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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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Come, pull out the grass balls and see for yourself. The crickets in the bamboo tube have been trapped for a day and a night. Some of them are already dead, and some of their legs are still moving.
  Confucius threw the bamboo tube out of the window without saying a word.
  It was made by Brother Zhao who had been looking for it for a long time in the back mountains of Yizhuang and cut the bamboo himself. The good boy used it with great care. Now he felt anxious and wanted to run out to pick it up, but Confucius held him back.
  Confucius reprimanded him, saying that he was "not doing his job properly". When he had the time, he didn't know how to study hard, but instead went to catch the pickled things. Do you think you know everything?
  Guaizi bowed to him and apologized, saying he was sorry.
  Confucius still didn't let go.
  Confucius was very serious and had high demands on his students. He would assign some "homework" every day in class. Either they would read a certain page thoroughly, or he would ask them to write a few large characters.
  The good boy is smart. When he gets home at night, he will first complete the tasks assigned by Confucius before doing anything else.
  Confucius, the eldest child, accepted the big calligraphy written by him and saw that he was different from other children. He was still crooked and crooked after practicing for almost a year. Not to mention how good-looking his handwriting was, at least it looked grand and neat. Confucius Seeing the joy in his heart, he asked him a lot, what did he do every night when he went back? Are you studying hard? Are you diligent in practicing calligraphy?

  He held up the big character "Guai Zi" to the other children, just thinking that other children would follow his example.
  At this age, he can write such good calligraphy. He must have put in a lot of effort. Unexpectedly, Guaizi shook his head and said no. His father held his hand and taught him how to practice this calligraphy. He found the feeling. I just finished writing it. Now my father is very busy with his business. When he comes home every night, he will help wash the dishes or watch the fire in the kitchen.
  Confucius scolded him, saying that even if he came to a private school, he would take the imperial examination and pursue an official career. How could he go into the kitchen and do the work of women?
  Even if you don't pursue an official career, you still want to be a gentleman and cook at a distance. Now that you are still young, you shouldn't do it. You must know that some things need to be taught from an early age.
  The good boy felt that what he said was wrong. He didn't mean to talk back, he just said in confusion, but his father said birds, a gentleman is like an animal. Seeing its life, he can't bear to see its death; hearing its sound, he can't bear to eat its flesh. Therefore, a gentleman is far away from the kitchen.
  My father said, it means that you should not kill any flesh and blood thing, and the admiration means that you cannot bear it, so that gentlemen should not commit murder. It is a state of mind that cannot bear to kill, which is why Meng Ji advised King Xuan of Qi to practice benevolence. It's not that men who do important things and dignified men should stay away from the kitchen, but women are the masters of the kitchen. Husband, you are wrong to say this, and you are taking it out of context.
  My father also said that there are no nine levels of people. If a woman can do something, a man can do it too. If a woman cannot do something, a man should do it. People should not be freeloaders. Do it by yourself. Have enough food and clothing. Love your father. If you love your father, you must learn to help and do what you can, instead of just waiting for him to drink something for nothing.
  The good boy has always been diligent. Fang Zichen taught him that he was also a member of the family and it was his obligation to do housework. The family should help each other, so he became even more diligent.
  In the past, Fang Zichen and Xiaofeng took turns washing dishes. After beating the boy and throwing more than a dozen bowls, the boy now has mastered the real 'skill'. Fang Zichen tested it himself and gave him a message. After receiving a certificate of honor, the good boy liked to mention his identity as a dishwasher. Fang Zichen considered himself an adult and no longer competed with the two children for the dishwashing job.
  The good boy didn't think there was anything wrong with going into the kitchen to wash vegetables and help watch the fire, after all, Fang Zichen often did that.
  Confucius contradicted what Fang Zichen taught, but Guaizi felt that what his father said was right.
  Because men also need to eat, what's wrong with him washing vegetables and cooking? If you want Western food, you have to work. If you don't work, will the food fall from the sky by itself?
  His father is a father, but he is not a xiaren. He only cooks for others. He helps his father with the work. Isn't that right?
  When Confucius saw that he was not being taught, he even openly talked back to him. On the left, his father said, and on the right, his father said. He couldn't help but feel angry and felt that he was losing face.
  "Who is your father? He is just a small businessman. How can he know the way of the literati? You believe in him and think what he says is true, why do you come to me?" The good boy did not dare to speak anymore
  . He knew that Brother Zhao and Fang Zichen had been worrying about finding a school for him for many days. If they offended the master and were kicked out, his father and father would be upset again.
  So he apologized again.
  Although Confucius was still angry and felt that he was quite disrespectful of teachers, in front of a room full of children, Guaizi had already admitted his mistake, and he couldn't hold on and say anything anymore.
  Today, the good boy brought the bamboo tube, which is considered a violation of the rules of the private school.
  No irrelevant things are allowed in the classroom.
  Confucius found an excuse. It was not enough to punish the good boy, so he slapped his palm with a ruler.
  As soon as the good boy got home, Xie Xiaoyu saw that his eyes were red and swollen, and he didn't need to ask any questions. As soon as he saw his hands, Xie Xiaoyu knew that he was being disciplined in private school.
  You can just train him, and it doesn't matter if you hit him twice. However, no matter what the reason is, beating your child like this is totally inappropriate.
  Brother Zhao saw him sitting under the eaves with the good boy, as if he had drunk two ounces of wine, singing "I and I" with loud tongues, sometimes an old thing, sometimes an old beast, an old beast, all the while cursing Confucius.
  Xie Xiaoyu blew into the palm of the good boy's hand and touched his sweaty hair.
  "He beat you, then did you beat him? Didn't you beat Chen Weidong until all his teeth fell out last time?"
  Guaizi shook his head, sniffed, and said, "You can't beat Lao Ren. Father said it's better to beat Lao Ren." If you are not benevolent, you are a beast. A good boy should be benevolent and not be a beast."

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