Chapter 5

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I grab the wrist on my shoulder with both hands. I plant my feet just like my dad taught me. I pull said arm forward and use the momentum along with my hips to throw him forward over my shoulder. Oh, but daddy didn't just teach me that, he also taught me no surrender. The body attached to the wrist landed flat on his back. I still had that same wrist and now it was twisted at an odd angle and my right foot is resting on his neck.

That is when I finally notice that yes, it is a male but not just any male, it's the guy from the park. "Oh, my gods I am so sorry." I say so embarrassed as I help him up. "Hell, don't be with moves like that." He says as he messages his wrist and works out the shoulder.

That is when I hear laughter coming from the shadows. My dad pops out and says, "Well Liam I see you have met my daughter. Yasmin, this is Liam, the new head of security. Liam, this is Yasmin, my daughter." I see you have taught her everything you know sir." He says working his shoulder. "She was always my star pupil." My dad said.

I roll my eyes. "Nice to formally meet you Liam." I say holding my hand out. He looks at my hand rather septically. I laugh to myself but keep my face straight. He shakes my hand and says, "nice to meet you, Yasmin." I still think he is expecting to me do something else to him. I smile just slightly. I walk over to my dad and give my dad a kiss on the check. "I will see you later dad, I'm going home. I love you." He kisses the top of my head just like he used to when I was little. "Goodnight pumpkin."

On my drive home I burst out laughing. "What a way to make an impression Yasmin." I chide myself at the end of my laughter. "Well at least I don't have to worry about him forgetting me anytime soon." I said aloud and laughed again. "Oh, wait till I tell the girls what happened and who he was." I laugh again.

I finally made it home and settled down on my couch. I unlock my phone and find the group chat with the girls, and I send out:

"Omg guess what happened to me on my way back to the housing district."

"Mae: "What?" "Is everything okay?"

Audrey: "Well what is it?"

Viv: Yea Yasmin what is it already?!

Me: "So you girls remember the guy from the park?"

Viv: "Yea what about him?"

Audrey: "He is cute and seemed to be into you."

Mae: "Yea he really was."

Me: "Well I may or may not have just accidentally flipped him over my shoulder and had my foot in his throat earlier this evening."

Girls: "WHAT?!

Viv: We need more details than this.

Audrey: "Yes we need all the details."

Mae: "Come on Yasmin spill the tea already."

Me: "I was walking back to the housing district and like normal I was lost in my own thoughts not really paying attention to where I was going or who was around me." "I got right to the edge of the district when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I just acted."

Me: "Oh and by the way his name is Liam, and he is the new Head of Security."

Viv: "Oh my gods, what a first impression you must have made on him."

Mae: "I would be so embarrassed!"

Viv: "What did he do? What did he say?"

Audrey: ....

Me: "Once I realized it was the guy from the park, I helped him up and apologized. He told me not to apologize with moves like that. That is when my dad came out of the shadows like a creep lol and introduced us.

Audrey: "I think your dad had that planned."

Viv: "Oh there is no doubt that he did."

Mae: "He wanted to make sure he passed the Yasmin test."

Audrey: "Oh you know Mae you're right."

Viv: "The good ole Yasmin test."

Me: "Okay what in the hell are you gals talking about? What is this Yasmin test?"

Mae: "You can't tell me that you have never noticed."

Viv: "She's never noticed."

Audrey: "How could you have not noticed?"

Me: "Notice what?!"

Mae: "Any guy that your father thought would be a good second in command or finally taking his position had to do a test run against you. You were always his best student. If they were able to stand their ground against you, they would get the position."

Me: "Well if what you guys are saying is the truth wouldn't that mean that Liam failed? But he got the position." My confusion is growing.

Audrey: "Yea well we can't explain that one."

Viv: "Unless your father was using you as a welcoming prank type thing against this guy?"

Audrey & Mae: "That could be it."

Me: "Okay ladies, as enlightening as this conversation has been, I am going to bed early. I have an early morning."

Audrey, Mae & Viv: "Goodnight, Love you."

Me: "Good night love yall."

Well, that proved to be more entertaining that I guessed, and rather informative. I make my way up to my room and crawl in bed. I got comfortable and it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

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