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"The Modern Little Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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When Fang Zichen arrived, he was trembling with anger. He had just been wiping the books when someone came in. He pointed at the person and wanted to curse. When he saw Master Wu beside him, he immediately changed his attitude.
  "Dean, why are you here?"
  Fang Zichen thought that this person must be a dog, so he started barking at him. When he saw the dean, he started to lower his head and stick out his tongue. The dean is amazing!
  Not... Dean? ?
  Is this person the dean?
  Fang Zichen's eyes gleamed again.
  Damn, with such thick thighs, if he had known about it earlier, he would have established a relationship and found a back door, and he wouldn't have had to suffer that bad luck just now.
  "Why am I here, what do you think?"
  Mr. Wu scolded Bai Wenhui until his head dropped to his chest. At such an old age, he still has trouble getting along with a junior. After all these years, he has really lived like a dog. Gone in the stomach.
  Bai Huanan didn't get the top spot. That's because his skills are inferior to others. You are literate and knowledgeable, but you abuse your power to embarrass others. It's really inappropriate.
  Fang Zichen nodded fiercely at the side.
  "That's right, a man who is almost fifty years old has died in a dog's belly." He turned around and saw Mr. Wu panting violently with anger. He quickly gave him a favor and said as flatteringly as possible: "Don't be angry, old man. Don't be angry. At your age, the soil is buried up to your throat. You should be careful. It is better to die than to live. It is not worth it if you are so angry." Mr. Wu: "..."
  Wu glared at him: " If you say less, I can live a few more years."
  Fang Zichen: "..."
  Fang Zichen closed his mouth gloomily.
  When Bai Wenhui saw the two of them acting like this, he knew that they were probably very close to each other.
  Because he had never seen the dean interact like this with anyone. If he was really angry, he would have thrown up his sleeves and left.

  After Bai Wenhui finished packing, Mr. Wu stared at him and asked him to handle Fang Zichen's enrollment in person.
  Finally, Mr. Wu said: "Arrange him to enter Class B."
  Bai Wenhui: "Yes, yes, yes."
  Mr. Wu sneered: "You are so embarrassed for Xiao Sanyuan to enter Class C."
  Bai Wenhui did not dare to speak.
  In the first hospital, classes B, C, and D adopt a shift system. Those who do not perform well in monthly exams will be dismissed. This system can not only give students a sense of urgency, but also allow them to get more capable students. good education.
  If Fang Zichen was not Xiao Sanyuan, he should indeed be in Class C. If he showed promise, he could be promoted to Class B.
  Although this person had no background, Bai Wenhui did not dare to go too far. It would be really unjustifiable to put him in Class D, but he was blameless in Class C.
  After all, those talented people who came to the college exams in previous years, even those who topped the list, were admitted to Class C.
  In the past, the dean had never cared about these talented people, but now he was uncharacteristically different.
  It's a pity that Fang Zichen is not only at the top of the list, but also tops the list three times in a row. The orthodox Xiao Sanyuan is naturally different.
  Bai Wenhui knew about this before, but he thought that the dean was usually busy and had met so many outstanding students, so he didn't take it to heart about Xiao Sanyuan. He just wanted to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the other person was the same person. The dean met.
  It's really a waste of time to offend people.
  Fang Zichen poked Mr. Wu.
  Mr. Wu looked at him: "What are you doing again?"
  Fang Zichen smiled. Once he smiled, he looked harmless to humans and animals. His facial features, which were so arrogant and sharp, would become much softer, and his brows were gentle. He could be as obedient as he wanted. In the past, his father His parents, even his unsmiling eldest brother, who was already a domineering general worker, all hated him the most. He smiled and said he wanted stars, and they all wanted to pick the moon and give it to him.
  "Can I go through the back door?"
  Mr. Wu's expression softened visibly: "Huh?"
  Isn't the back door open?
  Fang Zichen rubbed his hands and whispered: "I want to enter Class A."
  Mr. Wu suspected that he had heard wrongly, and his tone became louder again.
  "What did you say?"
  "I want to enter Class A." Fang Zichen repeated.
  Mr. Wu panted heavily and looked at Fang Zichen intently, as if to see if he was joking. Fang Zichen smiled at him, and even took the initiative to bring a stool from the side and patted him:

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