Prophecy Girl- 2

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"Morning." Buffy greeted Giles and I as she walked into the library. Giles had just informed me about what  he had found in the Codex and I was still in shock. 

She took a look around at all the damage the earthquake had caused the library

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She took a look around at all the damage the earthquake had caused the library. "Wow. The damage looks fairly structural. Are we safe in here?"


"What? Do I have something on my face?" Buffy asked as she patted her face.

"No! Um... And yes, we're, we're safe. Uh, but probably best not to go up there."

"How're you doing there, Giles? Get much sleep last night?"

"Um... I... I've been working."

"Me, too. I went hunting last night, and it is awfully sweet of you to ask. It's getting hairy out there, Giles. I killed three vampires last night, and one of them was practically on school grounds. Right, Lucy? Luce?"

"Mmm?" I hummed, looking at Buffy after drifting out of the conversation. She looked at me confused as I scrambled to snap back into it. "Right! Yeah, there was a lot of vamps..."

"Their numbers are increasing."

"And they're getting cockier. Look, I'm not loving it. Last night was a pretty close call."

"Yes." Giles muttered, getting distracted as well.

"Giles, Lucy, care? I'm putting my life on the line battling the undead." I flinched slightly at her choice of words. "Look, I broke a nail, okay? I'm wearing a press-on. The least you could do is exhibit some casual interest. You could go, 'hmm'."

"Hmm?" Buffy rolled her eyes at the still-distracted Watcher. "Oh, sorry. Um, yes, I'm very glad that you're alright. Uh, I... I need to verify, um... I just can't really talk right now."

"Fine. That's okay. I can't put it off any longer. I have to meet my terrible fate."

"What?!" Giles and I cried out.

"Biology. Come on, Lucy." She turned to leave. I gave Giles one last concerned look, before I followed after Buffy.


Biology had finished and Xander, Willow, Buffy and I were walking outside. I hadn't paid attention to anything that had happened.

"Wow. That was boring."

"I don't feel that boring covers it."

"No, boring falls short."

"Even I was bored. And I'm a science nerd."

"Don't say that."

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" Willow asked me.


"Ugh, don't mind her. She and Giles have been spacey all morning. I think you need to move on from tea and start on coffee."

"Willow, don't you have a thing? With Lucy?" Xander interrupted, talking about God knows what.

"A thing? The thing! That I have! Which is... a thing that I have to go to. See you later. Come on, Lucy." Willow stuttered, dragging me by the arm.


Willow had explained to me that she had to drag me away because Xander was wanting to ask Buffy to the dance. We were walking down the hallway as Willow went on about last night when Xander was practicing how to ask Buffy out on her and how romantic he was, while I just continued to space out.

"Willow!" Cordelia called from down the hallway. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay." Kevin, Cordelia's boyfriend, replied.

"Willow! I really like your outfit!"

"No, you don't."

"No, I really don't, but I need a favor."

"What kind?"

"Well, the Bronze won't let us use their sound system, and I need someone who knows how to hook one up. If you could just show up tomorrow morning," Willow looked into the classroom next to us, noticing Xander throwing a ball against the wall. "I'd be really, really grateful! I mean, I'd talk to you at the dance and everything."


"Great! Tomorrow at ten?"

"Sure." Willow wondered over to Xander, leaving me with Cordelia, who offered me a terse smile and left.


"It's clear. It's what's going to happen. Uh, it's happening now!" Giles snapped at Angel as we discussed the prophecy. I was leaning on Giles' desk biting my nails, trying to stop myself from crying at this horrible news.

"It can't be. You've got to be wrong."

"I've checked it against all my other volumes. It's very real."

"Well, there's got to be some way around it."

"Listen. Some prophecies are, are a bit dodgy. They're, they're mutable. Buffy herself has, has thwarted them time and time again, but this is the Codex. There is nothing in it that does not come to pass."

"Then you're reading it wrong."

"I wish to God I were! But it's very plain! Tomorrow night Buffy will face the Master, and she will die."

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