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Chapter 450

  Brother Zhao got up before dawn in the morning. It rained all day yesterday and stopped after nightfall. But I didn't expect it to rain again in the early morning. It was still very wet outside. It was already June. , but the wind blowing in through the crack of the door still carries a chill.

  As soon as he sat up from the straw pile, the boy rubbed his eyes and called him sleepily: "Daddy?"

  "Here he is!" The child felt awkward. Brother Zhao touched his head and saw that he didn't even open his eyes. His little pink mouth was moving around, and his little hands were still holding the corner of his clothes. Zhao Geer said My brother kissed him on the forehead: "Be good, it's still early. You can sleep a little longer. Daddy will go to the fields to cut the grass first. You can go to follow Daddy after dawn."


  Brother Zhao put some clothes on him, then took the backpack and went out.

  There are many weeds growing on both sides of the path, the dewdrops on them have not yet transpired, and the sky is glowing with light. After a rain, the ground is even greener, the crops are growing better, and the weeds are growing taller.

  As soon as Brother Zhao arrived in the field, he immediately started working and cut almost half of the field. People came from the nearby field.

  "Brother Zhao, are you here so early today?"

  "Uncle Liu."

  "Come here." Uncle Liu waved to him. Brother Zhao thought something was wrong, so he put away the sickle and walked towards him. Uncle Liu looked to the side and saw that there was no one there, so he took two sweet potatoes from the basket and stuffed them to Brother Zhao.

  Brother Zhao hurriedly declined: "Uncle Liu, you eat, I don't want it."

  Uncle Liu said: "This is brought to you. I ate it on the way. Take it quickly. When the good boy comes, you can eat together."

  As soon as he mentioned Guaizi, Brother Zhao couldn't refuse. It rained yesterday and they couldn't eat dinner. Guaizi must be hungry. He took the sweet potato and bowed to Uncle Liu: "Thank you, Uncle Liu."

  "You kid, why are you so polite? Go get to work."

  Brother Zhao was busy again, thinking of going to the mountains to chop two bundles of firewood to send to the Liu family in two days. He couldn't ask for the things for free. After all, the Liu family was not rich either.

  After working for a long time, the genius finally showed up. The good boy came over. He knew where the Ma family had any land. As soon as he came, he ran into the cornfield and looked around: "Daddy, ?Dad, where are you?"

  "Here, come here."

  The good boy went over looking for the sound, and sure enough he saw Brother Zhao. "Daddy."

  He happily rushed towards Brother Zhao. He is already three years old, but he is so small that he is no taller than his calves. He just ran to find Brother Zhao before the Ma family got up. Now he has messy hair and looks like a homeless man, with a hand in his hand. Holding a small piece of cloth, Zhao Geer hugged him and tied a bunch of small crocodiles to him, and then took out two sweet potatoes from the grass piled aside.

  The boy's eyes suddenly lit up and his breathing quickened: "Wow, daddy is a sweet potato?"

  "Well!" Brother Zhao pinched his little nose: "You're hungry! Take it, sit here and eat slowly while daddy goes to work."

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