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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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Zhao Er raised his eyes and looked at him, a little puzzled: "Who are you?"
  "My surname is Qin."
  Brother Zhao didn't know him. Seeing his confusion, the old man said bluntly that he was here to see Fang Zichen.
  Brother Zhao went into the backyard and called Fang Zichen out. As soon as he saw the person, Fang Zichen remembered that this old man had painted Mrs. Zheng with him.
  Mr. Qin had nothing to do, he just wanted to discuss painting techniques with Fang Zichen.
  Fang Zichen said he had no time, he still had to teach his children homework! Very busy.
  Mr. Qin came over, inquired about it, and said that Fang Zichen could teach him that painting method, and if the child was obedient and not noisy, he could open a back door for his child and let him study in Shangan Academy.
  Brother Zhou and Aunt Liu were excited and nervous when they heard this.
  They have been working in the shop for almost a month, and they no longer understand anything when they first came here.
Chapter 281
  Shangan Academy is also quite famous in Yuanzhou. But it is not like Qinghe Academy. Qinghe Academy almost only recruits outstanding students from Tongsheng to above. It is difficult to get in without having any merit.
  Shangan is different. Although it is not as powerful as Qinghe Academy, it is still very difficult for someone like Liu Liu who has never been to the school and has no background to enter Shangan Academy. Now someone will come to open the back door. That is If you don't get in, you won't get in.
  Fang Zichen's attitude immediately changed. He was extremely enthusiastic and his chest was beating loudly.
  "My son can sit still! He won't make a fuss."
  Qin Lao said: "Then you call me out and take a look."
  Fang Zichen turned around and shouted: "Liu Liu, come out."
  Brother Zhou and Aunt Liu were both stunned. .
  They subconsciously looked at Brother Zhao, thinking that Fang Zichen had called him wrong.
  Brother Zhao knew that Fang Zichen was not planning to send his good boy away, so Liu Liu was implicated. Fang Zichen had been bothered by this matter for the past two days, but now it was resolved.
  Liu Liu ran out.
  Mr. Qin teaches at Shangan Academy, so if you want to put someone in there, there is no problem.
  Wang Xiaohu's words flashed through his mind.
  'My brother Fang's little son is very beautiful and cute, with a big head and two dark eyes, very easy to recognize. '
  This child is pretty, but his brain looks normal. Why is it so big?
  Seeing Mr. Qin staring at Liuyou, Fang Zichen said blindly: "This is my godson." Liuyou
  immediately called him: "Father~"
  Fang Zichen was relieved: "Hey!"
  "Oh, that's it." Mr. Qin agreed. No matter who it was, he didn't look naughty when he saw Liuliu, so he agreed to it.
  Brother Zhou and Aunt Liu didn't know how to thank Fang Zichen. Liu Xiaowen toasted Fang Zichen with a glass of wine in the evening, saying that he would not thank Fang Zichen for his kindness, and he would repay Fang Zichen's favor.
  Fang Zichen didn't take it seriously, but Liu Xiaowen was a man who valued righteousness throughout his life.
  Later, when the Northern Barbarians invaded in the Western Zhou Dynasty, they saw that the enemy was overwhelming and marching all the way north to attack their home. Fang Zichen had no choice but to lead his troops in the northern expedition. Liu Xiaowen "returned to his old business" and carried a big shovel and two pots, all the way to his home. He went to make a big pot of rice.
  In exchange, Fang Zichen wants to teach Mr. Qin to sketch. Mr. Qin has drawing skills, so it is easy to teach him.
  But this old man was disrespectful and robbed the good boy of his things. He took his painting brushes and picture albums, and spent a long time painting in the backyard. He didn't want to go back even after dark.
  The good boy looked at him carefully and saw that most of his hair was white. He felt pitiful for this old grandfather. He was so old and didn't even have a paintbrush to draw. He was still young and had a paintbrush to draw.
  Grandpa, old man, he is almost dead, he should let him a little bit.
  Even though he thought so, every time Mr. Qin used his paintbrush to paint, Guaizi still squatted aside and looked pitifully.
  Brother Zhao couldn't see him like this, so he would coax him into the kitchen every time, teach him how to cook, and complete the tasks assigned by his father.
  The good boy was wearing a small apron specially made for him by Liu Xiaoli, standing on a stool, stirring the porridge in the pot.
  Fang Zichen said that as a man, you must not only be able to be literary and military, but also be able to work in the hall and in the kitchen.

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