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How about you get up and play with your father again? "
  Oh!" "
  After he fell asleep, Fang Zichen came in.
  Brother Zhao had already noticed that he had been standing outside the door. He was probably embarrassed, fearing that the obedient boy would pester him with questions.
  But he only guessed half of it.
  Fang Zichen now faced him. I also feel embarrassed.
  Not even knowing the instinctive behavior of reproducing offspring is simply detrimental to a man’s face.
  Fang Zichen was still thinking about a profound question before going to bed.
  [Are brothers the same as women? If you want to interrupt, Where to insert it?]
  The next day, Brother Zhao yelled for a long time, and Fang Zichen got up in a daze.
  He didn't start work until eight o'clock and had to go out at 7:30.
  Brother Zhao cooked porridge and cut some leftovers from last night. Put the oil residue in it, add some salt and chopped green onion, it will smell fragrant. There is
  movement in the room, it must be that the good boy has woken up.
  Fang Zichen thought of the fright last night, and just wanted to slap his butt twice.
  Brother Zhao Leading him in, the good boy rubbed his eyes. He seemed to be sleepy and not energetic even after washing his face. Then he saw Fang Zichen the next second and immediately smiled. "Father~" Fang Zichen caught the
  who rushed towards him and looked at his smiling face. Yingying, he couldn't bear to slap those two slaps again.
  Brother Zhao served him half a bowl of porridge, Fang Zichen thought about it and said, "From now on, you can fry two eggs in the morning!" "

  There are still six eggs at home. Brother Zhao thought he wanted to eat them, and just as he nodded, Fang Zichen said: "You take one, and I smash one.
  Brother Zhao shook his head: "I don't have to. " "
  Why don't you use it? Look at how thin you are. Last night, cough, I thought I was pressing on a boneless spirit." "
  When Brother Zhao heard him mention last night, his face couldn't help but get hot.
  "Don't talk here, the good boy is still here! Fang Zichen shrugged: "
  He doesn't understand." "
  What? " "The good boy raised his head from the bowl, his eyes wide open.
  "Eat yours," Fang Zichen pinched his face: "Be careful, it's hot. "
  The good boy suddenly stopped his chopsticks, jumped down from the stool, ran to Fang Zichen, stood on tiptoes, and blew into his bowl. He was really
  Fang Zichen's face turned pale, and Zhao My brother looked on with amusement. He patted the good boy and said, "Okay, your father can play it himself. Stand up quickly and go have some porridge." "
  The good boy looked up at Fang Zichen and asked him, do you need my help to blow it?
  Fang Zichen pinched his butt: "Listen to your father. "
  The good boy covered his little butt, feeling a little frustrated: "Oh~"
  Fang Zichen stirred the porridge in the bowl and smiled: "This porridge is already rich enough. If I add two or two ounces of water, I can hardly see where the rice grains are. .
  Brother Zhao was afraid that he would dislike him, so he said, "How about we change! " "
  No need," Fang Zichen purred, "Hey, don't tell me, it seems to taste better if you add some saliva." "
  Another bluff.
  Fang Zichen went to work, and Brother Zhao was not idle either. The water at home had bottomed out, so he took two buckets and a load and went to the river to fetch it.
  Most of the people in the village They all carry water to drink, and only a few people from well-off families ask the people in the town to dig water wells.
  The work of digging wells cannot be done by professionals.
  The Ma family had thought about digging one in the yard before, but when they thought about it, You already have Brother Zhao, why are you wasting that money? Now I want to fight, but I don’t have the money anymore. Today it’s
  Aunt Ma’s turn to carry water. She hasn’t worked for more than ten years, and two wooden barrels can only hold half of it. , I couldn’t even pick a choice.
  When I saw Brother Zhao, I remembered that Ma Wen had spent the whole day not thinking about food, food, or work for such a bitch, and she was so angry.
  She sighed at Brother Zhao’s back . , muttering a bitch.
  Without deliberately lowering his voice, Brother Zhao paused and turned around.
  "What are you looking at? I didn’t scold you. "Aunt Ma said.

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