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"The Modern Little Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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After picking up a bunch of things, I rushed home.
  The shop is still crowded today.
  Summer ice is already in short supply, and demand exceeds supply. Even those with money may not be able to afford it, and the ice is not suitable for eating.
  The ice cream and popsicle cold drink is the only one in Yuanzhou. After one sip, the two channels of Ren and Du seemed to be opened.
  The weather is hot, and people don’t have much appetite. Soaked chicken feet, braised duck necks, these are sour and spicy foods. After a few sips of cold drinks, and then a bite of duck neck, the taste and happiness are simply invincible.
  Everyone who buys things has a mentality. When they see a lot of people in this shop, they feel that the things they buy there should be good.
  Otherwise, there are so many shops nearby, why wouldn’t people go there?
  Although I don’t know what is being sold inside, but there are so many people there, it must be something good, so I squeezed in first and took a look. When I got inside, I saw that they were selling food. When I thought about it, I just defeated the strength of nine cattle and two tigers and passed the pass. Same thing, I was almost squeezed out before I reluctantly came in. If I didn’t buy some, I would be sorry for myself. When I asked about the price, it was not expensive, and it was still affordable. I finished buying the ones in the deli area here, and saw another one. There are even more people on one side.
  There must be some good stuff over there, so I squeezed in and took a look. When I got to the freezer, I immediately felt stuck in my butt and didn’t want to leave.
  Fang Zichen was stunned at the door. It was noisy and crowded. He always felt that the supermarket had a sale at night, and the adults and aunties who went to grab the discounts were not so powerful.
  He stepped in and shouted: "Please give way."
  The man in front didn't look at him and just pushed him with his backhand: "Why are you squeezing? You are going to squeeze my shit out of me." "
  First come, first served, boy, you Go behind."
  "Are you leaving? If you don't leave, I'll fart at you."
  The people next to him pushed him without looking, and Fang Zichen was pushed out without even saying anything.
  Several members of the family gathered around the stall, and despite the "huge sea of ​​people", they didn't see him.
  Fang Zichen stood at the door, feeling overwhelmed.
  It was really hot outside, so he squeezed in again, and soon his clothes were messy and were thrown out again.
  He said that this was his family's shop, that he didn't want to buy anything, that he just wanted to go to the backyard, but no one believed him. They also thought that he had "no moral ethics" and was looking for this excuse because he wanted to "jump in line."
  Fang Zichen kept hanging around the door with his hands on his waist. When a guest came, he seemed to be scrambling to grab new year's goods. He didn't want him to be in the way, so he didn't even look at him and pushed him aside first.
  "Don't block the way!"
  Fang Zichen silently stepped aside, thought for a while, and went to find Li Yisheng.
  When I arrived at the medical clinic, I saw no one. The business in the medical clinic seemed to be very sluggish. The old doctor said that he was in the backyard. He was in a bad mood these days and didn't make many visits.
  Bad mood?
  Isn't that a coincidence?
  Li Yisheng was a little surprised to see him: "Why are you here?"
  "Come to give you warmth." Fang Zichen asked with great interest: "I heard that you are in a bad mood?"
  Li Yisheng nodded.
  Fang Zichen sat next to him and poured himself a cup of tea. He felt like a cow chewing peonies. After a sip, he asked curiously: "What's wrong? Why are you in a bad mood? Tell me, I'll be happy." Li Yisheng kicked him, and Fang
  Zichen He avoided it and sat on the other side: "Are you trapped by love again?"
  Li Yisheng raised his eyes and looked at him, seeming a little surprised: "Do you understand this?" "You are
  old enough, in addition to being trapped by love, you also have spring sleepiness, and you can also have spring sleepiness. Why are you so sleepy?" Fang Zichen looked at him with disgust: "It's been so long and I haven't even taken off the little fat guy. You're really bad. You're so useless. Don't tell me you know me when you go out. I'm embarrassed." "
  ... If I can't do it, can you?" Li Yisheng retorted.
  "Hey, these words are on point." Fang Zichen laughed: "If I couldn't do it, how could we have so many descendants now?"
  Li Yisheng: "..."
  This seems to make sense.
  Although his brother has no grandchildren yet, he already has two sons.

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