Chapter 43

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I am the first one back to the office. I'm not surprised the cute little mom and pop shop it just a couple blocks from the office and I think Daisy and Mr. Briggs both go home for lunch. I unlocked the front door and decided to leave it unlocked and go ahead and open.

I sat my stuff back at my desk in my little office. I look around trying to get my racing brain under control. Since I can't call or talk to my brother in person, the next best thing text.

M: Are you out of your mind?!

T: ???

M: Taking on another meeting with the Numici. Especially to get me reinstated into the clan.

T: Don't give me that bull. You should have never been kicked out to begin with.

M: Tyler, seriously..

T: Yasmin, don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. What's done is done. I plan on undoing what our so-called mother did and I don't care who I have to deal with to make that happen or how long it takes me.

M: Tyler, I don't want you to risk your new position. You just became clan elder.

T: Yasmin, it doesn't matter to me. What matters is correcting this wrong and every other wrong that you had to endure.

M: Stop it! Just fucking stop it! It isn't your fault our mother treated me the way she did and I don't want you to put your new position in jeopardy because of me.

T: Too bad sis.

I walked back into the reception area to see if we had any customers that came in while I was arguing with my brother. My face must have shown the storm of emotions I was feeling because Daisy looked at me concerned.

"Are you alright?"

"My brother is thick headed."

"Of course he is dear. He is a man after all. Most men are. Hate to ruin the surprise for you."

I just looked at her and giggled. She isn't wrong. I'll give her that.

"Maybe so, but I just wish he wasn't so bull headed."

"Honey, that sounds like it runs in your family."

"You may have a point on that Daisy."

She just nods like of course she knew she was right. She was just waiting for me to come to the same conclusion.

"Damn right I do dear."

Like I said, she was just waiting for me to get to the same conclusion. This causes the both of us to laugh.

Work goes on like normal. I am still stressed and worried about Tyler having yet another Numici meeting. I don't know how far he can push his luck. I wondered to myself.

That is also why Liam is going into the Night Realm. I have to help my brother and if my soulmate..that train of thought just stops. "Well that sounds freaking strange." I mutter quietly. I just can't stay at home and sit on my hands.

As we went about our evening time time routine of shutting everything down Daisy asked; "do you have any exciting plans this weekend?" I know she is trying to get some information out of me about me and Liam.

"I do now, but like you are thinking." I mumbled.

"I don't think I like that tone in your voice or the look on your face."

"Don't worry Daisy. I won't get into too much trouble, and if I do I'll name it after you." I laughed with a wink.

She just laughed at me. She knew me well enough to know it was useless to argue with me.

"Please be careful just because you have a dragon now doesn't mean you are invincible." Mr. Briggs said from behind us.

I turned to look at him and said, "I'll be safe. Beside I also have a guardian. Not just any ole guardian but I have the best of the best." They both laughed at me but I saw the concern on their faces.

"Yasmin, please don't do anything stupid." Mr. Briggs said.

"No promises."

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