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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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The continent is vast and has a lot of wasteland.
  The refugees were concentrated in one place, sheds were erected, rice grains were distributed, and soldiers were sent to guard them. Soldiers were also sent to bury the corpses on the pipes outside.
  Brother Zhao and his darlings were busy doing all this, and the refugees did not dare to cause trouble. The official had spoken, and anyone who dared to cause trouble would be kicked out.
  This is not possible.
  There is no way to survive if you get out.
  Everyone behaved themselves and did not dare to mess around at all. The coarse grain porridge cooked by the officers and soldiers was extremely thin. Each person had a bowl, plus half a steamed nest mixed with wild vegetables. The men were not full, but they did not dare to snatch it.
  The old, weak, women and children were all arranged in one place and guarded by "heavy troops". Those who had that intention did not dare to move.
  Several surrounding villages came over to see the refugees. They were so skinny that there was only a handful of bones left. They couldn't help but feel pity for them and sent them a lot of vegetables.
  There are so many refugees, so we can't put in too much oil and salt. A large pot of vegetables only requires two tablespoons of oil.
  But everyone ate deliciously. After all, their family was not very wealthy, so they ate like this. Some wild vegetables were very bitter! Vegetables grown in the ground are better than wild vegetables! And I was still hungry all the way.
  They didn't dare ask for help if someone stuttered now.
  The leftover sweet potato residue from the sweet potato factory is no longer kept to feed the pigs, but is all shipped over. This stuff is added with water and can be eaten when cooked.
  As soon as Fang Zichen came back, he sent someone to Jizhou to inquire about it, and the news came back within a few days.
  All the Luohe County area has been lost.
  Jizhou is now in chaos.
  The common people probably knew that the Northwest Army was useless. Seeing that the two counties were lost one after another, and more than a dozen villages below were slaughtered, people were panic-stricken, and the timid ones could not stand still anymore and fled from Jizhou.
  When there were more people, Mi Liang naturally became nervous.

  Fang Zichen's heart bleeds when he sees Brother Zhao opening a private house to get tickets for the Wang family to buy food.
  Just eating without doing anything is not enough.
  How can there be such a good thing in this matter? If it were true, he could eat and drink for free. He had taken Brother Zhao as a refugee, and why would he be an official?
  There are a lot of wastelands in Qianzhou...
  Let's open up wasteland.
  Jizhou probably won't be able to go back in a short time.
  The beef jerky processing plant in Beilu County was forced to suspend operations, and a large number of strong cattle were transported.
  In ancient times, there was no such thing as "returning farmland to forest." On the contrary, due to limited conditions, there was very little cultivated land and numerous mountain forest vegetation.
  In modern times, farmland is returned to forest because the common people have enough to eat. After research, various large-yield grains have been produced. Originally, one acre of land might be able to feed one person, but now one acre of land can feed several people. So there is no need to reclaim wasteland. Coupled with population control and environmental protection under family planning, farmland was converted into forests.
  It is impossible to retreat now. If we retreat, people will starve to death again.
  The refugees are more practical when they have work to do. They are not ignorant. They know everything about what Quzhou looks like. Jizhou and Quzhou are brothers in need. They are all equally poor. I am afraid there are not many government officials. Food, if there is no food, I'm afraid they will be driven out.
  Now that there is work, everyone is very down-to-earth and does not need anyone to supervise the work.
  In just half a month, large tracts of wasteland were cleared.
  Wheat can be grown.
  Wheat planted in November can be harvested in March next year.
  Although it is an open wasteland, it is more or less difficult to plant in the first year, but with chemical fertilizers, there will be no harvest.
  If you can harvest a hundred catties per acre, that's good too.
  In early October, Xia Jinghong's troops finally arrived.
  Fang Zichen breathed a sigh of relief, but within ten days, news came from Jizhou that Linchang County had fallen.
  Fang Zichen almost couldn't breathe.
  The reinforcements have arrived. Not only will they defeat the opponent, but they will have to fight evenly! After all, the leading Northwest Army is slightly at a disadvantage compared to Great Liang and Beiqi, but the reinforcements have arrived! There are obviously helpers, but they still let people rob the city. Is this... Are
  Great Liang and Beiqi so powerful? Could it be that they were cheating as soon as they joined forces? Will he be invincible?
  No matter how ineffective the Northwest Army is, it won't be like this!
  Check again.
  It turned out that the Northwest Army was looking for reinforcements, and Daliang and Beiqi were also looking for reinforcements.
  Fang Zichen's palms were sweating: "Is it Beimang Kingdom?"
  Qin Qida said: "No, it's Daliao."

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