The Witch- 1

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Lucy's POV

I was in the library with Giles when Buffy walked in and that's when he snapped and began to rant.

"What could you have been thinking? You are the Slayer, lives depend upon you. I make allowances for your youth but I expect a certain amount of responsibility. Instead you enslave yourself to this...this cult!"

Buffy looked down at her cheer leading outfit and shrugged. "You don't like the colour?" She asked, which made me snicker under my breath.

"I don't like the- Buffy, do you ignore everything I say as a rule?"

"No, that's your job. I told you I'm trying out for the cheer leading squad." Buffy said as she skipped over to him and struck a pose.

"You have a sacred birthright, Buffy. You have been chosen to destroy Vampires, not wave pom-poms at people. As your Watcher I forbid it."

"And you'll be stopping her how?" I asked him, pretending to be curious and Buffy mimicked me. Giles faltered and started stammering.

"Dyeh, uh, w-well- by appealing to your common sense. If such a creature exists."

"I'll still have time to fight the forces of evil, okay?" Buffy countered. I didn't realise I was nodding along until Giles looked at me questionably.

"You agree with this-this nonsense?"

"She'll be training with no complaining. She'll be practising her Slayer skills and we won't have to listen to her constant chatter, it's a win-win deal."

Giles looked thoughtful while Buffy looked offended. "Hey! Or...thank you, I'm not really sure." She turned her attention to Giles. "Look I want to have a life. I want to do something normal. Something safe."


Third person POV

In a room, the windows had been boarded over. Only tiny streams of sunlight peeked into the room, other than that the room was very dark.

A figure stood, in a long, hooded robe, in front of a bubbling cauldron. The figure moved over to a shelf where a doll in a cheer leading outfit sat. The doll's hands had been wrapped with a piece of cloth. The figure reached out and took the doll off the shelf and walked away.

Lucy's POV

Buffy, Willow, Xander and I walked into the gym where the cheer leading auditions were being held.

"Giles didn't approve, huh?" Willow asked.

"He totally lost his water. We haven't even seen a vampire in a week. I'd say he should get a girlfriend if he wasn't so old." Buffy said.

"Well, we're behind you." Willow assured her.

"People scoff at things like school spirit, but when you see these young women giving their all like this..." Xander started before he caught a pretty girl, with her feet on two chairs, slide down into a very low split. "...ooh, stretchy. Where was I?"

"You were pretending that seeing scantily-clad girls in revealing postures was a spiritual experience, whilst drooling over scantily-clad girls in revealing postures." I told him. He glared playfully at me.

"Who said anything about pretending. And I don't drool."

"You drool." Buffy, Willow and I said in unison. Xander rolled his eyes and turned to Buffy.

"Oh, hey. Here's a little good luck thing for the tryouts..." He said as he gave her an I.D. bracelet.

"What's this?" Buffy asked.

"What's that?" Willow also asked, but with worry and jealousy in her voice. Poor girl. Anyone with eyes could see she was in love with him. Unfortunately, Xander was as blind as a bat.

"This is so sweet." Buffy said before reading what was on the bracelet. "'Yours always'...?"

"That was on there when I got it. Really. They all said that." Xander tried to cover up, nervously.

Cordelia walked over to us as she watched Amber warm up. Amber was really good at cheer leading and there was no doubt that she would make it onto the team.

"Just look at Amber. Who does she think she is, a Laker Girl?" Cordelia asked rhetorically.

"I heard she turned them down." Willow told her.

The head cheerleader moved to the judge's table with two other cheerleaders. "Okay. Let's begin with... Amber Grove. If you're not auditioning move off the floor."

We all moved away while Amber got into her place. Willow started to wave a girl over. I recognised her as Amy. She was nice, though her mum was a bit obsessive over cheer leading.

"Hi Amy." Willow and I greeted in unison.

"Hi guys."

"I didn't know you wanted to be a cheerleader. You lost a lot of weight." Willow commented.

"Had to."

"Do you know Buffy?" Willow asked.

"Hi. Oh, how I hate this part." Amy told us. We all watched Amber perform her routine. She was even better than I thought. "She trained with Benson. He's the best coach money can buy."

"They have cheer leading coaches?" Buffy asked.

"Oh yeah. Don't you have one? I train with my Mom, three hours in the morning, three hours at night."

"That kind of quality time with my Mom would probably lead to some quality matricide." Buffy joked .

"I know it's kinda hokey...but she's really great."

We turned to Amber who continued with her performance, with the exception of Cordelia who turned her back to Amber feigning boredom. I could smell something burning and saw smoke rising from Amber's pom-poms.

"What the...?" Buffy murmured.

"That girl's on fire." Willow shouted. Cordelia looked at her, still not seeing what was going on behind her.

"Oh please. Enough with the hyperbole."

Amber realised what was happening and threw her pom-poms on the ground. Suddenly, her hands and forearms burst into flames. Everyone was screaming and panicking. I looked around the gym for something to help and spotted the 'razorbacks' banner.

"Buffy!" I yelled. She saw where I was looking, leapt up and ripped it down. She tackled Amber and started smothering the flames with the banner.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay..." Buffy told her, before muttering an "Oh God" to herself.

This is not good...

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