The Pack- 4

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Buffy and I were dragging Xander into the library as Willow rushed over to us.

"Hurry up. We got to get him locked up somehow before he comes to."

"Oh, my God, Xander! What happened?"

"I hit him."

"With what?"

"A desk."

"And it was spectacular!" I exclaimed as Buffy rolled her eyes while we locked him in the library cage.

"He tried his hand at felony sexual assault."

"Oh, Buffy, the hyena in him didn't..."

"No. No, but it's safe to say that in his animal state his idea of wooing doesn't involve a Yanni CD and a bottle of Chianti. There, that ought to hold him. Where's Giles?"

"He got called to some teacher's meeting. What are we gonna do? I mean... how do we get Xander back?"

"Right now I'm a little more worried about what the rest of the pack are up to?"

"The rest of the pack were spotted outside Herbert the mascot's cage." Giles started, coming back from his meeting. "They were sent to the principal's office."

"Good! That'll show them. Did it show them?"

"They didn't hurt him, did they?" Buffy asked, as Giles remained silent.

"They ate him."

"They ate Principal Flutie?"

"Ate him up?"

"The, uh, official theory is that wild dogs got into his office somehow. There was no one at the scene."

"You know as far as visions go... That would have been a GOOD ONE TO HAVE!!" I shouted at the Powers That Be, not that they listen to me.

"But Xander didn't. He, he was with you."

"Oh! Uh, well, that's a small mercy."

"Giles, how do we stop this? How do you trans-possess someone?"

"I-I'm afraid I still don't have all the pieces. Um, the accounts of the Primals and their methods are a bit thin on the ground. There is some talk of a predatory act, but the exact ritual is um... The Malleus Maleficarum deals in particulars of demonic possession, which... may apply... Yes, one, one should be able to transfer the spirits in to another human."

"Oh, that's great. Any volunteers?"

"Oh. Good point."

"What we need to do is put the hyena back in the hyena."

"But until we know more, uh..."

"Betcha that zookeeper could tell us. Maybe he didn't quarantine those hyenas because they were sick."

"We should talk to him."

"Okay. Oh, wait, somebody's got to watch Xander."

"I will." Willow volunteered.

"Will, are you sure? If he wakes up..."

"I'll be alright. Go." Buffy looks at me, still concerned.

"I'll stay too. And if it's necessary, I have no problem hitting Xander with a desk."

Buffy gave Willow the keys before she and Giles headed out.


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