Chapter 40

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I have no idea what I am fixing to get into, but I am willing do whatever it takes to get my sister back where she belongs. I am aware there is probably going to be some problems from some of the older members of the clan. The ones that are still loyal to my mother. They will be dealt with if and when the time comes.

Sitting at my desk trying to get this paperwork in order. I don't know what all I will need for this, so I got everything. Now the problem is trying to make sure everything is in its proper order.

Everything has gotten so damn crazy. Most people never have to deal with the Numici expect for traditional ceremonies but here I go breaking said traditions.

I'm not sure how long it was but it was at least a couple hours. Liam standing in my office doorway brought me back to the present. Including how stiff I had became. I move my head in a slow circle trying to loosen the stiff muscles. I roll my shoulders forwards and backwards getting blood flow back to my body.

"The Numici will be convening here."

That got my attention. I snap my head towards him.

"What? You can't be serious?!

"I just got the call from their head of security setting up the security plans."

"Why wasn't I informed about this?"

"I wasn't aware that you weren't."

"Fuck! Tell me everything."

Liam goes over the arrangements he made with the Numici's head of security.

"I do apologize Tyler I thought you were aware and had approved of the meeting being here."

"No, I didn't approve of the meeting being here. But I should have been aware of something like this happening. Don't worry Liam, it's not your fault."


I made it to the office early as usual. I unlock the front door and head to my little office. I set my purse down on my desk chair and my drink down on the corner of my desk. That way if it spills it won't ruin anything important. A neat little trick I learned a long time ago being such a clutz.

I head back towards the front. I wanted to see if Daisy is here yet. She looks up at me as soon as I walk through the small hallway from my office to her reception desk.

"So how was the vacation?"

"You won't believe the week I have had!"

"So tell me all about it."

"Would you believe that I have a dragon? Little ole me has a dragon."

"Oh my god Yasmin, that is wonderful to hear. What's her name?"

"Her name is Hopeli. And since I now have a dragon I also have a guardian."

"Okay, I am going to ask a really stupid question. But if you have a dragon, why do you need a guardian?"

"It's not a stupid question. Some classes of dragons have guardians to prevent them from getting seriously hurt or killed."

"Okay, I understand that much, but aren't y'all's dragons powerful in their own right?"


"So then why the need for a guardian?"

"Because even though they are powerful in their own right, if enough of them are killed it weakens the magic and hold in our realm and it could completely collapse our world."

"Well that wouldn't be good."

"No it wouldn't. And I am not sure if it would leak into your realm or not."

"Well that wouldn't be good either?"

I laughed. I couldn't help Daisy was just so nonchalant about the possibility of her world ending.

"No, Daisy, that wouldn't be good at all."

We caught up a bit and then opened the clinic for business. I went back to the treatment area to check the days schedule. "Hmm, today must be check up day." I muttered. "This is going to be a busy morning." i say.

"Yes, it is." A voice said from behind me. I jumped at the sound.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I smiled as I turned to face to Mr. Briggs. "It's okay I was just super focused on what we had going on toady."

"I noticed. So how was your vacation?"

"About that I think we need to talk."

He looks down at the daily schedule and then at his watch. "Well we have some time before our first patient comes in, let's go talk in my office."

Once we are in his office he closes the door before going behind his desk and sitting down. He points to the seat in front of his desk. I sit down feeling oddly like I'm in the principal's office back in school.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I have a dragon, a guardian, and a soulmate." I blurted out not really sure on how to say it other than just saying it. Mr. Briggs eyes became huge as I watched him process the information I just dumped on him.


"I don't really know what any of this means yet. I just wanted you to know so that if anything gods forbid happens, you wern't left completely in the dark."

"I appreciate that but if something comes up we will deal with it then. Sounds like you had quite a time. How are you dealing?"

"With which part? Having a dragon? Having a soulmate? Or the fact my mother banished me?"

"Wait your mother banished you?"


"Are you alright? Do you need to take a few more days off?" He asked concerned. How did I get so lucky to have such a caring and understanding boss? I wondered to myself.

"If it's all the same to you I would rather just continue on like normal."

The bell above the door and Daisy's muffled voice coming from the reception area saved me from any more uncomfortable conversation.

The rest of the day was a busy day. Not hectic just busy. It was all super simple procedures that needed to be done, but it kept me focused on work and not the crazy mess my life is now.

I head home my body sore and my mind too numb to think. I throw my bag on the couch and strip out of my clothes and crawl in bed.

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