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It was given to Fang Zichen, but Fang Zichen refused to accept it: "Just keep it! When I make enough money, I can get rid of it when I go to the Yamen to apply for household registration and documents." This is a very harmful thing, so I should be worried if I keep it
  . .
  Brother Zhao didn't say anything, and finally said softly: "Okay."
  The dock has been very busy in the past few days, and it seems that they are rushing to unload the cargo. They will take an hour's break at noon. The ship steward said that whoever wants to work consecutively can take two packages in one hour. A penny.
  This is a bit tempting.
  With a lot of money, there are brave men. Almost everyone chooses to work together, except Fang Zichen, who is 'weak'.
  After all, it was really hot at noon. Fang Zichen was a little jealous, but after thinking about it, his life was still at stake.
  As a second-generation rich man, he can put his head down and carry a big bag diligently to make money. This is already quite good progress. If he keeps his life alive, there is no need to worry about not making money in the future.
  After lunch, he came to chat with his cousin, the ship steward, as usual.
  After chatting for half an afternoon, I realized that the ship steward was in such a hurry to unload the cargo because the official ship was coming.
  The dock is so big, so merchant ships naturally have to give way to official ships.
  This official ship was not carrying any official cargo. It was carrying disabled soldiers who had retreated from the border.
  There was no such policy twenty years ago.
  At that time, if you were disabled at the border and couldn't fight, you would write a letter of retirement, and pay the money you had before your service was completed. Transportation was
  inconvenient, and most disabled soldiers did not die on the battlefield but on the way home.
  Now the emperor is kind and laments that it is inconvenient for their hometown to be far away from the border. After all, they are heroes who protect their home and country, so he ordered the border officials to make proper arrangements for the return of the disabled soldiers. After receiving the order, the local officials , after thinking about it, he asked the official ship to escort the person back.
  The waterway is always faster.
  "This war has been going on for six years, and I don't know when it will end." The cousin shook his head and sighed: "There is a man in my village who retired from the border. When he first came back, he was very thin. Ah, I almost didn't recognize him."
  "He has a broken leg." The cousin put his hand on the knee: "It was broken from here. It was said that it was cut by a barbarian sword, and it was broken into two sections on the spot." "But he can survive
  . It's a good fortune to come down. There were twenty people in the village, but he was the only one who came back."
  Fang Zichen said nothing.
  In fact, this is quite normal.
  When there is no one at the border, there is a rush to recruit troops. Most of the people recruited are poor people who cannot afford to pay. They have
  spent most of their lives in the village. They are honest farm men with limited horizons and cannot use guns or sticks. Once they arrive at the border, They were dragged onto the battlefield before they even had time to receive professional training. The sight of thousands of troops and enemies wielding swords made their legs weak.
  These people are just gathering the numbers to kill the enemy.
  Not many people died.
  Fang Zichen came from a peaceful era and had never even seen blood. Although he was brave enough and could hit people hard, he could not imagine that one day he would actually stand on the battlefield, facing the enemy in the smoke and smoke. With his broadsword and horse's hooves, will he perform better than those people?
  I'm afraid it's unlikely.
  Fighting is child's play.
  Beheading someone is really fatal.
  He will probably have weak legs too.
  "I heard," the cousin looked around and saw that everyone was busy and no one was paying attention, so he came over and lowered his voice and said to Fang Zichen: "There may be another military conscription next year." Fang Zichen's eyelids twitched
  . He also lowered his voice: "Impossible! Didn't you recruit people just this year?"
  "That's not clear," the cousin said with a serious look on his face: "Last time my boss came over and drank tea with me, and he accidentally let it slip. I only found out after listening twice."
  Fang Zichen couldn't swallow the water in his bowl. He put the bowl down and asked, "Is this news reliable?"
  There is a military conscription every year. Is the person in the capital afraid that the people will not rebel?
  "It should be reliable!" The cousin said: "My boss knows some people in the capital. They heard that the court has such a plan. We are far away from the capital and some of the information is not well-informed. I just want to remind you about this matter. Don't tell anyone."
  Fang Zichen nodded: "I know."
  Fang Zichen had some thoughts all afternoon. A few people who usually chatted with him saw that he looked confused and asked him what was wrong.
  Fang Zichen shook his head: "Maybe I'm in the sun, I feel a little tired."
  "If you're tired, you should carry one less bag!" A man said: "You are also very powerful. You have been carrying it for almost a month before you say you are tired. I'll buy some delicious snacks after work later."
  Fang Zichen's eyes lit up and he looked up at him.
  After work, Fang Zichen really went shopping.
  Many stalls were closed at this time, but a pork shop was still open with two palm-sized pieces of pork head on the chopping board.
  When the boss saw Fang Zichen, he said, "Young man, do you want to buy it? I'll give it to you for eight cents per catty."
  Pork is not cheap, the better part costs 123 cents per catty, and pig head meat is cheap, but the average price is only nine cents. One pound.
  Fang Zichen touched his purse: "I want six cents."
  The boss hesitated: "Are you done?"
  "Okay, I'll give you six cents a pound."

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