Chapter 47

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I made it back to clan lands headquarters late. I didn't sleep much and what little sleep I had was disturbed. I can't believe I jumped down Yasmin's throat for being at the club with joseph. I mean he's right; it is his job as her guardian protecting her. "Man, I fucked up." I muttered. I basically called Yasmin a slut.

"Fuck I forgot the Numici is arriving here today." I say aloud rushing to my office. Once I got to my office and sat down I was looking through the reports that the other guards have left. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Yasmin.

I know you don't want to hear from me right now, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

There was a loud knock on the door that scared the hell out of me.


Tyler steps in my office.

"Did you find our anything?

"On which part?"

"Any of it. Why do you look like hell?"

"What do you mean? I found the ring leader of the humans using the nightclub to drug and rape the young women."

"You look a lot like me when I try to talk to Viv here lately."

"Good. Did you turn them into the human authorities?"

"What did you do to Viv? Not before I found out who was all in the ring."

"Good. So what about the other thing? What happened with my sister?"

"What makes you think it has anything to do with your sister? No one is talking. It's obvious something is happening and they know something but no one wants to talk to me."

"It's a long story. I know my sister and plus I can see the bond mark. Keep trying. The Numici are arriving this evening."

"Fuck they aren't giving me a lot of time to work."

"What happened with my sister?"

"Let's just say I put my foot my foot in my moth big time."

"Join the club."


I walked into work a couple hours late. I called earlier to let Mr. Briggs know that I was going to be late so that he didn't worry. But I guess a couple hours late was a little much. I walked through the front door of the building Daisy was sitting at her office phone up to her ear. Mr. Briggs is standing behind her. At the sound of the tiny bell above the door they both looked up. Daisy put the phone down and gave me a rather scolding look.

"Sorry I'm so late."

"About time you got here."

"Are you alright?" Mr. Briggs asked in his caring tone of his.

"I'm fine."

"So lets get to work and not scare everyone half to death. Shall we?" Daisy asked with full on sass I wan't expecting.

Work went swimmingly. It was an unusually busy day. Or maybe it was because I came in late and now my whole day is off.

I am sitting in my tiny office putting in the last few patients and their procedure into the computer when there was a knock on the door frame.

I looked up and see Mr. Briggs standing in the doorway.

"Can I come in?"

I just nod. He steps more into my office but left the door open.

"So how did it go last night?" I'm not going to lie my heart did a pitter patter at the thought he meant with Liam. Until i realized he was asking how it went at the club.

"Fine, but I think I need to go back and try to fond out some more information."

"Just be safe."

"I will be."

***Time Lapse***

I get home and change out of my scrubs into just a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and head out to the door once again headed to the night club. As I locked the door to my apartment I remembered to shut off both bonds to the guys.

"I see your alone this time."

"This time. Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

"Sure. We can talk in my office."

"Blake take over here." King said to some guy on the other side of the bar.

"I thought you were the bartender?" I said as we were walking into his office.

"I am. I also own and run this nightclub and so much more." He said with a wink at that last part.

King goes around and sits down at the huge mahogany desk. "What can I do for you?"

I take a seat into one of the most comfortable office chairs. We need some of these chairs at the clinic. I think to myself.

Yasmin, focus.

"I want to know what's going on and why the magic in the Night Realm has a glitch."

"You dragons have no authority here."

"I'm not trying to step on any toes here. I just want to help. That glitch is getting worse and I don't want it seeping into our clans."

"You really think it could?"

"We do?"


"Hopeli and I. We want to help."

Can I speak through you?


"We sense something that could be a problem for us both." Hopeli said through me. It sounded strange hearing my voice with a growl into it.

"And you know what could happen if it isn't stopped."

"You don't pull any punches do you?" King asked with a smile and a laugh. I think he admires me for that.

"Not really." I said with a shrug.

"No wonder you were selected for him. You are just like Aleena."

"Were they in love?" I asked softly not really wanting to know the answer to that despite, the fact of me asking the question.

"Not my story to tell little dove."

"So do you have any idea where I could start?" I asked changing the subject back to something safe so I didn't have to think about why I started feeling the way /I do about Joseph.

King smiles at me. I think he noticed the emotions I was trying so hard to hide. "My best guess would be talking to someone at The Midnight Rose.

You do realize this means you are going to have to tell Liam and Joseph both right?

Yeah that's a conversation I'm not ready to have.

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