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Pulling the door open.
  "Go to sleep!" Brother Zhao took him and lay down. Just when I was about to turn on the light, there was a bang outside, as if someone had smashed the door.
  "Brother Zhao, I know you are inside. Open the door quickly, open the door quickly! If you don't open the door, your man will lose his hair."
  Brother Zhao stood up suddenly and looked towards the door in disbelief.
  The door was closed, so naturally he couldn't see anything, but his pupils shrank and he stared straight at the door.
  It was quiet again outside, and just when he thought he was sick with longing and hallucinating, there was shouting again.
  "Sleeping? Don't sleep yet! Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao, get up first and open the door! Otherwise you will become a widow. I'm not kidding you." Brother Zhao's blood was all over his
  body He seemed to be boiling again. He wanted to run out, wanted to go out immediately, but his body was frozen.
  The good boy got up in a hurry: "It's dad, it's dad, dad opens the door, dad comes back."
  Brother Zhao didn't move, he jumped out of bed, it was too high, and he fell, and his knees hit the ground. There was a loud sound, but he didn't cry or even cry out in pain. He moved the stool, stepped on it, opened the door, and ran out quickly.
  His cheering voice soon came from outside.
  "My little baby!"
  Brother Zhao breathed quickly and ran out barefoot.
  It can be seen that the moment he saw Fang Zichen, he almost didn't recognize him.

  Fang Zichen looked like a water ghost, his hair was messy, his clothes were wet and wrinkled, as if he had been pressed down and beaten hard.
  "Brother Zhao, you... holy shit, why are you like this?" Fang Zichen just exclaimed, Brother Zhao rushed over and hugged him tightly. , as if to melt him into his flesh and blood again.
  In the past, his lower body was very stable, but now Fang Zichen took two steps back, and his body seemed very weak: "Stop hugging me, Brother Zhao, find a doctor for me quickly. !"
  Brother Zhao hurriedly let go of him: "What's wrong?"
  Fang Zichen was about to open his mouth when a mouthful of blood vomited out first.
  "Husband~" Brother Zhao was frightened, and only now could he see clearly that there was a large amount of blood on his chest.
  He quickly helped Fang Zichen back to his room. As soon as he lay down on the bed, Fang Zichen's breath suddenly released, like a rubber ball.
  The good boy wiped away his tears: "Father, Simo Bird?"
  Brother Zhao ran out of the door without having time to pay attention to him.
  The good boy didn't chase him out. He climbed onto the bed again, covered Fang Zichen with a quilt, then lay aside and hugged his neck tightly.
  Fang Zichen was so breathless that he coughed: "Son, go... go and pour... some water for your father." "
  Okay, father, wait for your good boy. Father, please don't sleep."
  Barefoot Doctor Coming soon.
  He just felt that he was particularly destined to Fang Zichen's family these two days.
  There were two visits in just two days. This family got sick more frequently than other families.
  Farmers are poor, and they are usually very careful, fearing that their children will be sick and waste their money. Throughout the year, they never get hot or cold.
  But the Fang family is different. Rich people are willful and get sick easily. Yesterday it was Brother Zhao, and today it's Brother Fang again.
  It seems that they have agreed to take turns, for fear that this old man will not make any money and will starve to death or something?
  Every time it was late at night, when he was lying in bed.
  If it had been anyone else, he would have spat, but now he didn't dare.
  He thought it was an ordinary headache and brain fever, but seeing Fang Zichen's dying look, he just felt a little nervous. After checking his pulse, his eyes widened: "Did you give him medicine?" Brother Zhao didn't understand: "No.
  "No? Then what's going on with him?" The old doctor came: "Send him to the town quickly! If it's too late, someone will die." Before the
  joy of being recovered has risen, it feels like falling into an ice cave again.
  Brother Zhao's body felt weak, his legs were weak, and he was dizzy. He staggered twice and then stumbled to the village chief to borrow a bullock
  Fang Zichen was carried onto the bullock cart. He opened his eyes drowsily and saw the village chief about to drive away with his whip. He said weakly: "Give me... a quilt, it's cold."
  His body was extremely cold. No, I'm very weak. If I go here, I won't get cold before I reach the town.
  The good boy lay on his belly: "Father, good boy is warm, and father is not cold."
  Fang Zichen: "..."
  He had difficulty breathing and his chest was heavy.
  thank you!

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