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"The Modern Young Prince-in-law of the Husband's Family" by Bai Yunshang

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Everyone is rushing to buy the things I made with my own hands. I always feel happy and want to make a big splash.
  "Master, let's change places!"
  "This is not good." Brother Zhao said.
  He couldn't always ask for other people's things. The Qin family had sent so many gifts before, which made him feel a little uneasy.
  When Nanny Feng heard this, she was even more satisfied with him and said truthfully: "Master, Mrs. Qin, the eldest young master, and the young master all like our good little young master the most. He is the old general Qin. When the old slave was still in the house, , I often heard him talk about our good young master! In the past, the eldest young master went back to Beijing with Madam Qin, and I went back to the house to take care of the old lady. During that time, the old slave never heard the general talk about the eldest young master! Not often Hug him, just our good boy, you saw it when we were in Hengyang. When the old general came back, he always hugged him and refused to let go." General Qin loves his good boy, and
  Brother Zhao knows that, good boy. During the few days that Zai lived in the Qin Mansion, the swelling in his face never went away. General Qin came back from outside every day. As soon as he entered the door, he first looked for the good boy and wanted to hold him and kiss him fiercely.
  One time, the good boy couldn't stand it anymore. When General Qin came back in the evening, he saw the good boy with his back to the door, sticking out his butt as big as a bowl, twisting around like attracting a big tiger, and said: "Grandpa, no kiss." You have so much face, my dear boy, can you kiss your ass? My dear boy’s butt is the most fragrant~ It tastes like butt.” That night
  he was chased all over the house by General Qin.
  Old General Qin couldn't catch up with him. He was even more satisfied when he saw him jumping up and down like a monkey.
  This guy's ability to escape is top-notch, he really has a future.
  Seeing that his face didn't loosen up, Aunt Feng continued: "To put it bluntly, old slave, you should know what's going on with the second young master. The eldest young master has no heirs. I don't know who the Qin family will leave to him in the future." , this shop and yard are very heavy in our opinion, but to the Qin family, it is nothing. They usually reward their servants with dozens or dozens of taels. When the old slave came, the old lady also told him, so My lord, please don't feel guilty."
  Brother Zhao thought about it and still felt bad. To the Qin family, a shop might not even look down on, but to him it was different. He He couldn't ask for it knowing that it was very expensive, and he really had nothing to give. The first gift was sent home, so he couldn't refuse it. Moreover, those were food and some fabrics. This was the same as going to and from the village. It was a good relationship and it was normal. You can get a handful of vegetables or a basket of eggs, but you can ask for these small gifts, but giving land is different.
  But finding a shop is indeed difficult.
  Those with better locations were not owned by officials. Everyone knew that it was difficult to find a good shop and rent it, so when we were looking for it, we rented it directly with Yahang for decades.
  Brother Zhao said he didn't want it and wanted to rent it, is that okay?
  Seeing that he was determined, Grandma Feng nodded.
  Call Uncle Tang to go with him to look at the shop.
  When I arrived, there was a young man inside who was dozing on the counter. When he saw Aunt Feng and Uncle Tang, he immediately saluted.
  He took the three of them for a walk, and on the way he heard from Nanny Feng that this shop sells groceries. But after walking around for a while, Brother Zhao felt his heart choked up. He felt that Butler Qin should be the one his husband mentioned. So called 'talent'.
  There were two large cages in the corner, with a sign on them: "Chickens are four cents each, ducks are five cents each, no matter the price." A voice came from the
  cage, and Brother Zhao glanced inside, and was speechless again. .
  "This looks like it should weigh more than three kilograms, right?"
  Are you just a chicken?
  The little man scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "It turned out to be a chicken cub, but it couldn't be sold later, so I kept feeding it, and the chicken cub became big."
  Brother Zhao: "..."
  Chicken Not far from the cage, there were two rows of snacks.
  Brother Zhao didn't smell anything at all, just the smell of chicken feces.
  Who would come to a place like this to buy pastries?
  The business in the shop is not good, but the shop is good.
  It doesn't matter if it's bad or not, it's really spacious. Both the shop outside and the yard at the back are bright and bright, and the location is good.
  When Nanny Feng saw that he was attracted to him, she asked the young man to call Butler Qin.
  As soon as Butler Qin saw Nanny Feng, she understood everything. She didn't ask for too low a rent to avoid people thinking too much, nor did she ask for too high a price. She gave her a medium price, which was considered reasonable.
  Brother Zhao held the document and was pleased. He knew what was going on. He went home and told Guaizi to write a letter to thank him.
  Guaizi did so.
  If it were anyone else, I might not know what to say even if I write several times a month, but Guaizi is different. He is only six years old, but he has a sixty-year-old heart. He loves to chatter a lot and can talk about anything. In the last two sentences, he ran back to his room, wrote letters and drew pictures. He didn't stop until Fang Zichen came home in the evening.
  Brother Zhao told Fang Zichen about the matter, and Fang Zichen scratched his head. He didn't know much about human nature, but if someone wants to give something, it's not free of charge. But Brother Zhao is right to do this, and he won't get anything for nothing. Lu! It’s embarrassing to take too much.
  Brother Zhao packed twenty bottles of hot sauce, along with a thick stack of letters, and asked the boy to take them and mail them.
  Zhao Song sent someone to help find a house, and a few days later there was news. It was also on Chang'an Street, on the same street as the shop.
  Fang Zichen and Brother Zhao went to see it, and the boy was wowed as soon as he walked in. He said how big the room was, and it was like a wild dog that had taken off its reins. He ran around and looked around, and he liked it at first sight.
  If you like it, you will definitely buy it.
  There is a main hall in the front yard, where you can receive guests when they arrive on weekdays. After passing through the flower gallery and passing through the arch, you will find the inner courtyard. After passing through the hut, there is a yard at the end with a pool in it, where the owner of the house raises his family. I planted some lotus flowers and brought in clean running water.
  This is what makes Fang Zichen most satisfied.
  If I buy it and turn it into a swimming pool, my kids will definitely like it.
  Fang Zichen walked around with Brother Zhao and asked him what he thought.

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