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It is a happy event, but in the eyes of the villagers, it is not the same thing at all. This is more grand than a happy event, and this gift is given willingly. It is rare for a promising person in the village, and everyone wants to be happy.
  The village chief asked him to accept it, otherwise he would be looking down on others.
  Fang Zichen responded, letting the children play aside, then turned around and started chatting with them.
  He was sweet-tongued, and his sisters, brothers, and aunts yelled and praised him fiercely.
  Seeing that he had passed the exam, he didn't put on any airs. The women and husbands laughed and became less reserved.
  "Boy Fang, do you know how to wash clothes?"
  Fang Zichen: "..."
  It's really hard to pick up the pot.
  However, the 'Stealing Master' stole it smoothly. After a quick look, it was quite simple.
  "Yes!" He said without blushing or heartbeat, "How many times have I washed it before." "
  Oh," someone asked, "Didn't your mother help you wash it before?"
  "If you didn't, it was all your own fault. Do it yourself." Fang Zichen said.
  "Do the men over there know how to wash clothes?"
  "Yes!" Fang Zichen said, "Our place is different from yours."
  "What's the difference?"
  Fang Zichen said.
  When they heard that the men in Fang Zichen's house not only had to wash dishes and mop the floor and do housework at home, they also had to serve their wives. They would not dare to go to the west if their wives shouted at them, and even those who beat their wives would go to jail. They were full of surprise.
  They dare not think about it.
  If that's the case, then how happy would the women there be?
  If they are married, their husband is their god. Parents order matchmakers, and some of them have never even met before getting married.

  If you meet a good person, you can barely live. If you marry someone who is not a human being and get beaten, you will have no place to cry. You can only accept your bad luck and live your life as usual.
  Coming from the same place, Fang Zichen must be like this too.
  When she looked at him, her eyes changed, like looking at a fragrant steamed bun.
  For Brother Zhao, I was envious and jealous. In the past, when he was in the Ma family, everyone pitied him. After he followed Fang Zichen, everyone still pitied him.
  Because at that time, Fang Zichen knew everything, and it didn't matter what he wanted.
  The people in the village were poor, but they had no money. At least they had a sheltered house and a few acres of thin farmland. Fang Zichen really wanted nothing more than a skin.
  We are used to being poor, not having enough food to sleep and not having enough warmth. We all are realistic and nothing is as important as having a full stomach.
  It wasn't until Fang Zichen came to Liu Lezi's house that everyone felt less sorry for Brother Zhao.
  But it's just a little lower.
  Although this man is nice, having enough food is more important.
  Then I learned that Fang Zichen went to work in Zuixiaolou for a monthly salary of 30 taels, and I didn't know what to say.

  Now, he has passed the scientific examination and is promising, and he is also helping Brother Zhao wash clothes.
  In their eyes, Brother Zhao could no longer be pitiful at this moment.
  When clothes are soaked in water, when they get wet, knock them twice on a stone slab, then rinse them in water and wring them dry.
  Fang Zichen brought the water basin and was about to call the little ones back, but saw them playing in the mud by the shallow ditch.
  It was not unreasonable for Liu Dali to lose to Ma Xiaoshun. With his mud-playing skills, he was really incompetent.
  Liu Dali has been playing in the mud for almost two years and has not made any progress at all, let alone the low-handed gang of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.
  Fang Zichen put the water basin in, walked over, and waved his hand: "Get out of the way."
  The boy was making glutinous rice balls, his hands full of mud: "Father, do you want to play with mud too?" "
  ... No," Fang Zichen didn't mind being dirty. He looked left and right and dug out a piece of mud with better stickiness. "I'll show you what real technology is." The woman and husband by the river saw him following him
  . A group of children squatted together, and soon they started to scream.
  "Wow... Uncle Fang is so annoying!"
  "What a cute dog!"
  Fang Zichen pinched a small and exquisite teacup dog with dilated eyes, making it come alive and lifelike.
  The good boy liked it so much that he kept jumping up and down with joy: "Father, good boy wants it, good boy wants it." "
  Okay, here you go." Fang Zichen was not partial, he pinched it back and forth with his slender white fingers, and moved his hands. Next, he pinched a big fat pig again and gave it to Liuliu.

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