Out of Mind, Out of Sight- 2

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Buffy and I were at our lockers when Cordelia walked over to us, with a box of chocolates.

"Here's a chocolate..." She stopped, realising who she was talking to. "Oh. I don't think I need the loony-fringe vote or the sad-loner vote."

"Well, I-I don't even like chocolates." Buffy called to her. I turned to her in disappointment, though she already looked defeated. "Okay, that was the lamest comeback of our times."

"It was. Have you learnt nothing from me? Please, next time, just let me do the comeback? There are so few things that bring me joy in life and insulting Cordelia is one of them."

Xander and Willow wandered over to us, once they saw Cordelia was gone. "So, what's Cordelia up to?"

"Bribery. She's desperate to be May Queen."

"Cordelia, man, she does love titles!" Willow started giggling.

"Oh, God! Remember in sixth grade with the field trip?"

"Right! Right! The guy with the antlers on his belt!" I started smirking and nodding my head, remembering the story.

"Right! Right! The guy with the antlers on his belt!" I started smirking and nodding my head, remembering the story

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"'Be my deputy.'"

"And remember the, the hat?"

"Oh God! The hat!"

"Gee, it's fun that we're speaking in tongues."

"I'm sorry."

"It's just that we had this, uh... You had to be there."

"It's not even funny."


"It's really not. They're just easily amused." I reassured Buffy.

"Uh, Cordelia just has a history of trying too hard."

"Yeah, what kind of moron would want to be May Queen anyway?"

"I was." Buffy revealed.

"You what?"

"At my old school."

"Oh! So the, uh, good kind of moron would do that. The, uh, non-moron, I mean."

"Well, we didn't call it 'May Queen', but we had the coronation, and the dance, and all that stuff. It was nice."

"Well, you know, you don't need that anymore. You got us!"

"Be my Deputy! Oh, God..." Willow snickered, remembering the joke.

"Wait just a minute! Are you telling me that I have been hanging out with an ex-Cordelia?" Buffy shrugged in response to my question. "I feel besmirched..."

"Guys! Come one!" One of the jocks yelled down the hallway. "Mitch got whaled on! I think he's..."


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