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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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What's wrong? "
  The good boy lowered his eyes and held the corners of his clothes with his little hands: "The good boy misses Uncle Meiren. I haven't seen him for a long time. I wonder if my handsome grandpa has bullied him. "
  Mrs. Zuo Xiang and Zuo Xiang were both relieved when they heard this.
  "No, your beautiful uncle wrote back and said he was doing well. "
  For Qin Hengxuan, the Prime Minister still trusts him.
  "That's not necessarily true. The mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles. A sensible son reports good news but not bad news. "The good boy said sadly. The Prime
  Minister Zuo said: "..."
  This little boy actually knows how to write.
  The Prime Minister Zuo spoke for his brother-in-law: "Your handsome grandpa is a good man and will be kind to your beautiful uncle. "
  The good boy didn't know what he thought of, and nodded seriously, "Yeah! The handsome grandpa was very kind, and when the boy was about to come back, he also gave him a serious lesson. He said that the boy's words were thought-provoking and thought-provoking. He understood birds, and he would treat Uncle Meiren well.
  The left prime minister smiled: "You, you have taught him? "
  The good boy nodded: "Yeah! " The left prime minister was all curious: "
  How did you teach me this?" Mrs.
  Zuo Xiang also lowered her head to look at him.
  The good boy shook his little feet and said proudly: "The good boy told him that a man's fists are only used to beat the world, not the husband. My father said, husband The man is meant for pain and love. Husband and wife should understand and consider each other. If he treats the beautiful uncle badly, the good boy will go back and kick his third leg off. "
  The Left Prime Minister: "..."

Chapter 340
  The Left Prime Minister was choked, coughed several times, and his face turned red: "What else do you know about the third leg?" "
  Oh~" Guaizi frowned and was unhappy: "Grandpa looked down on Guaizi. Guaizi has grown up to be troubled. I don't know if there is a Simo type!" Mrs.
  Zuo Xiang wanted to laugh, but she couldn't imagine Qin Hengxuan's expression after hearing this: "Then what was your handsome grandpa's reaction when he heard this?" "
  Guai Zai pursed his lips, shrunk his neck, and his legs could no longer swing. He raised two fingers and said in a low voice: "He chased Guai Zai for two streets. "
  The left minister: "..."
  If it were him, he would have chased not only two, but three.
  The good boy has been chased by Brother Zhao too many times. Even though he has short legs, his escape speed is top-notch. Qin Hengxuan At that time, he was sweating profusely after chasing him, but he couldn't catch up with him. He didn't know how this little kid, who was as tall as a bean sprout, could run so well. In the evening,
  Fang Zichen and Brother Zhao counted the gifts, and they were roughly the same. They were all shocked by the estimate. It was more than six thousand taels. Today's tea, wine and meat are less than one hundred. It's really a big profit. "
  We will move back to Guangfu Street next month," Fang Zichen said happily, "We will move in then too." I'll invite you to a new house again. After one month, I'll move back and move into the new house again. After a few visits, we'll make it big. Brother Zhao
  was also very happy, but he didn't think that way: "You haven't even slept yet, and you started dreaming first." "
  People still have to have dreams. People who don't have dreams are just like salted fish!" "Fang Zichen said happily.
  This time, it was mainly the Zuo Prime Minister and the Zhao family who gave the most. The Zuo Prime Minister was the most practical, with eight hundred taels of silver notes.
  After all, he was from a wealthy family, and his actions were shocking.
  Zhao Yunfeng and Shi Nianqi followed. After receiving a gift of five hundred taels, Zhao Yunlan and Zhao Yunyue gave similar gifts. Most of the other petty officials received gifts of one or two hundred taels, but a few were more casual. Chang'an Street was not far
  from the Zhao Mansion, so Xiaofeng lived back He went home and went to Zhao Mansion to study during the day.
  After this experience, Brother Zhao really didn't regret letting Xiao Feng go there. Otherwise, how would he deal with it if he grew up like him? Even if he only finds a girl in the future. There is no harm in marrying an ordinary person and learning more. He kept Brother Xiu and Jiang Niang, and asked Xie Xiaoyu to take the rest to the store. Although Brother Xiu was thin, he was already over
  eight years old, and Brother Zhao The son asked him to follow Xiaofeng.
  There were few people in the family, Jiang Niang and Uncle Tang could handle it. Dali didn't need to go to the store, he stayed at home. When the time came, he could pick up Fang Zichen and Xiaofeng specially. Besides, let's talk about the store. They are all girls, and he is a man, so it is really inconvenient. Last time Brother Zhao went, the guys were plucking duck feathers in the yard, but Dali was squatting pitifully in the corner holding a duck, as if The angry little daughter-in-law felt like she was being squeezed out.
  Now that she knew she didn't have to go to the store, Dali couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
  Everyone had somewhere to go, and only...

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