Teacher's Pet- 1

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^^^^^ Lucy's outfit ^^^^^^^^

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^^^^^ Lucy's outfit ^^^^^^^^

Third POV

"You're drooling." Buffy told Xander, who was daydreaming in class about a certain blonde slayer. "Xander!" Buffy muttered a little louder which caused him to jump awake. "You've got a little..." Buffy trailed off, indicating to the drool on his chin.

He quickly wiped at his chin, whilst glaring at Lucy, who was snickering from her seat behind Buffy and Blayne, before turning his attention back to Dr. Gregory's slideshow.

"Their ancestors were here long before we were. Their progeny will be here long after we are gone. The simple and ubiquitous ant."

He turned off the projector and switched the lights on. He began walking up the aisle to where the gang was sitting.

"Now. If you read the homework you should know the two ways that ants communicate." He stopped between Xander and Buffy and leaned towards the latter. "Miss Summers."

"Ways that ants communicate."


"With other ants."

"From the homework." He said, giving her a pointed look. Behind him, Buffy saw Willow trying to mime the answer for her.

"Ants are communicating..."

"Um, uh, uh..." Buffy watched as Willow stroked Xander's back. "Touch..."


"And, um..." She looked back at Willow again, confused when she started sniffing Xander. "B.O.?"

The class snickered at the answer while Willow gave her a disappointed look.

"Thank God someone finally found the courage to mention that!" Blayne joked.

"That would be 'touch' and 'smell', Miss Summers. Is there anything else Miss Rosenberg would like to tell you?"

Willow hurriedly turned away in her seat. It was then bell rang, Dr. Gregory moved back to the front of the class. "Alright, chapters six through eight by tomorrow, people." He stopped and looked back at Buffy. "Can I see you for a moment?"

Lucy, Willow and Xander walked out giving Buffy a sympathetic look as they left to wait outside for her.

"I gather you had a few problems at your last school?"

"Well, what teenager doesn't?"

"Cut school; get in fights; burn down the gymnasium... Principal Flutie showed me your permanent record."

"Well, that fire, I mean, there was major extenuating circumstances. Actually, it's, uh, kinda funny!"

"Can't wait to see what you're gonna do here." He said which caused Buffy to look down in shame.

"Destructo Girl. That's me." She mumbled.

"But I suspect it's gonna be great."

"You mean, 'great' in a bad way?" Buffy asked, surprised.

"You have a first-rate mind and you can think on your feet. Imagine what you could accomplish if you actually did the..."

"...the homework thing." She finished for him.

"The homework thing. I understand you probably have a good excuse for not doing it. Amazingly enough, I don't care. I know you can excel in this class, and so I expect no less. Is that clear?"

"Yeah! Sorry." She said whilst trying to hide her smile

"Don't be sorry, be smart. And please don't listen to the principal or anyone else's negative opinion about you. Let's make 'em eat that permanent record. Whadaya say?" he told her, giving her a small smile.

"Okay! Thanks."

"Chapters six through eight!" he called on her way out.

Once Buffy was out of the room, Dr. Gregory went over to turn off the lights and came back to his slide-viewing plate. While he was focused on the slide he didn't notice the closet door opening. A large claw wrapped around his neck. Dr. Gregory looked up behind him and screamed as the claw forces him off of his chair. His glasses hit the floor and break, and a split-second later so does the body.

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