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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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After a while, it started again, and the two men took turns guarding.
  The next day Brother Zhou came and saw Fang Zichen sitting on the door railing without any image, his hair was messy.
  Brother Zhou spoke to him, but he didn't respond. Brother Zhou could only look at Brother Zhao, asking him what was wrong.
  Brother Zhao said: "It's okay, he will be like this if he doesn't get enough sleep." He is used to it.
  "Father, are you Simo Bird?" The good boy squeezed into his arms and looked up at him.
  Fang Zichen just said: "Sleepy."
  The good boy thought it was because he was away yesterday and Fang Zichen couldn't hold him, so he couldn't fall asleep. He immediately frowned, hugged his waist, and put his face on his chest: " Then hurry up and put your little boy to sleep. Only when you sleep can you have energy."
  Fang Zichen "..."
  Dr. Xu got up in the morning and came over to check. He was surprised to see that Xiaofeng was still breathing and his fever was gone. Checking his pulse was a miracle.
  He asked Fang Zichen what he did, but Fang Zichen didn't bother him. He only raised his eyelashes slightly, glanced at him in confusion, and fell asleep at the end of the bed again.
  There were obvious sleep marks on his face, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyebrows were raised. Those two lips that looked very merciless were pursed tightly, and the eyes looking over were slightly red.
  Like a soul-stirring monster.
  Doctor Xu was stunned by him, and when he saw Brother Zhao patting his back soothingly and whispering in his ear to coax him, he couldn't help but shake his head.
  He felt that Fang Zichen was outstanding before, but at this moment, his senses were clearer and more straightforward.

  For a young man with such an appearance, no wonder this guy is like that.
  Doctor Xu went to check on his own and saw that Xiaofeng's wound was only covered with a light layer of medicinal powder. The medicine he applied yesterday had been washed away.
  The medicine boy helped carry the water yesterday, took a look at it, and then talked to Dr. Xu.
  The medicine was applied thickly, and the wound inside was not ventilated, so it would be easy for pus to become infected. Moreover, Doctor Xu did not disinfect the wound at all when treating it.
  Although it is great for the ancients to see, hear and ask everything, there are some things that they are not very clear about.
  Therefore, in ancient times, most of these penetrating injuries required lying down.
  Brother Zhou brought the message to Meng, but after staying in the town for three days, she still didn't come.
  Xiaofeng had woken up, but he couldn't move yet. After what he had been through, it was the time when he needed someone to comfort and accompany him the most, but Meng didn't come and didn't ask anyone to say a word. Xiaofeng would still look towards the door at first. , with eager eyes, although he didn’t say anything, everyone could see the expectation in his eyes.
  It wasn't until the next night that he seemed to realize it, with tears streaming down his pale face.

  After Fang Zichen woke up, he went back to work, leaving only Brother Zhao to take care of him.
  "Your mother might be busy, so..." Brother Zhao tried his best to comfort him, but he stopped talking midway through his words.
  This is too pale and weak.
  What can you do in winter?
  No matter how busy you are, after three or two days, you still can't spare half the time? This is his own son, what could be more important than this?
  Meng is really too cruel.
  At this moment, any amount of comfort would seem unnecessary. Brother Zhao sighed. He didn't know what to say, so he could only tuck him in and sit aside to accompany him silently.
  It's cold in winter, and Xiaofeng's condition makes it really unsuitable to touch the water. He wiped his face and went to bed two nights ago. This day, Brother Zhao heated up the water and wanted to wait for Fang Zichen to come over and wipe Xiaofeng's body.
  It's not that he can't do it, but Xiaofeng is eight years old and a young man, so he should avoid suspicion.
  Xiaofeng couldn't move. When the boy was not around, he just stared at the roof.
  The door creaked open as someone pushed it open.
  Xiaofeng looked sideways and saw Fang Zichen coming in with water.
  "Fang, Uncle Fang."
  "Yeah!" Fang Zichen responded. In fact, he would rather Xiaofeng call him brother. Calling him uncle always feels a bit old, but if he calls him brother or uncle Zhao, then he is better than Zhao. My brother is a generation shorter.
  He hooked the stool next to the bed with his feet and placed the basin on it.
  Xiaofeng didn't think much, thinking that he was going to wipe her face, so she closed her eyes obediently.
  There was a sudden lightness on the body, and the quilt was lifted. Even though the door was closed, there was still a bit of cold wind pouring in from the crack in the door.
  Suddenly exposed to the cold wind, Xiaofeng shivered and immediately opened his eyes. Seeing Fang Zichen's green hands reaching to his chest to untie his clothes, he immediately pulled the quilt to cover himself in a panic.

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