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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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You should be careful when speaking in front of your children for the first time. "
  Fang Zichen: "..."
  Why should you pay attention!
  He has already paid attention to it, but there must be a gap in every secret!
  And this brat is the same, good at not learning, he will learn this messy thing.
  Wash it well Maybe he was tired from crying just now. Fang Zichen just held him and walked around the yard twice before falling asleep. He lay in bed
  at night, and after Brother Zhao tucked the good boy into bed, Fang Zichen asked him, Who is Aunt He?
  Brother Zhao thought for a while and said, "It's the one who asked me to help dig sweet potatoes. "
  Speaking of other things, Fang Zichen may have to think about it, but when he mentioned sweet potatoes, he immediately remembered it.
  His grandma is a bitch, and her affection is that of a mother-in-law.
  Brother Zhao said: "Why are you asking her? ? "
  Recalling what those women said, Fang Zichen became very angry. At that time, he wanted to slap each of them so hard that their teeth would crooked. But in the end, he still had reason. He clenched his jaw and said: " She is itchy. Brother Zhao
  had a weird look on his face, and he immediately stood up and looked at him: "Do you understand her itchy skin?" What did she tell you? "
  I didn't catch the subtext!
  Fang Zichen didn't want to tell him, for fear that Brother Zhao would feel uncomfortable hearing it: "Go to sleep, don't ask so many questions. "
  No," Brother Zhao refused to let him sleep, frowned and said urgently: "You have to make it clear." "

  Fang Zichen is now the village's fragrant buns and pork belly. Everyone wants to take a bite. He Huihui is back now, and Aunt He is afraid that she will make some plans. Fang Zichen wondered:
  "What are you talking about?
  "Aunt Liu is looking for you? " Brother Zhao asked again. "
  No!" Fang Zichen thought about it and laughed directly: "Are you afraid that Aunt He will seduce me?" Brother Zhao
  : "..."
  It's not that he's afraid of Aunt He, but of her daughter.
  If it's Aunt He, he's not afraid. As long as Fang Zichen doesn't have a problem in his head, how can Aunt He be his opponent?
  Fang Zichen doesn't I know what he is thinking, but seeing Brother Zhao caring so much, I feel quite sad.
  "An'an, An'an, I plan to hang myself on your tree for the rest of my life and never find another home. Fang Zichen smiled, came close to his ear, and said lovingly: "Whoever touches me, I will kick her. I will protect you like a jade and abide by your male virtues."
  Brother Zhao was happy in his heart, but he pursed his lips and did not laugh. Fang
  Zichen said again: "If you find a husband like me, your ancestral graves will be burned, and even smoke will not do it."
  Brother Zhao pinched his smooth chin and kissed the corner of his mouth: "A little bit of face. " "

  Brother Zhao wanted to collect peppers at home, so the shop was closed for the time being. The business was good, so he really couldn't bear to close it. But there was no one at home, so there was nothing he could do if he couldn't bear it. At noon that day, Fang Zichen was talking to Yang Mingyi, and someone came in from outside and said something about teeth
  . Someone in the industry was looking for him.
  Fang Zichen came out and found that he was the steward of the dental store. He didn't buy anyone last time, so the steward said that the goods would be available next time and would notify him as soon as possible. His description made
  Fang Zichen a little uncomfortable, but I also know that this is the case in Daxia. Some people are high and respected by thousands of people, but some people are like ants, with lives as thin as paper. Those maids last time, Fang Zichen didn't have time to look at them, and they were dragged away by Brother Zhao
  . When the manager of the dental shop saw that Fang Zichen did not lose his temper and went to buy candied haws for his husband after leaving the door, he knew who to introduce to him. Fang Zichen went with the manager, and as soon as he arrived at the door, he heard someone coming
  . Crying, the voice is very familiar.
  If you go in and take a look, can you be familiar with it?
  Wu Song’s old cousin and his family of three are locked in a cage.
  Fang Zichen stood outside the iron fence, shocked, and blinked uncertainly: "Lin Xiaoxia? Why did you get in?
  "Oh, it's you, young master! " Li Yanmei burst into tears when she saw him: "Before I die, if I can see you again, I will die with no regrets." Fang
  Zichen: "..."
  This eldest sister really doesn't like to talk to people.
  The manager of the tooth shop looked at him with admiration in his eyes.
  Li Yanmei is not ugly, and she is even quite pretty. He was very good at killing pigs. When he was young, suitors would line up from the street to the end of the street. But one time, when Li Da came back from driving pigs, he came to the pork stall. The pig suddenly started running, and Li Yanmei rushed out of the room. , hugged the pig's neck, and locked the pig's throat with one move. She called Li to get a knife and stabbed the pig's neck directly in the street, causing blood to spatter three feet. The whole set of actions was cruel, fast, and neat,
  but The blood is really bloody.

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