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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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The prefects, not to mention the county magistrates, are often caught in sacks. The masters are among the people. Their tricks are frequent and it is difficult to guard against them. In the past ten years or so, more than a dozen county magistrates in Quzhou have been beaten and disabled. Now the county magistrates serving there dare not go out without the protection of more than a dozen officers and soldiers.
  Ordinary officials would rather be the tail of a phoenix in Beijing and be killed than be the leader of Ganzhou.
  Tong Zhiyuan also thought that he could get rid of the prefect above him and move him to the fertile land of Shangyang. As long as he worked for a few years and survived, he could be transferred back to the capital. But this time, he was transferred. When he went to Quzhou, he didn't dare to ask for anything, and he didn't dare to expect to return to the capital anymore. It didn't matter if he sat down and wore pants in Quzhou, as long as he could live.
  This man was a pragmatic person. He had served as an official diligently for so many years and was not treacherous. Xia Jinghong did not ask him to do anything when he arrived in Quzhou, as long as he managed Quzhou well. As a result, in mid-October, another urgent report came, saying As soon as the people entered the border of Ganzhou, they were ambushed. The colleague and the more than 20 guards were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.
  Why are the people of Quzhou so 'hostile' to the imperial officials? Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?
  Xia Jinghong sent someone to investigate again.
  He is too busy and eventually becomes neglectful. I don’t know what was found later. Anyway, several officials were sentenced to exile and their homes were ransacked. At that time, hundreds of officials in the court were in panic.
  Fang Zichen knew a thing or two about the affairs of the court, so there was no need to bother asking. The back and forth was actually just the same thing. It was nothing more than the officials protecting each other, and the officials in the capital being in charge. The sky was high and the emperor was far away. There were people above to protect them, and the local magistrate kept trying. The son squeezed the people, and then took the money to the capital to show his filial piety.

  A continent is so big, the prefect is evil-hearted, and there are so many county magistrates, they can't all be a nest of snakes and rats, but there are some good ones, and they don't want to see the people suffer, so they ask someone to pass the papers up, and the papers can go beyond the prefect. After the first pass, he arrived in the capital, but he was lost in the hands of senior officials and could not be presented to the emperor at all.
  Things have been done before, no matter how clean they are, there will still be some clues left behind. Officials use the hard-earned money of the people to enjoy themselves freely. When they are over fifty years old, they still have a concubine and a concubine. Li Na, it is not easy for the people to rely on the weather to make a living. They go out early and come back late every day to work under the scorching sun, not daring to rest for a moment. They are so exhausted that they can’t even get a full meal. They struggle so hard that they can hardly live anymore. As an official But they are not for the people. They already have enough food and clothing and are rich. A casual outfit is money that a person will never earn in his life. Even so, he is still greedy and fails to understand the hardworking people-man-made pursuits. Their hands are rough from eating, their backs are stooped, and they can hardly breathe. They even step on people's backs.
  The taxation of Qianzhou is far higher than that of other counties.
  People are not made of clay, and wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.
  Normal thing.
  In anger, Xia Jinghong punished many people. Everyone in the court was in danger, and even the atmosphere in the Hanlin Academy became tense.
  Fang Zichen didn't think it was a big deal. He didn't cause trouble. He didn't take a penny from the people. He abided by the law and was afraid of asking for anything. He just did his job well. He didn't have to worry about the house raids. worry.
  Fang Zichen went off duty on time every day, picked up Guaizi and returned
  home. Guaizi didn't want to go out to play recently. When he got home, he went to Brother Zhao and said that he wanted to chat with his two younger brothers and endorse them.
  It is difficult for Brother Zhao to walk now, his belly is pressing on his waistline, and his whole body is in a state of fatigue. Fang Zichen takes time to walk and chat with him every day. Even when people ask him to go out for a drink or two, he will not go. It is cheaper first. If you don’t take it, your husband is important!
  In terms of food, Uncle Tang took care of Meng Ruqing. When Meng Ruqing was pregnant, Mrs. Qin hired many experienced midwives to take care of her. The Queen Mother also personally sent people over. Uncle Tang learned a lot from him. With experience, he knew what to give. He made up for it, and there were so many things on the table, sometimes chicken and duck, sometimes fish, a combination of meat and vegetables, and he often went out to buy some fruits and brought them back to him. Although the ancients didn't know what vitamins were, they had figured it out from generation to generation. Know what is best to eat.
  Fang Zichen was quite satisfied with him. If there were not many adults in the family, he would probably touch it blindly.
  As soon as he finished walking around and lay on the bed, Guaizi lay on the side and started nagging at his stomach.
  "Brother, have you been obedient today? Do you miss my brother?"
  Brother Zhao had a small fist printed on his belly. The good boy's eyes lit up and he immediately smiled and reached out to touch it. The little fist moved again as if in response to him. The good boy was so surprised when he discovered that it was like a new world, and asked again: "Do you miss my brother?"
  He was talking to himself, and it was exactly the same thing.
  "Think so? Brother misses you too. Oh, what are you eating today? Brother is eating chicken♪ meat bird today." "Does the chicken meat taste good?
  Of course it tastes good. It's fat but not greasy, tender and delicious, etc. Come out, brother will kill a chicken for you. How about brother? Do you love brother?"
  "Yes?" The good boy smiled, and his eyebrows crookedly came to Brother Zhao's face, and he pursed his pink lips first. He kissed him with his little mouth: "Dad, the younger brothers say they love their elder brother the most." Brother
  Zhao smiled and touched his head: "The good boy must also love his younger brother the most!"
  The good boy frowned, embarrassed. "My favorite brother?"
  Brother Zhao looked at him and said, "What's wrong? Don't you love your brother?"
  "Yes! But my dearest brother is my father." said my dear boy.
  Brother Zhao held his face and kissed him. The good boy pressed his forehead against his, holding his clothes tightly with one hand, and suddenly asked seriously: "Is daddy tired?"

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