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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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He felt guilty towards Brother Zhao.
  What about the son?
  Before he was three years old, he didn't know what chicken tasted like. He was once pressed down by the village children and used as a horse to ride on, and was pressed down in a water tank by the boss of the horse. He struggled and begged for mercy. The feeling of drowning was so uncomfortable. If he hadn't been It was discovered that he might no longer be there. He was often beaten by Ma Lao Er until he curled up like a dog. The pain made him unable to breathe. He waited for Ma Lao Er to follow him, then he staggered and ran to find Brother Zhao.
  He was often called a bastard by the children. He often followed Brother Zhao all over the mountains and was often troubled by the difficulty of finding wild vegetables.
  What are wild vegetables?
  If he had never eaten it, Fang Zichen would not have such a deep understanding.
  When he grew up, he never ate the lettuce on the plate. He ate all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas. As long as he said he wanted to eat anything, his parents would try their best to get it for him. Those wild vegetables would be fed to the pigs today. They were all too shabby, and they had to mix two bowls of cornmeal, but...his son, at the age when he should be most carefree, ran all over the mountains and fields every day to dig wild vegetables to fill his stomach. His hands, It is so small that it is not even bigger than an egg when you hold it in a fist, but it is covered with wind and frost early on. He will be happy to dig enough wild vegetables to eat, and sometimes he will be sad because he did not dig enough.
  The wild vegetables were obviously so unpalatable that he could not forget them even three years had passed, but they were the only food he and Brother Zhao had.
  They lived on those wild vegetables.
  Even in Daxia, in a barren place like Xiaohe Village, he and Brother Zhao were still living at the bottom, doing the hardest, most tiring, and dirtiest jobs, but eating the worst food, and then, they became so thin. No one looks like him.
  He shouldn't have to endure this.
  He was clearly his son, but he and Brother Zhao once put their hands on the ground, knelt down humbly to him, kowtowed to him, begged him, and said "please" to him.
  He is obviously his son!
  He is obviously only three years old, he is still so small, so thin, and short, not even as high as his knees, but he seems to have endured all the suffering in the world.

Chapter 325
  The most hypocritical things in this world are probably words like 'I understand you' and 'I can understand how you feel'.
  Even if they have the same experience, due to their different temperaments and thoughts, they cannot truly empathize with another person's pain, and they will never know how far the scars that have been imprinted on others have festered.

  Fang Zichen couldn't think about what kind of pain Brother Zhao and Guaizi suffered in a place he didn't know about for four years. He only touched a little bit, and it was enough to make him feel uncomfortable and almost despair.
  Everything he did was like deceiving Brother Zhao. He regarded everything as a dream, but the fact was that somewhere he didn't know, Brother Zhao and his son were living a life that he could not imagine.
  Those guilts were like the night falling suddenly on the world, and Fang Zichen was annihilated in just a moment.
  "Husband..." Brother Zhao regretted seeing him like this. He wanted to pull him up, but Fang Zichen suddenly stood up and staggered upstairs, almost falling down in the process. He held on to the guardrail and barely stood firm. Brother Zhao chased after him and saw that he was in a state of despair, his face full of pain.
  Sister-in-law Zhao came in from outside and didn't know what was going on, but when she saw Fang Zichen, she couldn't help but be stunned.
  If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unbelievable that that lawless man who was so arrogant and so arrogant that he even dared to beat his mother-in-law would show such a painful look.
  Fang Zichen didn't dare to look at Brother Zhao, he couldn't stay still for a moment. He returned to the house, closed the door, and hid under the quilt, then remained silent and motionless, like a sculpture.
  It was really hard for him to accept that he actually did something that deserved to be shot. He felt sorry for Brother Zhao and Ersha.

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