The Harvest- 1

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​​​​​Luke leaned down as he bared his teeth prepared to bite her neck and Buffy could do nothing to stop it...

Quickly, Luke recoiled from her as he screamed in pain. The cross necklace, the mystery man had given her, was still around her neck and had been the cause of Luke's pain. While he was distracted, Buffy kicked him off of her and ran out of the crypt before Luke had a chance to recover.

Once she was a good distance from the crypt she glanced back and was relieved when she saw no one had followed her. She heard someone screaming for help. She looked around and saw a struggling Willow with a vampire. Buffy managed to knock the vampire off of her before she ran, with Willow in tow, in another direction.

Willow peeked behind some trees and saw an unconscious Xander being dragged away by a couple of vampires while Lucy fought off another couple, almost fighting as well as Buffy.

"Xander!" Willow cried out, which caught the attention of the vampires dragging him. Buffy jumped out from behind them and knocked them back. She grabbed a stick off one the trees and stabbed the vampire's heart with it. Buffy and Willow ran to Xander's side. Lucy, who had just finished off the last vampire, also joined them.

"Xander, are you OK?" Willow asked him as they helped him up.

"Man... something hit me..." He replied, weakly.

"Where's Jesse?" Buffy inquired as she looked around for him.

"I don't know, they surrounded us-" Willow started before Lucy cut her off.

"That girl grabbed him. Took off. I saw it right before the others started going for me."

"Which way?" Buffy asked.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." Lucy answered, regretfully.

Buffy looked out into the night, worry written on her face. "Jesse..."

Buffy, Lucy, Willow and Xander were back at the library. Giles was trying to explain to Willow and Xander what had just happened. Buffy was trying to comfort them and Lucy was sat on the desk, zoned out.

"This world is older than any of you know, and contrary to popular mythology, it did not begin as a paradise. For untold eons, Demons walked the Earth; made it their home... Their Hell. In time they lost their purchase on this reality, and the way was made for the mortal animals. For Man. What remains of the Old Ones are vestiges: Certain magicks, certain creatures..." Giles explained before Buffy cut in.

"And vampires."

"Okay, this is where I have a problem, see, because we're now talking about vampires. We're having a talk with vampires in it." Xander said, agitated.

"Isn't that what we saw last night?" Willow asked.

"No, those weren't vampires. Those were just some guys in thundering need of a facial. Or maybe they had rabies- could've been rabies. And that guy turning to dust... just a trick of the light." Buffy answered, sarcastically, before she turned serious. "That's exactly what I said the first time I saw a vampire. I mean, when I was done with the screaming part."

"Ooh... I need to sit down." Willow said, which made Lucy look at her.

"You are sitting down." she said to her.

"Oh. Good for me."

"So vampires are demons?" Xander asked.

"The books tell us that the last Demon to leave this reality fed off a human mixed their blood." Lucy started, while everyone looked at her in shock and confusion.

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