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Li Yisheng had eaten enough and was satisfied materially, so he began to move towards the spiritual world.
  "Zi Chen, do you have a sister?"
  This question was asked abruptly. Fang Zichen blinked and shook his head: "No."
  Li Yisheng asked again: "Do you have any brothers?"
  Fang Zichen: "No."
  There are no younger siblings. , then the brothers and sisters can do it too!
  Li Yisheng asked again, his little eyes sparkling with light. Fang Zichen reacted: "Is there anything? What do you want to do?"
  Li Yisheng came closer and brushed the hair on his forehead: "I just think you are taller. She must be pretty good-looking. If she has brothers and sisters at home, she must be pretty good too. What do you think of me? I don’t have any other advantages. I’m just a bit handsome, young and accomplished, suave, and my family has a small fortune. ·····So, if you don’t have a brother, do you have a sister?”
  Fang Zichen was speechless as he listened.
  He had always felt that it was good for a person to be confident, but his confidence was too much. When he couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, west, and how much he weighed, he really wanted to go over and give him a kick to make him realize what he was. Call it reality.
  Li Yisheng was verbose, and Fang Zichen was annoyed: "I have a hammer, do you want it?"
  "Um~" Li Yisheng wanted to decline politely: "Then..." Forget it, Fang Zichen looked at it before he said the words. He suddenly said coolly: "There is also a little flower, it's quite beautiful, do you want it?"
  The fire started again, Li Yisheng asked tentatively: "The little flower is..."

  Fang Zichen sneered and said casually: "It's my husband's little sow!"
  Li Yisheng: "..."
  A basin of cold water was poured on the pig head, and the fire was completely extinguished.
  Li Yisheng glared at Fang Zichen fiercely, and Fang Zichen leaned over with a smile and put his arm around his shoulder.
  "If you have a life of eighty or ninety years, and you have a love story that transcends all races, then it is not a waste of time for you to come to this world." Fang Zichen sincerely recommended: "My little flower is pretty good, fat and strong, with luxuriant hair. There are twelve pigs in a litter, which is much larger than sows of the same age. They are good at making a fortune and becoming well-off. You must know that choosing the right daughter-in-law is a man’s top investment. A smart man knows how to have a good wife. The importance of marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous wife. So, do you want to consider it? After passing this village, there is no such shop. I just want to see you and I can talk to each other, so I thought of reluctantly giving up. Ordinary people like me Don't blame him."
  Li Yisheng: "..."
  Actually, we didn't get to talk much.
  He turned around and pointed his butt towards Fang Zichen, feeling aggrieved.
  Because of his double eyes, Li Yisheng suffered a lot. He loved to study and wanted to take the science test since he was a child. One day, he would be admitted to Beijing and parade through the streets wearing a red flower. However, his family has been practicing medicine for generations. Because of his father, Violently oppressed, he had no choice but to study medicine.

  But the little flame of studying and taking the test was not extinguished until he was ten years old, when he sneaked out of home and wanted to take the county examination. The result... can't be summed up in
  one word.
  Li Yisheng couldn't get through the entrance door of the examination room, so Li Yisheng gave up. After that, he devoted himself to medical skills and learned quickly, but he got off to a bad start. When he gave an old lady acupuncture for the first time, the old lady frowned and asked He: "Doctor, you don't even need to open your eyes to give me the acupuncture?...Oh, can you see with your eyes? Don't inject the wrong acupuncture point! That will kill someone, forget it. Forget it, I'd better find another doctor!"
  Seeing him crestfallen, Fang Zichen felt a little sympathy. He thought about it and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged, and you must not lose your ambition. These beautiful skins are all the same, but interesting souls. If you choose one in a million, you will actually be too handsome and you will have a lot of troubles. One day, someone will discover your inner beauty. When the time comes, there will be many beauties for you to choose from." Li Yisheng was comforted: "
  Really ?"
  "Of course." Fang Zichen patted his chest: "You just met me, and you may not know yet, but I am actually an honest and trustworthy person who doesn't lie, has a kind heart, and has a good character.
  " In the evening, Fang Zichen got up early the next morning.
  Although he is seriously bedridden, he is still quite reliable when there is something important to do.
  Li Yisheng was with him, and the friendship between men, from acquaintance to acquaintance, was just a matter of a cigarette and a glass of wine. It heated up quickly. With his cheerful personality, it only took one night. Li Yisheng and Fang Zichen were like brothers.
  There are dozens of towns under Yuanzhou, and Fu'an Town is just one of them. The number of students who came to take the exam, plus their family members, numbered in the thousands.
  The inn was extremely nervous. Fang Zi visited several hotels in the morning and was told that the rooms were all full.
  Fang Zichen frowned, what should he do now?
  These nights, I can't sleep on the street with the sky as my quilt and the ground as my bed!
  It's not good to have sex with someone like him while he's asleep! Brother Zhao is not here. He is a good man and you have to protect yourself like a jade for him.
  If I had known earlier, I would have listened to Brother Zhao's words. He is one year older and eats a little more salt, so what he said is really damn accurate.
  Not only were the guest rooms full, the streets were also overcrowded and crowded.
  Some candidates came this time, accompanied by two or three family members, and the rich young masters were accompanied by hordes of servants. Thousands of people poured into the city. When they first arrived, they inevitably went shopping and bought some food and 'specialties'. When there were more people, they set up stalls. There were also more hawkers doing business.
  Everyone wants to take advantage of these few days to make a lot of money.
  There were no seats in the restaurant, so Fang Zichen and Li Yisheng bought two buns and squatted on the street to eat them.
  Yesterday, they were sleeping in the open air, their clothes were a little messy, and they had been running around looking for an inn early in the morning. They were already hungry, and they devoured the buns.

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