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Son or brother? "
  Brother Zhao looked at him in surprise when he heard this, and after a while he said: "Son. Fang
  Zichen was a little confused: "Then why didn't the Ma family keep the child and let you take it... and remarry?" Brother Zhao
  's tone was surprising: "He is not the grandson of the Ma family." "Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Fang Zichen was stunned for a while and then looked at him with an unspeakable look.
  Fang Zichen was indeed a little unresponsive.
  What does it mean to not be the grandson of the Ma family?
  After a little tidying up, the logic should be That's right, he is the son-in-law of the Ma family, but he is not the grandson of the Ma family, that is...
  Fang Zichen was a little shocked to see Brother Zhao speechless for a long time, feeling that he had married a great person. Brother
  Zhao looked obedient, but he didn't expect...
  He touched his head and asked: "Brother Zhao, do you think my black hair looks good? "
  The hair is all the same. Apart from the length, softness and roughness, there is really nothing to comment on.
  Fang Zichen said tactfully: "I think the black one suits me better. I don't want it to turn green one day. You know what I mean. ? "
  There are no dirty words in these words, but they are not subtle enough. Although Brother Zhao doesn't know a few Chinese characters, his brain is fine. No one in
  the village would say that he stole people behind his back. The Ma family had to force him to keep him to work. Shengsheng said that the child belonged to the Ma family, but he couldn't help but think about it.
  During the time when he was pregnant, Ma Wen was out running shopping and was not at home at all. Moreover, his family knew that he and Ma Wen had never shared a room. Was the child? The Ma family understands that he is a son of the Ma family.

  The reason why they endured this is that they were afraid that he would be beaten to death if it was reported that he was 'stealing people'. No one would do the work at home. After raising him for more than ten years, How could he let him die in vain before he was squeezed out completely? Just thinking like this, they would help him fill it up. There was a time when
  he thought that he and Guaizi would probably die in the Ma family in this life. It's a waste of time.
  If this year hadn't been really difficult and the incident of falling into the water hadn't happened, the Ma family wouldn't have driven the father and son out so easily.
  "I didn't steal anyone," Brother Zhao's voice didn't sound right. Not calm, with a pretended calmness after forcibly suppressing himself. He lowered his eyelashes and did not look at anyone,
  "The people in the Ma family scolded me, beat me, said I stole people, and said I was shameless. There are some people in the village. People also talk about me behind my back, saying that I am unruly and unruly, and that the good boy is a bastard. I understand all this, but... I really didn't steal anyone. "
  The grievances that had been suppressed and buried for many years now have an outlet. Even if Brother Zhao pretends to be strong and calm, his voice is choked with sobs.
  No one has asked him what is going on with his pregnancy. Maybe they think he is despicable. , maybe because he felt that it had nothing to do with him and was not worth asking.
  So without asking the reason, he was convicted and deemed a thief.
  He was pointed at and kept silent for four years. It seems that he has accepted this unfair result, but facing Fang Zichen... this person whom he has known for just half a day, he can't explain why, Brother Zhao just doesn't want him to misunderstand, and thinks that he is really an unbearable person. Fang Zichen is silent
  . Mo didn't ask what was going on. First of all, the relationship was not that good. Secondly, he didn't know if Brother Zhao was forced. Asking was no different from tearing someone's wound. "Well
  ! I believe you." He put his arms around Brother Zhao's shoulders carelessly: "It's okay, brother, it's all over. Brother Zhao
  couldn't help but stiffen, and then quickly relaxed. He asked: "Do you believe me?"
  " Believe it! " Fang Zichen said in an unserious manner: "You are a small person, and your courage must be small. You borrowed the courage of a dog and you went to steal someone?" "
  Brother Zhao: "..."
  Brother Zhao tried to argue: "I'm not young anymore, I'm nineteen years old this year. "
  No," Fang Zichen glared and said, "I feel like you are only sixteen or seventeen, and you look younger than me." Brother Zhao
  pointed to his son who was still squatting on the ground watching the ants, and said, "My dear boy is already three years old." "
  Fang Zichen choked.
  He was nineteen years old and his son was three years old, so he was pregnant at the age of sixteen.
  Fang Zichen couldn't help but think. Sixteen-year-old Brother Zhao was still small and short, squatting by the stove with a big belly. ···
  Don't dare to think about it.
  He shook his head to get rid of all his thoughts, stared at Brother Zhao with his chin in his hand, and changed the subject: "Is there any difference in appearance between brother and a man? I see you are no different from me and Guaizi!
  Brother Zhao said: "Brother can give birth to children. " "
  Hmm!" Fang Zichen nodded: "Then what?"
  Brother Zhao looked at him: "No more. " Fang Zichen: "
  "You can't tell the difference between a brother and a man?" "

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