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The three brothers were beaten to the point of paralysis eight hundred years ago.
  The doctor was quickly summoned.
  Doctor Qian was recommended by Barefoot Doctor.
  It was getting late now, and the consultation fee was quite expensive. Regardless of whether the patient could be saved or not, the consultation fee of two taels of silver was indispensable.
  As usual, Doctor Qian first touched it and then pressed it lightly. Seeing him frowning, Uncle Ma asked: "Doctor, look at my third child's leg..." "
  No bones were felt. "Doctor Qian sighed and said: "It should be broken."
  "Ah..." Mr. Ma's lips trembled: "Then, can we still be saved?"
  Doctor Qian: "This will hurt your life. It's okay, it's just this leg..."
  In ancient times, medical conditions were limited. In modern times, it would be difficult to completely treat serious comminuted fractures without leaving any sequelae, let alone here.
  Ma Laosan wanted to ruin Fang Zichen's future. Although he failed, his intention was really vicious.
  If you are powerless and a weak scholar with no strength, you may really be taken advantage of.
  Destroying someone's future is like killing one's parents. Fang Zichen was very angry. Before leaving, he said to his eldest brother: "Let's forget the past and take a step back to see the world. These words are too hypocritical for me. What about me! In fact, I am not generous." , I like the wind and water to turn to death, I don't want to see Ma Laosan lame for a few months, and then come to jump around in front of me." He walked up to his eldest brother step by step, his lowered eyes were cold and ruthless, adding The momentum was strong, giving people a sense of oppression that was hard to ignore: "Do you know what I mean?" The

  elder brother watched him approach, his whole body tensed up, his legs kept shaking, he tried hard to keep himself Keep calm: "I know...I know."
  Afraid of not being able to handle it well, Fang Zichen came to the door and a group of people broke Ma Laosan's legs. He was afraid that if he went back to find the doctor, he would be picked up later and used again. The rocks were smashed hard.
  Ma Laosan's leg bones were almost shattered into pieces, and he would never be able to stand up again in this life.
  Hearing that Doctor Qian had nothing to do, Mrs. Ma and Mrs. Sun cried and cried.
  "My poor son... Who can kill a thousand swords so cruelly?" "
  Master, wuwuwu..."
  Ma Laosan was stunned, as if he had been The blow hit him, but he didn't react for a while. He couldn't believe it at this moment. His legs were really crippled... Among
  his three children, the eldest was only nine years old. What would happen in the future?
  Aunt Ma has been clamoring to divide the family, but because of the pressure of the two elders in the family, the family has not been divided.
  But later, the two elders died, the family was divided, his leg was broken, and he couldn't work. What would the whole family do?
  Originally, not only his legs hurt, but his whole body hurt, but now, he seemed to not feel it anymore.
  The leg couldn't be cured, but the injury was serious, so medicine still had to be applied. Doctor Qian helped bandage it and prescribed some medicine, which cost him almost five taels of silver.
  This is only for three days. The dressing will have to be changed after three days, and another payment will be required at that time.
  This year's grain harvest was completely destroyed by Fang Zichen, leaving no hair left. All the brown rice he ate in the past two months was bought in the town.
  Although brown rice is cheap, if you have a large family and you buy a lot of it, it costs a lot of money.
  When Ma Wen loses his job, the Ma family loses their income. Mrs. Ma is in charge of the money and counts it every day. She knows best what is going on at home.
  More than twenty taels, one penny is used and one penny is missing. Now seven taels have been lost. How long can the remaining ones last?
  The autumn harvest was originally scheduled for September, but I don't know what happened this year. The people from above haven't come yet, but it's inevitable, it's just a matter of time.
  If there is no food to hand over, you have to pay money. The Ma family has more than ten acres of land and has to pay a lot of money. This is another loss.
  Money was not enough to begin with, and Ma Laosan's incident undoubtedly made matters worse.
  After sending Dr. Qian away and waiting for Ma Lao San to drink the medicine, Ma Lao San stood by the bed with a cane: "Lao San, tell me what is going on."
  He has lived for decades. I still have good eyesight.
  Gangsun went to report to the official, but Ma Laosan blocked him. He knew something was wrong.
  His youngest son is the smartest among the three children, and he looks like he has the best temper, but in fact, compared to the first two, this third son is the most petty-minded and never wants to suffer.
  "I...I..." Ma Laosan hesitated, and when Old Man Ma asked him so sternly, his head drooped unconsciously: "I, I don't know either." Old Man Ma
  crutches Knocking on the ground hard, he shouted loudly: "Tell me the truth."
  Sun wiped her face: "Dad, what are you doing? The leader was beaten and his legs were disabled, and you still... "..."
  "Shut up, do you have the right to speak here? Third child, if you still want to change the dressing, just tell me the truth."

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