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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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I won't let anything happen to him even to the death. "
  "That's it, you go back to work!" "
  The underwear arrived very quickly. When the boy opened it, his eyes suddenly lit up and he jumped with joy: "Wow, it's my father's favorite pair of red underwear. My father actually sent them over. I really love him." good boy. "
  The good boy happily ran to the tent to change on the spot. He took off his pants in a few seconds and put on his underwear in a hurry. As soon as he pulled it up, he loosened his hand and the underwear fell down again. His butt was like a bowl
  . Big, these underwear can't be worn naturally, the pants are too big, the underwear/crotch almost hangs down to his knees, and it doesn't cover his buttocks at all. The good boy tried it a few times, but it didn't work. He was a little dejected, but after a few seconds, His eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have thought of a good idea.
  His butt was small, but his head was big!
  He hurriedly pulled on his underwear, and it turned out that it was not loose or tight, but it was a little difficult to breathe, but it was difficult He couldn't beat him.
  He wore Superman's underwear underneath, and he put it on his head. He was even more powerful than Superman. The
  good boy laughed, he was so happy, put on his pants, and went to find Uncle Tang with his underwear in his arms. The
  underwear also came, The good boy was going to follow Old General Qin to kill the enemy. The night before he left, he specifically told Gungun to be obedient. When he finished avenging his grandfather, he would come back and take them back to
  Gungun and squeeze them into his arms. Don't make trouble, and stick to his chest: "Guo Guo, please come back quickly, Gungun misses daddy." "
  "Um! "The good boy kissed him.
  Meng Ruqing didn't say anything. He called him to go to bed at night. After going to bed, he hugged him tightly and never let go. The
  good boy rubbed his face with him: "Uncle beauty, don't worry. ! Guaizi is so awesome. Meng

  Ruqing put her forehead against his and said warmly: "Uncle, don't worry, I can't bear to leave you." "
  Before dawn the next day, General Qin left with his good boy, two hundred Qin soldiers, and fifty rescue troops.
  Aunt Tang came to help, and Fang Zichen specially wrote a letter to explain that when he got here, he had full authority to listen to the young master and Mr. Qin. Everyone had no objections to the general's arrangement to let him go to the battlefield now.
  Zhang Quan followed with three imperial guards.
  After traveling for a day and a half, they finally arrived at the former army garrison at noon the next day.

Chapter 422
  Qin Hengyi After hearing the soldier's report that the old general was coming, he quickly threw down his papers and came out to greet him in person. When he saw the good boy, he was stunned.
  "Little grandpa, little grandpa. "While he was still far away, Guaizi waved his hands and called him loudly. He used to live in the Qin Mansion and often followed Qin Hengyi everywhere. I haven't seen him for several years and missed him. Now when he got close, he got off his horse and rushed over. , hugged his legs.
  Qin Hengyi lowered his head and looked at him. He still remembered this little boy. After all, they played so well back then. He grabbed the good boy under his armpits and lifted him up. His voice I couldn't hide my joy: "Dear boy, why are you here? Guaizi
  shook his little feet and was very excited: "I'll come with Grandpa. Grandpa, do you want Guaizi?"
  Qin Hengyi was very happy: "Think about it! " I want to die. He looked the boy up and down: "But why are you still this big?" Have you not eaten in the past few years? "
  The good boy touched his head, held up three short fingers, and said, "Eat it! Guaizi eats three bowls of rice every meal, which is a lot. However, Guaizi is a mini master, so he grows slowly. "
  Qin Hengyi couldn't help laughing and put him on his shoulders.
  General Qin got off his horse, handed the whip to the soldier on the side, and walked directly towards Qin Hengyi.
  Qin Hengyi asked: "Dad, are you feeling well? "
  Not all. " "Old General Qin replied. It would take a hundred days for his muscles and bones to hurt. How many days has he been recovering? But now that the situation is unstable, how can he continue to stay in the rear with peace of mind.
  Qin Hengyi frowned: "Then why are you not behind ? Recuperate well and come here with your little boy in tow. "
  Old General Qin patted him on the shoulder and walked into the camp first: "Let's go in and talk. "
  As soon as he entered the camp, General Qin deliberately dismissed the good boy, recruited a small soldier, and asked him to take the good boy to eat something. The good boy didn't think
  much about it. When the food was mentioned, he became cheerful and followed him happily. The soldier left.
  General Qin didn't see him anymore, so he said: "The boy from your eldest brother's family has been found. "

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