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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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After signing the deed, you are considered a person and you are fully aware of all processing procedures.
  How to make chemical fertilizers is very simple and you can understand it after just a few days of reading.
  When Mr. Gu and others arrived at the place where Fang Zichen lived, they looked at Fang Zichen and finally understood why the leader could smile like that. They couldn't bear to wait until they left before they would be happy again.
  Now I understand.
  It can increase the yield of crops in the field. Originally, Mr. Gu and others thought that this fertilizer was very magical. They were afraid that it would be difficult to make. If it was difficult to make, then one bag would probably not earn a few copper coins. But these days in the fertilizer factory After shopping around, they figured out what the raw materials were and what the price was. It only cost a few dozen renminbi. After being processed and turned into fertilizer, it could be sold for more than 200 renminbi. In this way, one bag could probably make a profit of 100 renminbi. How high is the 10% profit if it is promoted on a large scale? At the lowest level, it costs tens of thousands taels.
  No wonder that brat was so happy. If it were them, he might have passed out with excitement before he even had time to laugh.
  It happened to be the second time to chase fat. Fang Zichen and Brother Zhao were both busy, so Guaizi could only take the job and take a few people to the fields to watch.
  Strangers came to the village, and the villagers naturally inquired about them and found out that they were officials from the capital. They heard that they had come to learn about chemical fertilizers and wanted to spread them outside so that people outside could use this good stuff. He is as good an official as Mr. Fang, and the good young master is also here. The villagers respect and are kind to these old men. Even though the official power is more powerful than Mr. Fang, they are not afraid at all. This time The cucumbers inside were covered with vines. When they met them, they ran to the vegetable field to pick them, and then washed them before bringing them over.
  "Young Master, you gentlemen, please eat some cucumbers! It will cool you down and quench your thirst. There is nothing good in the village, so don't dislike it!" "My dear young master, go to my field later to
  pick some corn and cook it! How many? I'll eat it too, the freshly picked corn tastes sweet when cooked." "
  The plums on the mountain are ripe too." A woman handed the basket over: "I just picked these, young master, and the other gentlemen, please eat some of them. Really?"
  Mr. Gu and the others were a little stunned for a moment. Before they could reply, the man directly stuffed the cucumbers into their arms.
  people are respectful, but also very enthusiastic. Mr. Gu has lived for decades and has been an official for decades. He has never seen anything or a battle, but this is really the first time. This happened once.
  In the past, when ordinary people with flat heads saw them, they either hid or stood aside and watched in fear. When had they ever been approached like this? And gave them things.
  They didn't feel offended, on the contrary, they felt a little warm and sour in their hearts.
  This is the love of the common people.
  As an official, what do you want? The first is to honor the ancestors, carry the lintel of the family, and be the leader of ten thousand people. The second is to be loved and supported by the people.
  They have been officials for most of their lives and have never enjoyed this kind of treatment before. This kind of thing can only happen in their dreams. They didn't expect to come to Qianzhou, but they did enjoy it.
  The first one was afraid that his identity would be exposed and he would be beaten by the common people...
  "Thank you, uncle and aunt." The good boy had been stuffed with things not once or twice. He used to go out to walk around the village, but he would go out with bare hands and come back. He can grab vegetables with his left hand and cabbage with his right hand. He can also hold a handful of beans across his head and hang a basket on his back, which is full of food.
  You will get used to it. He bit the cucumber. Seeing that the old men beside him did not speak, he stared at the cucumbers stuffed in his arms. He was silent for a while, and then he started to lower his head and wipe his tears. The good boy was anxious. , not even bothering to eat cucumbers:
  "Grandpa, what are you doing? Why are you crying? Don't you like cucumbers? Then help you eat them, don't cry." Mr. Gu and the others said
  : "... "
  This child, are they crying for this?" It's not like they're rolling around.
Chapter 397
  Mr. Gu and the others went to the fields and took another look. In fact, they had already asked Brother Zhao about how to fertilize. If they put more fertilizer, the yield could be higher. Did they put it now? This amount is the best, and Brother Zhao doesn't know it, so they will still have to be busy after returning to Beijing. However, knowing that it is the same thing, they still can't help but want to go to the fields to see with their own eyes.
  The crops really change from day to day.
  There is lime in the fertilizer, which repels insects. There are no insect holes in the leaves of the crops, and they grow very well.
  In early June, Xiaofeng received a letter saying that the factory had been built and workers had been recruited to start production. The first batch of instant noodles had been successfully made by the end of last month. Everything was fine. Uncle Fang and Uncle Zhao were relieved.
  After explaining the business, I asked Guaizi and Gungundandan if they were okay.
  The good boy lay down behind Fang Zichen, resting his head on his shoulder. After reading the letter, he asked Fang Zichen when he would reply to Brother Xiaofeng! He wanted to write a letter to Brother Xiaofeng himself.
  Gungun and Dandan joined in the fun: "Gungun writes too."
  "Dandan writes too, and asks Daguoguo to bring instant noodles back. Dandan loves him."
  Fang Zichen said like herding sheep: "Go and go, can you guys write? Outside. Go play in the mud."
  Get out and get upset: "Father underestimates Ren, we have to tell daddy to go."

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