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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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Daddy, I also want a father, and I don’t want you to quarrel. If the father doesn’t want to be with him anymore, then the good boy will go with his father. "
  Fang Zichen hugged him, and the good boy immediately hugged his neck tightly, burying his head and sobbing quietly.
  Fang Zichen gently held his thin back: "Then you don't want your father? "
  The good boy choked up and kept crying: "Dad has a grandfather, an uncle, and a younger brother in the future, but my father is different. He has a kind heart. The good boy wants to be with his father. Father, don't abandon the good boy. Boy, good boy wants his father. Fang
  Zichen had mixed feelings in his heart and hugged him tightly again: "Er smash~"
  "Er smash~"
  The two father and son began to call each other affectionately again.
  This child is really not in vain, no It was in vain that he had tightened his belt and raised him for so many years.
  Fang Zichen was so relieved that he hugged his good boy and kissed him fiercely. From now on, he would no longer secretly dislike his son for eating too much. He used to be angry at him and couldn't bear it. If he beats him, he will give Brother Zhao a pillow and ask him to help him. He will never do such a thing again. From now on, he and Er Shang
  will depend on each other and wander around. Oh, bah, the official will still be there. He made so much money in a month, it was just like picking it up for free. He still thought about Zheng Peiyao kneeling to him!
  Fang Zichen asked the servant to go back and bring a message to Zhao Song, saying that his son would stay at home for a few days.

  Servant He quickly brought the news back. Zhao Song was relieved to know that the good boy was not lost. He persuaded Xiaofeng to go back to his room to sleep before going to Qingzhuyuan. Brother
  Zhao was not pregnant, so Zhao Song did not dare to tell him about it. Him.
  Brother Zhao kept looking at the door longingly after he woke up. He didn't respond to Zhao Yunyue's words to him. Now that he saw Zhao Song, he didn't see Fang Zichen. He felt indescribably disappointed and the light in his eyes dimmed.
  " father. He called Zhao Song: "Can you help me find my husband again? Call my husband, I want him to take me back."
  Zhao Song advised: "You are not in good health. No one will take care of you when you go back. " , stay here for a few days with peace of mind. "
  I don't want it, I want it back." Brother Zhao's tears fell again: "I want to find a husband." "
  He has been thinking about someone for two months. He finally met someone tonight, but he didn't even have time to talk to him properly. Why is this happening? In a short hour, he seemed to have thought about a lot of things, but also seemed to have thought about nothing at all. , his mind was in confusion, and Fang Zichen's words made him feel scared.
  Zhao Song paused, knowing that it was inappropriate to ask these words, but seeing Brother Zhao kept making trouble, he still asked: "Brother Zhao, are you He Zichen?" Had a quarrel in the morning? "Seeing that Brother Zhao's eyes were red again, he was clutching the corner of the quilt tightly without saying anything, and then said: "Dad, I don't mean tonight, but before. "
  Before? " "
  Hmm!" Brother Zhao didn't even think about it: "
  No." "
  That's strange. " Zhao Song also frowned and looked at Brother Zhao: "Since you and Zichen didn't quarrel, is there any misunderstanding?" Dad knows how much you feel about him, so he will definitely not do anything to feel sorry for him. But Zichen said... Dad wrote to you before, but you didn't reply.
  " Letter? " Brother Zhao raised his head, his face suddenly turned pale: "What letter?" "
  Zi Chen said you..." Zhao Song's tone was a little difficult. Brother Zhao said it to himself, as if he was digging a scar on himself: "He said I stole someone?"
  "Well, so I wrote to you to ask what happened. " Zhao Song did not turn to his children. He did not forget to reprimand him: "Let's not mention anything else. Since you are not feeling well and can't come back on time, you should send someone to tell Zichen that he is your husband. Don't you?" Didn't you expect him to be anxious when he came back without dragging anyone to send him a message? What you're doing is wrong. "
  The person who came back first to report the news only said that Brother Zhao was not feeling well and that he would be recuperating in Heyang for a while. The old lady sent the young man back to tell him that Zheng Peiyao was doing things well and she had taken care of the house in order over the years. Zhao Song thought she had also sent someone to talk to Fang Zichen.
  Since Zheng Peiyao didn't say anything, Brother Zhao would definitely say it. Who knows, the two of them were actually confused.
  He taught Zheng Peiyao this evening, and Zheng Peiyao If we say that we forget and think poorly when we are busy, then Brother Zhao shouldn’t be like this. After all, Fang Zichen is his husband. It’s okay to say that Zheng Peiyao can’t remember, but it’s not okay for Brother Zhao. Fang Zichen won the top prize in the exam, which is a great joy. It’s a gift from heaven
  . Wenquxing of Wenquxing walked out first. When his colleagues saw him, they all said that he was very lucky to have such a good brother-in-law. Zhao Song's three legitimate sons, none of them had any future. Although Zhao Yunfeng was also an official in the court, his performance was Ping Ping, Zhao Yunlan was in business, and he was at the end of business. Zhao Yunyue...don't mention it.
  Now he has experienced the feeling of being praised and sought after by his brother-in-law. Zhao Song is so beautiful that he even thinks he has a long face. When he came back, he still thought that Fang Zichen had no father or mother. When Brother Zhao came back from Heyang, he would hold a banquet at his house and invite some friends so that Fang Zichen could recognize them and get to know more people. The road ahead would definitely be smooth. But I didn't expect it to end up like this.
  Zhao Song couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.
  Fang Zichen searched hard and didn't receive a reply at first. Brother Zhao wondered if he was reluctant to spend money to let people run errands? But then he thought about it. He thought about it but felt that it was wrong. Although Fang Zichen was searching, he knew when to spend the money and when not to spend it. If he was not around, he would miss himself too. It would be impossible for him to receive any letters. He would not reply to any of them. , and then he couldn't control it anymore, and he was worried that something had happened to him. Zhao Yunlan comforted him and said that he was a big man, what could happen to him, his father is still in the capital! I will write to you if anything happens. Brother
  Zhao He didn't think much about it, but what Zhao Song said now made him feel something was wrong: "But, I sent someone back to tell you, and I also wrote a letter to my husband. I didn't receive my father's letter either.
  Zhao Song frowned again: "What did you say? " "

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