Prophecy Girl- 3

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Third person POV

"Well, have you verified the text?" Angel asked, but he didn't get an answer as a laugh filled the suddenly small office. Giles, Angel and Lucy all looked up in shock as they saw Buffy standing by the doorway. Lucy could feel her chest tightening all over again when she realised her friend had heard everything.

Buffy walked away from the office, still laughing in shock from the news. The three followed her out cautiously, not knowing what they could do or say.

"So that's it, huh?" Buffy shrugged, trying to play down the overwhelming feeling of fear and betrayal. "I remember the drill. One Slayer dies, next one's called! Wonder who she is?" She looked up at the face of her speechless Watcher. "Will you train her? Or will they send someone else?"

"Buffy, I..." Giles started. Lucy could only watch with teary eyes. There was nothing anyone could say to make it better.

"They say how he's going to kill me? Do you think it'll hurt?" Buffy asked, her voice starting to crack. Angel reached out to her, but Buffy quickly stepped away, causing Lucy to flinch as the tears started to roll down her cheeks. "Don't touch me!"

Buffy turned back to face Giles and Lucy

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Buffy turned back to face Giles and Lucy. "Were you two even going to tell me?"

"I was hoping that we wouldn't have to. That there was... some way around it. I..."

"I've got a way around it. I quit!"

"It's not that simple."

"I'm making it that simple! I quit! I resign, I'm fired, you can find someone else to stop the Master from taking over!"

"I'm not sure that anyone else can. All the... the signs indicate..."

"The signs?" Buffy asked indignantly, grabbing books to throw at her former Watcher and friend. "Read me the signs! Tell me my fortune! You're so useful sitting her with all your books! You're really a lot of help!"

"No, I don't suppose I am."

"And you!" Buffy snapped, pointing an accusing finger at Lucy. "All of your visions, and you didn't see this? Or did you know from the moment we met?"

"I only found out this morning... I didn't know how... I wanted... I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud." Lucy stuttered, before she sighed out the truth. She didn't want to say out loud that her best friend was going to die. "It's written that I would lead you to your fate. I was just trying to find a way to avoid all of this."

Buffy felt another stabbing pain in her chest, hearing that her friend and guide would be the one to lead her to her death. "Well, how about you just stay the hell away from me and then we can avoid it? Sound good?!"

"I know this is hard." Angel tried to comfort her, but it only made Buffy angrier.

"What do you know about this? You're never going to die!"

"You think I want anything to happen to you? Do you think I could stand it? We just got to figure out a way..."

"I already did. I quit, remember? Pay attention!"

"Buffy, if the Master rises..."

"I don't care!" Buffy yelled, pulling her cross off. "I don't care. Giles, I'm sixteen years old. I don't want to die."

Giles could only watch as Buffy threw her cross necklace onto the table and leave. Lucy, who had tears streaming down her face, leant on the wall for support as she collapsed on to the floor, unable to take the pain anymore.


After talking to Willow and realising that people will die unless she does something, Buffy had gone to the library to grab any weapons. She had knocked Giles out when he tried to stop her and was making her way out of school when she noticed Lucy standing in front of her.

"Lucy, I know that you're probably going to stop me, but I have to do th..." Buffy paused her sentence as she took note of her friend's appearance. Her face was void of any emotion and her eyes had turned completely white. "Lucy?"

"We have to go

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"We have to go. He is waiting." Lucy told her, her voice was gentle but still carried some urgency.

"Oh, I get it. Let's go then." Lucy led her towards the cemetery.

"Help me..." A little boy called out to her. Buffy lowered her crossbow as both she and Lucy walked over to the child.

"It's okay. I know who you are." Buffy told him. He held out his hand for Buffy to take, whilst Lucy took the other one, as both the Anointed One and the Seer led her to the Master.

A/N- Sorry this is a day later than I normally post. I'm on holiday and I tried whiskey for the first time... It did not go well for me 

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