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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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, he spoke nicely and could coax people, so he was fascinated by him. Even if he became a concubine, as long as they were in love with each other, it would be enough.
  Fang Zichen was also surprised at first, thinking that Brother Yi's mother was being ridiculous, but think about it, it is not uncommon for a rich lady to fall in love with a poor boy in modern times, not to mention that Yang Mutao is not a poor boy, but his status is a bit low. , Keren has the face of a scholar and a king of the sea. Little girls love this kind of appearance and cannot resist it. The daughter of the Wu family is willing to marry him as a concubine. It must be love that has gone to her head. Fang Zichen does not find it strange. .
  Mr. Wu knew it himself. If it was really to blame, he himself was not to blame. He was just a grandson, so it was not that he didn't feel hurt.
  "There's no rush." ​​He said, "Brother Yi is still young. Mr. Wu will not follow Young Master Wu around. I think Wu Wenjie is a romantic and charming person. He might forget Yi after a few months." Brother."
  After all, a big shot needs face. Many people are staring at his position. If he is not careful, he will be pulled down from the stage.
  Besides, since he was still here, the Wu family had to give him some slack.
  Yang Mingyi was a little more than fifteen years old, but in real terms, he was only thirteen. He would definitely not dare to rob the Wu family by force.
  Mr. Wu thought so.
  Wu Wenjie had the patience to 'coax' Yang Mingyi at first, but Yang Mingyi kept avoiding him and treated him without any pretense. He did not accept any gifts he gave, no matter how big or small they were, and returned them intact. Wu Wenjie thought that Yang Mingyi was trying to treat him. Playing hard to get, his heart was still burning and excited, but after many times, Wu Wenjie realized that the person was not hanging him on purpose, but was really avoiding him, and Wu Wenjie's patience ran out.
  He's just a businessman. How dare you look down on him?

  But Yang Mingyi's aloof look really made him feel itchy.
  It's cool and cold, as if it's out of this world. I wonder if it's the same in bed.
  Just thinking about it made his blood boil all over his body. But now that he is studying in Qinghe Academy, he has to give the dean some face... He
  doesn't dare to come openly, but he can do it secretly, as long as he does it cleanly enough.
  The Yang family began to be suppressed.
  Zuixiaolou was forced to close its doors.
  Even the second and third sons of the Yang family in Yuanzhou were also affected, and they came back one after another to persuade Yang Mutao to obey! But Yang Mutao is such a brother, how can he be willing? He didn't dare to tell Wu Wenjie's story. If the news got out, it would harm his reputation. If Wu Wenjie stopped taking the imperial examination because of this, the Wu family would definitely not be able to spare him.
  The other party is the prefect of Yizhou, and he himself has no power. If he wants to kill him, it will probably be easy.
  Yang Mutao had no choice but to bow his head and say sorry to his brothers, and the second and third eldest children of the Yang family left angrily.
  It was just like this at first, so Mr. Wu said that it was just a waste of money to eliminate disaster!
  The Wu family is afraid of Mr. Wu, but they don't dare to go too far. Moreover, there is no conclusive evidence, and they dare not say that it must be the Wu family. The Yang family has been doing business for many years and has offended many people.
  But last month when Mr. Wu returned to his hometown, his horse was frightened and Mr. Wu was thrown out of the car. I heard that he was seriously injured and he might not be able to come back soon.
  When Yang Mutao heard this, he knew he was going to suffer.
  As expected, Mr. Wu was not there, and the Wu family directly hired him, saying that he would welcome Yang Mingyi at the end of the month.
  Yang Mingyi has a mature temperament and is tall, but he is only a little over thirteen! Nowadays, most girls start looking for their husbands at the age of 14 or 15, and they get married at 15 or 16, but it is not the case that those who get married at the age of 13 or 4 are not without
  Yang Mutao. He has no choice but to go to Yuanzhou and ask his brother-in-law for help, but the Wu family is closed. not see.
  He wanted to take Yang Mingyi away, but Yang Mingyi couldn't even get out of the town gate.
  Wu Wenjie sent a servant with a message - if the Yang family in Fu'an Town disappeared, then there was no need to keep the Yang family in Yuanzhou City.
  Yang Mutao originally felt that it would be a shame to involve his younger brothers, but now he could only give up the idea of ​​​​taking Yang Mingyi to escape.
  Yang Mutao was running around for this matter, running into obstacles everywhere, but there was nothing he could do.
  No one can help him.
  No one understands him. They just think that he is ungrateful and even the Wu family doesn't like him. Why, do you think your brother is an immortal?
  Master Renwu comes here from the Grand Master of Yuanzhou every time. Which time does he come empty-handed? Big bags and small bags, even if Yang Mingyi was not hypocritical to him, he would always come to visit him year after year, never exceeding half an inch, observing the rules and regulations, this sincerity was enough, but the Yang family was still taking Joe, I don’t know what he is thinking.
  Magistrate Jiang was well-informed and said that Fang Zichen had come to Shangyang and asked him to go and look for it. Maybe there was still room for maneuver in this matter, but Yang Mutao was still a step too late after all his efforts.
  Later, he had no choice but to ask for everything he could. Thinking that Guaizi had mentioned the Qin family in his letter, saying that the Qin family had given him a lot of fabrics and that he felt very comfortable in them. Yes, there was some, and he could tell at a glance that it was from the other side of the river. Yang Mingyi saw that it was expensive and didn’t dare to ask for it. Guaizi wrote back and said that it was not expensive. The beautiful uncle sent it to him every time. There were many, many, and he used them all. It’s not over, Uncle Yang, don’t be polite to me!
  It seems that the Qin family treats him very seriously.
  Yang Mutao then thought about asking to go to Qin's house.
  He wasn't sure whether he could see the Qin family, let alone whether the Qin family would help him, but he had no choice but to be a dead horse.

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