Set Up

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The look this "Cumminghams" lady gives me when I walk into the room and call her that sends chills down my spine. Then her face turns beat red from what I assume to be rage or embarrassment and it looks like she's about to implode. Then the screaming starts and I can't possibly imagine how this could mean I'm on her good side.

"It's Cunningham! If one more of you kids call me that, you won't be seeing tomorrow!"

I watch in disbelief, feeling like I'm not really the reason this is happening. But it's confirmed by the way all the present students stare at me, also seemingly surprised.

"The audacity! On your first day too!?" Mrs. Cunningham continues to shout. "How inappropriate! What are you trying to imply!?"

At this point, I don't dare reply, and I almost wonder if I should be the one to skip class now. But that's what a weak-willed person would do.

Oh, but I am a weak-willed person...

Mrs. Cunningham's screaming fades out as I realize Tyrone set me up. He knew this would happen, and he knew I'd be the kind of person who would fall for it. I feel so stupid.

"I-I can explain." I manage to stammer.

"Oh ho ho..." Mrs. Cunningham laughs an angry laugh. "You better." She glares at me while simultaneously seeming expectant.

"I read it wrong on my schedule... I'm sorry. It was an accident." I try.

"I don't know if I believe you. But..." Mrs. Cunningham pauses. "Because you're new... I let you off the hook this time. Go sit down."

I sigh with relief, not too loudly, and find a desk in the back of the classroom so I can at least feel a little hidden from her intense stare. This is going to be a long English period.

However, throughout her rambling, I begin thinking of Tyrone again. And although I feel a little resentment towards him due to the prank he just pulled on me, thinking of him seems to make the time go faster, and I soon hear the sound that marks the half-of-class.

"So, who wants to read what they have so far?" Mrs. Cunningham asks suddenly. I have no clue what she's talking about or what is going on. All I know is that I don't have anything cause it's my first day and my classmates started school a week or two ago.

"I'll go!" A random kid offers.

"Very well then, Geri. Go ahead."

He begins reading some poem about being smart or something like that. I can't quite pick up what the point of it is, and halfway through, I get distracted by the outdoors and stare out the window blankly, wondering what the word 'extravagant' is in Korean.

"Very well done, Geri. That was motivational and it had great meaning. I hope your peers came up with something equally as academic." Mrs. Cunningham says, and at that I realize the dude is done reading his speech. Or poem, whatever.

I sit through several more of them, each with varying topics but none of them earning the same praise that Geri's did. And then the bell emits the sound commonly associated with freedom. I mean the end of a class. Obviously...

I bolt upright and gather my things with speed that one would not believe could belong to me and book it out of there. The first impression, or should I say incident, with this 'old hag' – as Tyrone so courteously put it – will haunt me forever. 

At least it's lunch now. I'm hungry from all the trauma this day has thrown at me so far.

After a quick visit to my locker, I find the cafeteria. Quite easily, despite my navigational skills. Only because I smell food. I'm excellent at tracking down food. Even if it's cafeteria food that may or may not taste so great.

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