Chapter 41

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With as tired as I was, I figured I would fall straight to sleep, but no such luck for me. I lay in bed and toss and turned like a rotisserie chicken. My calves hurt so bad. I would stretch my legs trying to stretch it out only to be met with a charlie horse. "Great." I mumble. I get out of bed and head to my bathroom.

I start a hot bath and pour a good heaping amount of epsom salt in. I watch the little salt crystals dissolve and then I step in. A week without working, and then a full day on my feet, the stress and excitement of the Guardian Ceremony and all that happened there is finally taking a toll on my body and mental state. I reach over and turn the water off and lay my head back against the shower wall closing my eyes.

My legs hurt so bad even as the muscles are finally relaxing some. I let my mind wonder as the wondrous salty hot water did its job. Finally when the water started cooling off my legs were no longer hurting and I was mentally and physically ready for bed. I let the water out, climb out of my tub and at myself dry. I found a tee shirt and pair of boy shorts underwear and put them on.

I get back in bed and curl up under the blanket finally able to relax and get comfortable. I start dozing off when my phone pings at me. I open my eyes and glare at it with full intentions of ignoring it, but I have an odd pull to answer it. 'Fine." I grumbled to my phone as I unlocked the screen.

Liam: Princes

Me: Yes?

Liam: It's good to see you accepted the title.

Me: I had little choice.

Liam: Now, now Princess don't be like that, just because you are all worked up.

Me; ...

Liam: And I know you have been a good girl.

Oh the number those two words did to me. I had to physically bite a moan and he didn't even say it in person. He said it over a text. "Oh I am so fucked with this man." I whisper.

You hope you are anyways.

Hey now no one asked you nosey dragon.

Hopeli just laughed and went and laid back down.

Me: So what if I have? Someone promised to take care of me, or do I need to find someone else to handle it?

Liam: Careful noe Princess. Don't let your mouth override your ass.

Me: ....

Liam: Good girl. Now get some sleep. Sweet dreams.

Me: night.

I look at my phone a good two or three minutes after Liam stops texting me. "How in the hell am I supposed to sleep now?!"

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