing up. Always so happy and so chipper. I wanted to strangle him every morning.

I managed to make my way to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. I have a small machine since it is just me and I really can't handle so much coffee. I rummage through the refrigerator to see what I had for breakfast. I found some sausage, eggs, and butter. I grab them all very carefully so that I don't drop the eggs and make a mess. I gently set them down on the counter right by the stove. I look through the cabinets. "Now, I know I still have some bread left somewhere." I mumble. I eat a lot of bread for one person but as busy as I have been I have barely had time or the energy to eat. Which explains why I am so ravenous now. "Ahh found you." I cried out triumphantly pulling the loaf out of the cabinet. "Hmm, you're unopened. That's unusual." I say to the bread. I go about making myself a breakfast fit for a queen.

Thankfully it didn't take long for me to make breakfast and even less time eating it. I do what little cleanup there is. That is one thing I am grateful that my mother pounded in my head by making me clean up after every meal we had at home and by letting Tyler get away without doing anything. I look around and enjoy the clean kitchen around me. "So, what am I going to do on the rare occasion that I have the day off of work and no classes?" I wonder. "I need to study; I have that huge freaking test coming up." I say out loud as I remember it. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the spare room that I converted into my office/study.

I lost track of time while I was studying. The only reason I was brought back to the present is because my stomach is growling. It hasn't been that long since I had breakfast and it is too early for lunch. I go and grab a bag of chips and a bottle of soda; I am going to need the caffeine and sugar boost. Once I am back in my study and in my chair. I find a comfortable position and pick up where I left off with my notes.

"Okay, that is enough of that." I say standing up rubbing my temples and stretching out my hands and back. When it starts to cause physical pain is the point, I call break time. I go back to my room and grab the book I tried to pick back up last night but couldn't focus on it. I go back to my living room and curl up on my favorite spot and read.

That is the best thing about books, they transport you to a whole new world. You no longer have to worry about responsibilities and stress of your daily life. You get to lead the life of the characters you are reading. Rather it be a grand adventure or falling madly in love with someone. My stomach growling so loud and so painful it brought me back to the present. So it might been a few hours since I ate breakfast and I might need something more substantial than a partial bag of Doritos on my stomach. "I guess this means I need to see how much I have left after paying bills and see if I have enough to get a few groceries. Just enough to last till payday." I grumble putting my book down and grabbing my phone.

I unlock my screen and swipe over to find my banking app. I logged in and found a surprise. Somehow, I got pay periods mixed up because my paycheck is in my account now. "Oh well." I say out loud. I have a set amount that I move into a savings account. I have done this since I started working and got my first paycheck. I made sure that the savings account was with a different bank account. My mother knows where I bank. Call me paranoid but I am so afraid that one day my mother is going to completely wipe me out. Take everything I have worked my ass off for on my own. That would be the reason I got an apartment outside of the clan lands as well as a job outside of the clan. So she can't control anything I do or have. That's not to say she wouldn't try. Yes, I am aware it's highly unlikely, but it is something I worry about.

I grab my car keys and purse and go out to what is considered downtown of this little place I have made my home. I do what bill paying I need to do and head towards the grocery store. I pick up what few things I need there. I put them in the trunk of my car. I drove to the bookstore. I am almost done with the book I have been reading. I didn't realize it was the first one in a series when I bought it. Now that I am about done with this one I want to make sure I have the next one. As I am browsing the bookshelves in search of this book, a strange man comes to stand beside me and starts chatting. It was a strange experience to say the least. The topic never books. When he left he left me with a wink.

I got home and decided to take a bubble bath. After this week I think it would be nice to treat myself. I put away all the groceries and the household items I left on the counter. They should be fine until I get out of the bath.

I sank into the hot bubble deliciousness and let out a sigh that came out more of a moan. The heat and relaxing floral and lavender scent of the bubbles is just what the doctor ordered. I lay all the way in and rest my head against the back of the tub and close my eyes. "I can't believe a strange guy, good looking as he may have been, flirted with me." I think to myself. It's definitely a confidence booster. My water finally starts to turn cold. I look at my hands and they are pruney. "Yep, that means it's time to get out of the water now. I get out, wrap a towel around me and go to my room and get on my fuzzy pjs and favorite shirt. I go sit on the couch and curl up with the book I have been trying to finish.

The bubble bath had a bigger impact than I was expecting. I remember feeling sleepy but wanting to finish this book. At some point I fell asleep with the book on my chest. I woke up, set the book on the little table I have sitting by the couch and went to bed. I get comfortable in my bed. As I tucked the comforter under my chin and closed my eyes, I recognized the beginnings of the same crazy dream.

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