Welcome to the Hellmouth- 4

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Buffy exited the Bronze and looked around for Willow but couldn't find her anywhere . Xander strolled over to her.

"You're leaving already?" Xander asked her.

"Xander, have you seen Willow?"

"Not tonight."

"I need to find her. She left with a guy."

"We are talking about Willow, right?" Xander asked rhetorically before he continued, impressed with his friend. "Scoring at the Bronze. Work it up girl."

"Where would they go?"

"Why? Oh! Hey, I hope he's not a vampire 'cause then you might have to slay him."

She stopped in her tracks and turned to him, slightly shocked and annoyed. "Was there a school bulletin? Was it in the news? Is there anybody in this town who doesn't know I'm a slayer?"

"I only know that you think you're a slayer, and I only know that because I was in the libra-"

"Whatever. Just tell me where they would go."

"You're serious."

"If you don't find her, there is going to be one more dead body in the morning." a voice behind Buffy said before Buffy could reply herself.

Xander and Buffy turned to see it was Lucy. Xander looked confused but Buffy looked at her with suspicion.

"How do you know about this?" Buffy asked her, which only caused Lucy to smirk. "What are you?"

"I thought you would have figured it out by now Slayer. Or at least sensed it..."

Buffy's eyes widened slightly in realisation. "You're the Seer."

"The one and only. Now let's go save your friend before she ends up as a meal for the vamps."

"You're not going anywhere." Darla taunted Willow and Jesse.

"Leave us alone." Willow tried to stand up to her.

"You're not going anywhere, until we've ." Darla quickly changed into her demonic form as soon the word 'fed' was said. Willow screamed and backed away and fell.

"Well, this is nice."

Everyone turned to Buffy, Lucy and Xander at the entrance of the crypt when they heard Buffy. "Don't you think?"

"It's a little bare." Lucy replied.

"True, but a dash of paint, a few throw pillows- call it home."

"Who the hell are you?" Darla asked the two girls.

"You mean there's actually someone around here who doesn't know already? That's a relief. I'm telling you, having a secret identity's in this town is a job of work."

"Buffy, we bail now, right?" Xander asked anxiously.

"Not yet." the vampire that Willow came with growled.

"Okay, first of all, what's with the outfit? Live in the now, okay? You look like DeBarge." Buffy said to him before she turned to Darla. "Now, we can do this the hard way or..."

"Well, actually, there's just the hard way." Lucy filled in for her.

"That's fine with me." Darla answered smugly.

"You sure? I mean it's not gonna be pretty. We're talking violence, strong language, adult content." Buffy questioned in fake concern.

While she spoke the boy vampire lunged towards her from behind. With lightening speed she pulled out a stake and plunged it into his heart. His eyes widened before he crumbled into dust. Buffy faced Darla who had a look of shock on her face.

"See, what happens when you roughhouse?" Buffy asked sarcastically.

"He was young and stupid!" Darla exclaimed as she tried to cover her surprise.

"Xander go. Lucy go with them." Buffy ordered.

"Don't go far." Darla taunted.

Xander and Willow grabbed a weak Jesse while Lucy waited at the entrance. Buffy and Darla began fighting one another while the others escaped.

"You know, I just wanted to start over. Be like everybody else. Have some friends, maybe a dog... But no. You had to come here. You couldn't go suck on some other town."

"Who are you?" Darla questioned incredulously.

"Don't you know?"

A hand suddenly grabbed Buffy's throat and she gasped for breath. Luke revealed to be the one who was choking her and that he had been listening to their conversation as he replied to Buffy's comment with; "I don't care."

With that he threw Buffy into a wall so she hit her face and landed on her back badly. Luke turned to Darla and grabbed her arm to get her on her feet.

"You were supposed to bring an offering for the Master. We're almost at Harvest and you dally with this child?"

"We had someone. But she came... She killed Thomas... Luke she's strong." Darla whimpered.

Luke released Darla's arm and pushed her towards the entrance. "You go. I'll see if I can handle the little girl."

Buffy got up off the floor just as Luke stalked towards her and grabbed her. She knocked his arms away and kicked him in the face. Luke easily recovered though and punched her in the face.

"You are strong." Luke commented before he slammed Buffy to the ground. "I am stronger."

Lucy, Xander, Willow and a weak Jesse had almost gotten out of the cemetery. Lucy was ahead of them as she lead the way. She half listened to what the others were saying before she saw something in front of them that made her freeze completely.

"We'll get the police. It's just a few blocks up-" Willow said before she stopped talking when she saw that Lucy was frozen.

The three other teens were rooted on the spots when they saw at least three vampires heading towards them. They looked very demonic, very dangerous and very very hungry.

Buffy and Luke were still fighting and it was clear that sooner or later Luke was going to win. Buffy was already exhausted, but Luke still lunged at her.

"You think you can stop me? Stop us?" Luke growled at her. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

Luke began to recite a passage.

"And like the plague of boils, the race of Man covered the Earth. But, on the third day of the newest light will come the Harvest..."

All the while Giles looked through his books as he tried to find information on the Harvest that Buffy had mentioned.

"when the blood of men will flow as wine..."

The Master sat down in the darkness menacingly.

"when the Master will walk among them once more..."

"the world will belong to the Old Ones..."

Lucy stood protectively in front of Willow, Xander and Jesse as they tried to back away from the vicious vampires. This plan failed as Darla stood behind them and smiled maliciously.

"and Hell itself will come to town."

Buffy was thrown in to a coffin. She let out a short scream after she turned her head to the side and saw the corpse that the crypt was built for. She looked around for Luke. When she didn't spot him she grabbed the sides of the coffin and pulled herself up a little. Luke dropped down on top of her and pinned her down while Buffy screamed and attempted to push him off her.

"Amen." Luke said.

Then he leaned down as he bared his teeth prepared to bite her neck and Buffy could do nothing to stop it...

A/N- Hey sorry it's been a while since I updated. Lucy and Buffy have officially met. And Lucy revealed herself to be Buffy's Seer. This is the final chapter for season one episode one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The next chapter will be about 'The Harvest'. Remember to vote if you like this story and comment to let me know what you think. Thank you!

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