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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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What if there are two or even thousands of people who are better than him? You should learn from the strengths of others. This is to learn from others' strengths and make up for your weaknesses, rather than blindly comparing and being jealous. I have always known that you are not a very generous person, but I also feel that as a human being, he has shortcomings, so I have not done that many times. I said that, but I never thought that you were so narrow-minded that you couldn't tolerate others. Mr. Wu said coldly: "You disappoint me so much." "
  Mr. Wu raised his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say more.
  Wu Zeyu has no future, and now the whole family relies on Mr. Wu. Mrs. Chen also knows what Mr. Wu's character is, and this will make things even worse. He didn't dare to say anything to plead for mercy.
  Mr. Wu looked at Wu Jiayi: "Jiayi. Wu
  Jiayi pursed her lips and said with red eyes: "Grandpa, it was Jiayi who was wrong. Jiayi shouldn't...shouldn't lie." "
  As soon as she said this, Mr. Wu was even more disappointed with her.
  "Is this the only thing you're wrong about? The anger that had been suppressed before suddenly burst out. Mr. Wu scolded: "You still don't admit it until now. You are really hopeless." "
  "You didn't like Brother Yi before. I asked you once, but you never said. Brother Yi finally came here once, and you took the lead in rejecting him. Are you the same as your brother?" Same, I think I'm biased. Mr. Wu looked at Wu Jiayi's stubborn look and said bluntly: "I admit that I am a little partial to Brother Yi, but why?" Because I pity him for losing his mother when he was young, and his father is not a competent person, so I care more about him, but what about you? Your parents are here, even if I neglect you, you still have someone to love you. If you lose your parents, I will still love you. They are all my brothers. Why do you treat Brother Yi like that? Now people are pushing him into the pool, and you are resorting to such dirty tactics. Since you haven't learned even half of the etiquette, justice and shame I have taught you over the years, from now on, together with your elder brother, don't come to the classroom again. "
  What he said was serious, Wu Jiayi and Chen immediately knelt down.
  "Grandpa, I was wrong, I was wrong.
  "Father, Junjie and Jiayi are still young. They were confused for a while. Please forgive them for once. " "Ms. Chen cried. He knew what Mr. Wu meant. He didn't want to continue training Wu Junjie.
  "One is ten years old and the other is twelve. They are not young anymore. "Wu Laodao: "This temperament is just like the tree. Once it becomes a trait, it is difficult to change. If you fight to the death, it will only break. I used to teach them wholeheartedly, but it is still like this now. It is not their problem, then. It's my problem. From now on, send heroes to academies and let other teachers teach them. "

  Ms. Chen's face changed greatly, and she begged again anxiously. Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu said again: "I am partly responsible for the two children becoming like this, but you, the mother-in-law, bear the big responsibility. They are both your children. , if you do this kind of thing, you are negligent in discipline. From now on, you can leave the affairs of this house to Brother Tang. "
  Father. " Mrs. Chen knelt forward and kowtowed desperately: "Father, please take back these words!" "
  She is the principal wife. If she gives up the power of running the family, her principal wife will be just an empty shell. How should the servants see her?
  This is to disgrace her!
  She just committed a crime Such a small mistake, why is it like this, why is it like this!
  But the words you say are like water thrown out, and you can't take them back.
  Mr. Wu: "You should teach Xiaozhi first. After giving birth to three, crooked Now that you have two, do you have anything else to think about? Mrs. Chen
  cried and said, "Father, what Haojie and Jiayi committed were trivial matters. Why do you favor other people's children and be so harsh on your own grandson?" They are your grandchildren!
  "It is precisely because of my own grandson that I am harsh. " You think it's a small thing for them to be like this today, but to me, today they are telling lies for their own selfish purposes. If I don't punish them severely, tomorrow they will take to the streets with knives, and Wu Jiayi can become the second son of the Zheng family. . "
  Chen Weidong didn't dare to speak, and stood aside tremblingly. He didn't know that it was just a trivial matter that caused his aunt and cousin to be punished like this.
  Brother Zhao didn't look anymore, and held the good boy in his arms. Let's go. When he got to the door, Yang Mingyi came towards him with a baggage in his arms.
  Wu Mansion was like this, and he felt that he couldn't stay any longer.
  But if he went back to Fu'an Town now, it would be too late. He would have to leave in the middle of the night. Arrive at Fu'an Town.
  He had money on him and wanted to find an inn for one night, but Brother Zhao asked him to go back with him. Xiaofeng's bed was big, so he, Xiaofeng and Xie Xiaoyu could sleep together. A little brother
  , Being alone outside is dangerous after all.
  When Mr. Wu heard that the housekeeper said that Yang Mingyi and Brother Zhao had left, he gave up the idea of ​​persuading him to come back. Let
  him go!
  Living at home, Brother Yi might not feel comfortable either.
  Good boy He was sluggish all the way and kept lying on Brother Zhao's shoulder.
  Halfway through, Yang Mingyi suddenly said: "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry. Brother Zhao
  paused and looked at him: "Why are you saying sorry?" "
  "The good guy is just trying to help me, so he..."

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