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What did you say? My boss has been tolerant, but you have pushed your limits. Now I know that it is not too late to worry about you. After all, after working together for many years, he spoke softly and advised: "If you still want to work here, settle the accounts quickly." "
  I..." Old Wu grimaced.
  This thick account book contains the income and expenditure of the past two months. It is very messy. How can I finish it in two days? Besides, most contemporary students are good at it. There are few people who are proficient in arithmetic among the Four Books and Five Classics. It would be fine to ask him to write articles and memorize scriptures, or to do some calculations, but two days is too tight. The ship steward knew when he saw him standing still
  . What does that mean?
  "You pack up and go back!" "
  It is indeed impossible to calculate the ledger in two days. The boss said this, which also meant that Old Wu would retreat in spite of the difficulties.
  "I..." Old Wu felt uncomfortable, wiped his face and remained silent.
  He didn't know what his employer meant, but he really couldn't live without this job. He wasn't
  doing a miserable job just now, the whole family was really relying on him to support him.
  When he was young, the whole family provided for him to study, and the whole family lived a happy life. It was so miserable that his first wife was so tired that she had two miscarriages in the fields, which hurt her body. She had not given birth to a son and a half daughters for the family for so many years. More than half a year ago, his mother decided to marry him a little girl. Concubine.
  Marrying a concubine does not mean that he does not love his wife, but when he reaches middle age and sees the children around him, he begins to long for children. Moreover, his mother is also old, and her only wish is for most of his life. He just wanted a grandson, but he had no shame to refuse.
  Nowadays, the family is having troubles every day, which inevitably makes people upset.
  Looking at his dejected look, most of the anger in the ship steward's heart has disappeared. After all, they have worked together for many years and have the friendship of classmates. , then said: "How about I call my cousin over and ask him to help you, the two of us are always faster. "
  The cousin mentioned by the ship steward is the shopkeeper of Zuixiaolou in the town. He may not know it because he is busy every day, but Old Wu has to pass by the entrance of Zuixiaolou every day when he comes home from work, so he knows some news. "Your
  cousin I'm afraid I'm too busy right now, so I guess I won't have time to help me. "
  Huh?" "
  Old Wu said: "The accountant at Zui Xiaolou was turned away by his boss and sent to the government a few days ago. "
  Ah!" Is there such a thing? I do not know how? "
  How would you know if you stay here at the dock every day? Besides, I was passing by and happened to hear the waiter in the building say that the gentleman was greedy and ate more than three hundred taels of silver. This is not a glorious thing. You didn't listen. It is normal to receive the news. "
  The steward was also worried when he got off the ship. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of Fang Zichen who was sitting outside and was quarreling with someone. He didn't know whether he was suffering from a sudden illness and had to seek medical treatment or something else. He actually waved to call the person over. Chapter 16 "Steward, what's your

  ? Is there something wrong with me? "Fang Zichen looked at the ship steward and asked with a puzzled expression.
  Old Wu also stared at him.
  "Can you do arithmetic? "
  Fang Zichen: "..."
  He didn't say anything. Old Wu's heart, which had just warmed up, became cold again. The
  ship steward saw that Fang Zichen had a rotten expression on his face, and eight words were clearly written in his eyes. Big words... Are you kidding me?
  For a person who is a top science student and has studied for thirteen years, if you ask him "Can you do arithmetic", it is equivalent to asking someone 'Why do you have two eyes and one mouth?', it's all fucking nonsense.
  Fang Zichen spent more than half a month in the town and figured it out. The characters here are the same as those of later generations, except for the traditional ones. , if there is some oracle bone inscription, official script, cursive script, etc., the ship steward asked this, Fang Zichen did not dare to confirm it, but the words were the same, this question was nonsense. He nodded: "Yes
  ! "
  Old Wu's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart became hot again.
  "Seriously, don't fool me.
  "Why am I fooling you? " Fang Zichen curled his lips: "I entered school when I was three years old. Arithmetic is just child's play to me. It's not my fault. I can usually do it with my eyes closed." "
  Oh, this is quite loud.
  The ship steward immediately handed over the account book on the table: "Look at it, do you understand it? "
  Fang Zichen felt discriminated against.
  Old Wu and the ship steward saw him flipping through a few pages, and their eyes glanced at it very fast. After half a stick of incense, a finger-thick account book was He finished flipping through it.
  When Old Wu saw Fang Zichen frowning, as if he couldn't understand why it was so difficult, his heart began to grow cold again. Unexpectedly,
  Fang Zichen said in a disgusting tone: "Who made this account book? Not to mention a mess, there are a lot of mistakes. The ship steward was surprised: "
  You really understand!" Just by looking at it, you can see what's wrong? Fang
  Zichen turned over one of the pages, pointed to one of the amounts, and said: "Look here, we received 450 taels in the morning, and settled the payment, freight, and labor costs in total to 120 taels. There are two places to go in and out." It is an integer, and the balance of the day before yesterday is also an integer. So how did this general ledger become eight hundred and ninety-three two eighty-nine cents? Where did the eighty-nine articles come from? This is so obviously wrong, it should be clear at a glance. "
  Old Wu: "..."
  The ship steward glanced at him with an unclear look and said to Fang Zichen: "Can you help me reconcile these two account books again? "
  Fang Zichen was a little embarrassed.
  The ship steward immediately said: "You don't have to move the goods in the afternoon, and as long as you reconcile the account books, I will give you another two taels of silver, one tael per book, what do you think?
  Fang Zichen clasped his hands tightly: "Talk about money, it hurts your feelings! " "
  "Three taels. "The ship steward said again.

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