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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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If you give it to them, even if it becomes fertile land after irrigation, they can't say anything, but the prefect is so kind! They don't cheat the common people like this.
  Some people said that Quzhou was about to survive, and the old man next to him heard a snort.
  "Don't think too much. When people come here, they want to achieve political achievements. They want to move up and down. When they find that it doesn't work and they can't go away, they just have to do whatever they have to do. The same is true for the first few."
  After all, none of the officials are good. If the water cannot be diverted, all the efforts will be in vain.
  Brother Zhao ran with Zhang Quan for two days, but when he saw that the speed was too slow, he thought about it and called Brother Yang over, and the process was divided into two waves.
  Zhang Quan and others didn't know how to read the ground and couldn't tell the difference between good and bad, but Brother Yang knew it. After all, he came from the village and had been working for almost thirty years.
  The manpower is still somewhat insufficient, and the good boy has also been called on.
  He followed Brother Zhao and started doing Zhang Quan's work. He carried a schoolbag every day and wrote when he got to the village.
  The people in the village looked at him with envy!
  This baby has only been here for three hours since the morning and has already eaten five white steamed buns.
  Sorry, what kind of appetite is this? Fortunately, this little baby was reborn in the prefect's family. If he had been born in the village, the grass on the graves would have been cut five or six times.
  Everyone is starving to death looking at it.
  This stuff, just like meat, is something that people in the village only eat once in a while during the Chinese New Year.
  Things went smoothly in the first few villages. Although some people were reluctant to 'sell their land', the people did not fight with the officials!

  Later, when we arrived at Ronghe Village, there was some trouble. There was an old man who refused to sell.
  Probably because Zhao Geer and his group didn't use too much force when requisitioning land in the first few villages, he stopped being afraid. Now he sat on the ground and cursed Fang Zichen.
  People in the village just use a few curse words, either for lacking great virtue, having a child with no butt/eyes, or using local dialects to curse various human organs.
  Brother Zhao didn't quite understand the dialect, and he didn't name him by name. He just said that the prefect was not a human being! The leader couldn't pay the taxes and had his son taken away. Now he wants to occupy his family's land. He can't live anymore. If he dies and becomes a ghost, he won't let him go.
  If he scolded himself, Brother Zhao could pretend not to hear him, but if he scolded Fang Zichen and his son for having no butt/eyes, Brother Zhao would quit.
  He pushed Guaizi gently, and Guaizi turned to look at him. Brother Zhao winked, and father and son were connected. Guaizi felt that he understood. Without saying a word, he drew the knife from the waist of a guard. .
  As soon as the knife was taken out of its sheath, it reflected the light and was dazzling.
  Zhang Quan and his gang regarded this sword as their daughter-in-law, and they would wipe it carefully with a handkerchief every day when they went back. Now the sword was shining brightly, and the good boy stabbed the old man with a knife.
  He was so fast that no one around him could react in time, and no one had time to stop him.
  Everyone subconsciously held their breath.
  Some people even screamed that they were going to faint, and their hearts were pounding.
  Everything seems to be on hold.
  Everyone has always known that young masters from wealthy families have bad tempers and are always beating and scolding others, but the good boy looked soft and waxy, and when the old king came over, he sweetly called him grandpa.
  Everyone thought it was a good thing...
  The man was also frightened, thinking that the good boy was going to stab him through, but the good boy only pierced his anus with the sword, and then went a little further, old man Then you can enter the palace and worship Eunuch Huang.
  The good boy frowned together, took out a bun from his schoolbag, took a bite, and then asked after calming down, "Did you just say Simo? Say it again?" The barefoot one is not afraid of the one wearing shoes
  . Are you afraid of death?
  "I, I..." The old man's face turned pale and he was sweating.
  Good boy: "You scolded my father, right?"
  "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, please spare my life, young master." The old man kept begging.
  The good boy said loudly: "It's wrong to curse. If you scold my father again next time, the good boy will stab you. Don't cry. Dig rivers and divert the water. Only then can we grow big sweet potatoes and have enough food. Father." Because of this thing about the bird, I ran away so hard that my balls would break. Now I can't even get up at home. If you still don't cooperate, I'm going to get you beaten."
  Lao Wangtou stood up.
  He tried to persuade the old man at first, but he was not listened to. He felt that he had been saying good things about Brother Zhao and the prefect. That day Brother Zhao and others went to the village chief's house, and many people saw it. I think he must have accepted the benefits from others, otherwise he would keep talking for them.
  After Fang Zichen took the people away that day, Brother Shi and Xiaozhu took out a handful of candies. The candies were exquisitely packaged and tied with oily paper with a small red string. You could tell at a glance that they were not cheap. They were in the town. None of the candies in the pastry shop were like this. Lao Wangtou and his family were frightened and asked them where they came from. Brother Shi said they were given by Guaizi.
  The good boy didn't have the temper of a young man, not even Brother Zhao and Fang Zichen. The porridge didn't taste good and even Fang Zichen couldn't eat it. Everyone in the old Wangtou family could see that, but he didn't lose his temper and didn't dislike it, so he just finished eating it. His attitude during chatting was also very amiable. If he hadn't seen Brother Zhao and Guaizi today, Lao Wangtou would never have believed that Fang Zichen would be the new prefect.

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