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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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I'm afraid that if I don't dig it well, so much money will be wasted in the end, but looking at everyone working so hard, with only a few tens of cents paid, they can't even look down on the wages, and they are trembling and calculating with their hands. , his eyes were red, and his heart was inevitably a little uncomfortable.
  It's so poor here that people can't live as well as a pig.
  Even if there was a drought, why didn't they move out now?
  When Zhang Quan saw him, he was also puzzled about this matter. He asked Fang Zichen about it, and then he knew it after hearing what Fang Zichen said.
  Anhe County was not so poor at the beginning. At that time, everyone could barely fill their stomachs. Later, when taxes became heavier, everyone became poorer.
  They say it’s hard to leave your homeland, but when you really can’t afford to eat, you can leave your homeland. But if you move away, where can you move to? The people have no money on hand. If they go to town, what will the whole family eat? What to drink? You can do work for others, but is it easy to find work? Can it be available every day? Even if there are, there are many men who can be recruited. Living in the city, apart from the air, everything like food, clothing, and drinks is free of charge? How can you support a large family with just a few wages a day?
  What about moving to another village?
  This is also difficult.
  Most villages are exclusive. A village only has so many resources such as land. And again, if you don’t have money and can’t afford houses and fields, you still can’t survive, unless you are like Uncle Liu’s family who suffered a disaster. , the official uniform arranged it, and the villagers had to accept it. After that, they received relief food and opened up wasteland, and then they slowly started to live.
  Villages like Ronghe Village have not suffered any hardships, and their household registration is here, and they cannot leave easily. If a large number of people flocked to other villages or towns, it would easily cause unrest.

  There are certain things to be aware of. Firstly, there is no condition to move out, and secondly, the government does not allow it.
  After hearing this, the Imperial Guard realized that the common people were not stupid. They could not leave even if they wanted to, so they had been trapped in this place for generations.

Chapter 365
  Brother Zhao came early the next day, and Zhang Quan was responsible for staying in the village to take care of the food. When he arrived, he found that everyone was already working. Looking at everyone, they were breathing heavily and sweating, as if they had already It's like working for a long time.
  Zhang Quan's face was a little hard to express, and he came over and said, these people came to work before dawn.
  Probably because I ate meat and received money yesterday, I was so happy that I couldn't sleep, so I got up early.
  It is good for everyone to be proactive in their work.
  All the young and strong men in the village came here to dig rivers, and the old men, women, and husbands at home did the work in the fields. Usually, everyone is short of food at this time, so they go to the mountains to dig in groups. No one is going to eat wild vegetables now. If the man is not at home to eat, the vegetables grown in the fields are enough.
  Brother Zhao saw that the wild vegetables on the mountain were growing well, tender and oily, and they attracted good boys.
  After hearing what he said, the good boy ran to the village again.
  He first went to Brother Shi: "Brother Shi, do you want to make some money?"
  Brother Shi said honestly: "Yes."
  "Then go dig wild vegetables with the good boy. Dig a lot of birds and a basket of good boys. I’ll give you two copper coins, and you can also call your best friend.”
  With two coins, you can buy eggs and big meat buns.
  So all the children in the village went to dig wild vegetables.
  The good boy started his own business and was very happy to be followed by more than a dozen children. They all had baskets on their hands and were chattering. There was no grass growing wherever they passed. The good boy dug wild vegetables. It was really tight. , some women in the village saw it, and while they admired him, they were also afraid that he would collapse the mountain.
  Wash the wild vegetables and cook them with the oil residue. They taste good and are cheaper than the big cabbage sold in the town.
  Li Yisheng and others went back in the evening and listened to Brother Zhao's instructions and followed suit.
  This can save a lot of money.
  Fang Zichen has not been at home these days. He went to Anping County and did not come back at night.
  In late April, after a month of hard work, the river channel across nine villages, including Anhe Village, Xiaping Village, and Fangniu Village, basically took shape.
  It's endlessly winding, and it's so majestic and tight to see.
  Horse hooves came from a distance. The good boy was leading a group of friends to dig wild vegetables at the foot of the mountain. Brother Shi saw that he was a little unhappy these days. He looked listless while digging wild vegetables, as if he had no energy. Knowing that he liked to watch chickens, he also I took him home, but after seeing the chicken, the good boy didn't feel happy.
  He was hesitating whether to ask the boy what was wrong when someone spoke up first.
  "Smash..." The
  boy jumped up and stood up.
  Seeing that he had lost his meal, Brother Shi jumped on the spot twice, his face flushed with excitement.
  "Hey, son."

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