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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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You can be a monkey right away, but this year, as soon as you enter southern Sichuan, the people on the road are walking with wind, and their mental outlook is also very different.
  Was this possible before?
  That's not possible, I was hungry before! Poor! The people's sorrow showed on their faces, and it made people's hearts feel heavy.
  Nowadays, everyone is still poor, and they still wear patched clothes and a pair of tattered straw sandals in the winter, but everyone has a smile on their face.
  This is the first time for Fang Zichen to lead a continent as an official. He knows all the rules and regulations, just like the company's end-of-year reports from various departments, summarizing what they have done in the past year, what troubles they have encountered, and what problems they have. , where the big boss needs to make the decision, and then look forward to the future.
  There are a few county magistrates in charge of things, nothing too outstanding, but they can make the people below live a stable life, and Fang Zichen can't force anything.

  There are few towns in the north of Ganzhou. Fang Zichen listened carefully to the reports of several county magistrates and asked some more questions, and he felt confident.
  Bei'an County, Beinan County, and Beiqu County all grow wheat. Beilu County has the widest area. There are many ditches, saline-alkali land, and wasteland overgrown with weeds. Grass plants are very abundant. The area and climate are similar to grasslands, so it is not very Grow good food...
  The county magistrates saw that Fang Zichen was silent and seemed to be thinking, so they all became quiet and did not dare to say anything.
  Fang Zichen looked at the magistrates of Bei'an County. These people were quite tall, in their forties, and had slightly dark skin. At first glance, they were different from Yang Chengfeng, who specialized in sitting in the yamen where he could not be exposed to the wind or rain. .
  Several county magistrates were stared at by Fang Zichen. They were so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe: "Sir, what are your orders?"
  "Of course I have."
  Brother Zhao was leading a few children to watch pigs being slaughtered in the outer courtyard. , a dozen county magistrates came in from the door, with smiles on their faces, beaming with joy, as if they had just picked up silver.
  They had done their homework and saluted on the spot when they saw Brother Zhao.
  "I have met Mr. Fang, the four young masters."
  The tone was polite, even if he was a husband, he did not dare to be rude.
  Brother Zhao also returned the gift and asked them to sit in the main hall for a while - these county magistrates will be treated to a meal today.

  People come all the way, so they can't go back with an empty stomach. Restaurants outside are expensive, so it's better to eat at home.
  The pig was brought back from the village and bought from Mrs. Jia's house. It cost about two hundred catties and was not expensive, less than two taels of silver.
  A pound of live pig costs six cents, sometimes even five cents. When it reaches the chopping board, it is worth another price, and the butcher makes the difference.
  Li Yanmei divided the meat herself, chopped the ribs with a clanging sound, filled the basins, and Brother Yu and others carried them to the kitchen.
  Today I’ll have a meal of pork ribs, a whole braised pork, a pot of pickled fish, and a few side dishes.
  There are many people and there are few dishes, so the quantity is larger, otherwise I might not be able to eat enough.
  The dishes were brought to the table. They were all served in large pots. The portions were very generous. The ribs had been stewed for a long time and the flavor was fragrant. In addition, they had to do business first. It was already noon and everyone was already hungry. Lulu, after smelling this smell, I couldn't stand it.
  The old-fashioned pork is very fragrant and firm, the pork ribs soup is rich, and there is sweet potato starch in it. The braised pork is a square piece, with alternating fat and thin. The same is true for the large pot of fish. I don’t know how to cook it. You can't even smell the fishy smell, but just looking at it makes people drool uncontrollably. The fried pork with cabbage is also shiny. Although they are county magistrates, the food they eat is not that good. The usual food is only two dishes and one meal. Tang, after all, the land is poor and cannot be compared with the county magistrate outside.
  They were all greedy now, but the adults didn't move their chopsticks, so they had no choice but to endure it. But today they seemed to be a little possessed, their hands were not very obedient, they kept trying to reach for the chopsticks, and their eyes were uncontrollable and wanted to fly. come out.
  Fang Zichen picked up the pork ribs with chopsticks first: "Eat it, you're welcome."
  The county magistrates took a mouthful of the noodles. It tasted like nothing they had ever tasted before. Is this sweet potato noodles? The factory that seems to be built in Anhe County will make this stuff.
  There is a precedent for growing mulberry trees. At first, I thought it would be imprudent to stop growing grains in several villages. If I wanted to do it, I would have to test the waters with one or two villages first. It is good to take drastic measures, but once If we don't do it right, we're afraid people will starve to death again. After all, there are lessons learned from the past.
  Now - it looks like it will work.
  After eating, everyone's belly was round, but the belly was full but the eyes were not full. They asked some questions directly at the table. After the food was digested, they asked the servants to lead the way to the hut. Once inside, they finished squatting. The county magistrate's heart skipped a beat when he saw that there was only a bunch of unknown stuff in the basket next to it that was specially used for shit stirrers.
  He touched the toilet paper. It was soft. It was placed here, and it was obviously for use. But this thing was white and paper-like, and it didn't look cheap!
  He took two and wiped them, and then returned to the main hall obediently
  . Everyone saw that he was very nervous.
  He didn't think much about it, but as soon as he sat down, the man said flatteringly: "Sir, I will let people plant pasture when we get back."
  Everyone blinked.
  what happened?

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