Chapter 57

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I made it back to the clan lands in what seems to be in record time. The sooner I can get this done the sooner I can get back to Yasmin and Joseph. I made it to my office and make a couple of quick phone calls.

A few of my elite guards plus the leader of our Talu comes quick like I asked. Once they are all in my office I give them a quick run down.

"Jaden you and the Talu are at the forefront of this."

"Until when?" He asked.

"Until this blows over. We aren't changing rotations or anything else. Just keep your eyes open."

"Got it."

"I am adding more guards to the normal rotations." I tell the few elite guards. They just nod.

"That's it. You guys are dismissed." They all nod and go about with their orders.

I add more guards to each rotation until I am satisfied. I then call Tyler.

"Yea, what's up?"

"Hey can you come to my office?"

"Sure wait what are you at the office on a Sunday?"

"Just come to my office."

"Fine touchy."

Right around forty five minutes later there is a knock on my office door.


Tyler walks into my office and closes the door behind him but instead of sitting down he just leans against the wall.

"So what is so important it has you at the office on a Sunday?"

"You may wanna sit down." I said pointing to the chairs in front of my desk.


"We figured out what was going on."


"Yasmin figured out that the Night Realm's magic has a glitch."

"A glitch? What kind of glitch?"

"According to Yasmin its wonky and not working like it should."

"Of freaking course she would word it like that."

"The jest of what I got is, it's not working right because someone in the Night Realm is screwing with it on purpose."

That finally got Tyler to take a seat in one of the chairs.

"Well now that's something."

"And before you ask we figured out how to stop it from seeping into our realm."

"Okay how?"

"Well there is an unbinding spell wrote into the treaty."

"Are you serious?"

"Yea, it was in dragon speak."

"Well damn. How fucking convenient."

"Oh Tyler, Yasmin well Hopeli, is saying the spell now."

"Well why do you sound so anxious about it?"

"Because your sister is worried about repercussions from someone in the Night Realm."

He just looks at me.

"Before you ask I have already set more guards to the rotations and I have Jaden leading the Talu."


"I really don't want to have to go up against anyone in the Night Realm."

"Does she really think someone might come after us?'

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